Darwin’s game who will win?

Thales had finished hiding his Toy universe.

But it was his mind palace and he now knew two people infiltrated the jungle.

"I am not impressed, Sophie wants to step into the jungle by acting as the jungle is not as itself while making it believes it is, that is dangerous cultivation."

"I am not impressed she thinks I can't see this though, I'll tell Beato and see how she handles it, now that we are connected through the Toy universe, all I have to do is place my thought in it and the toy universe will spit that thought out in the jungle where Beato is."

"I need to accommodate the guests, Sahib and his band of merry men, let's see if I can't crush you like an ant"

Sahib Teleported to the borders of the sand, and now was crossing it with his men, he told Chance to go up ahead with Cletus Anthes who was Chrissipus guardian.

He, Xenophon and Chrissipus himself would stay in the back, in case they needed for some reason to reinforce their house.

And also to see what Thales would do.

Thales rode on his beast, wildly laughing as he could avenge the life form that resembled him.

He would arrive shortly; he unfortunately had Hera and Hera's guardian Alienor Phanes.

Meeting his guests

Hera was transformed, she was Thales and she could do a few things, she could manipulate atoms albeit not to his level, only destroy a few of them at once, she could also lower the willpower of her opponents as her punches hit the soul, she finally had enhanced physicals, this is what she could vaguely copy of the Thales she saw.

Alienor Phanes was a heart path cultivator, he could tell jokes and if his opponents found it funny he could kill them with the joke.

He was silently killed he had no clue what happened, this was because he did not know Chance, that is who killed him with his cultivation "esse est percipi" he walked up to him and killed him as if he wasn't there, Hera saw this but he didn't this is because Hera knew chance and therefore could perceive him.

The sands rumbled, Thales sensed Chance and conjured a sandstorm directly where he was.

Cletus intervened he countered this sandstorm with his technique called Hymn's smite; a thunderbolt crashed into the sandstorm and obliterated it.

Thales was not impressed, he already deduced the lightning only worked when the state a killing move would put your life in was uncertain, it was both heart and life path cultivation.

But he realized, he probably could only kill Chance himself, he ordered Hera to hold on.

She was careful, she was terrified though, she moved quickly on the battlefield.

She tried to close the distance on Cletus quickly, and cave his skull in as Thales.

Sahib chuckled; Hera, she was embarrassed at this because her disguise only served as skin armor now.

However it seemed, lightning never landed on her she didn't know the conditions but was courageous.

And she ended up landing a direct hit to Cletus skull moving faster than Chance could see.

However it had no effect, for it seemed Chance cultivation did not perceive the strike that killed him and therefore it did not happen thanks to his cultivation.

The scale was too encompassing that meant chance was a world path cultivator.

Cletus, then because it was uncertain forcefully whether he would die could shock her with his lightning, his Hymn smite. She could move faster but could not move faster than lightning; she was burnt to a crisp, dying horribly.

Beatrix once being told the earlier information by Thales sent zombies to their coordinates.

The Zombie was not many, some had to stay with Beatrix.

Beatrix was clever; she recognized the zombies were not impacted by techniques that influenced the mind for they had none.

Bithiah was wary when they came; to make matters worse Beatrix trapped those two in the garden of deeds, weeds and thickets blocked their exit.

A thorny path to escape from or forward to freedom, of course forward

But the zombies were forward, she had selected Naveen, Darnell and Roger.

Naveen used his divine mind and that sealed Bithiah.

Johan attempted to tell use his beauty but the zombies merely hungered for his flesh, Darnell had no mind but projected illusions in the man's head, Roger shot the man's leg off with golden light balls. Then the 3 slowly devoured the man while he was half mad, half conscious but alive, he was ripped limb from limb and eaten alive, while Bithiah had to watch she was to become a prisoner of war.

That is why she was spared alone, the other Johan as he was in terrible agony and shock from being eaten half remembered who he was, before he died.

Cursing Bithiah in between blood curdling screams, for how would he curse the dead?

Thales had ridden in on his beast, cutting across the sand.

He was at breakneck speed, but he skillfully looked at his two opponents, riding at this speed and also making the sand eat itself, he sucked it into the ground,

The body of Hera, he then quickly ate her and then used turn undead.

While he was doing this not caring about his opponents, Cletus attempted to smite him. It did not work.

Cletus cursed his cultivation at being so limited, apparently the beast could kill him certainly that Thales sat atop, the beasts claws alone satisfied the conditions but he couldn't use it for the definition required uncertainty not just killing moves.

When Thales was done, he told Hera to go fight Chance.

So she became Chance and Chance could most definitely perceive himself, so he fought himself.

Thales got off the beast, and bundled up sand.

He used sand castling techniques to harden it properly.

Then launched it with incredible power at Cletus with killing intent, which satisfied his conditions, so he prepared to smite as Thales threw it quite slowly and not to closely to him.

But for some reason he couldn't smite, he had no idea why, he knew the attack was a mere sand ball, but it had intent so what was wrong.

Then it hit him literally, smashing his head to pieces, sending his body flying like a puppet whose strings were cut off, he was dead and certainly so.

Thales smirked, as if telling the dead Cletus to know his place.

Sahib had heard from where he was the death of his comrade, he said it was time to kill Thales then, for real this time.

Sahib for the first time used his cultivation.

"World refusal"

He shot a golden bullet with his words; these words reached Hera's ears and presented the argument of her death by poking the ignorance in her logic, in the end she returned to a corpse even though she was turned undead.

Thales sank himself into quicksand, hiding wondering what its conditions were and incase it could still reach him Thales forced Sahib into his tribulation to buy himself some time.

The tribulation involved being sucked into a quicksand pit which brought you into this place called the sands of time.

Beatrix had told the zombies to bring Hera to the Temple of Dharma where she would be held prisoner. Then they would negotiate with Sophie once she was firmly secured.

However, something absurd happened, she applied a category to herself this made Bithiah not the Bithiah of herself. Meaning it made her unable to be experienced by the world itself, this was a suicidal move usually, but because the zombies had no minds they were unaffected by it, meaning things in the world would not work on her, including being necessary to experience through perception, but the Zombies supported her existence.

They could see her, but couldn't even fight her, being cognizant of her was the only maxim they could apply.

So she was no longer a prisoner, she waltzed away.

The zombies could only watch, and since they were aware of her, she won't be able to die by an attack you'd have to experience.

She was invincible and was free in the Jungle, she walked to where Beatrix was now, the information of the main camp, once she obtained that Sophie herself would show up.

With her blonde hair and green eyes, a suit of a battle maid, she smiled thinking that once they had a foothold in Thales's territory this constituted as a path to victory.

Sophie Vidya would arrive soon. Bithiah was one of her father's favorites she had actually seen him multiple times and it seemed he would not be losing her so soon if he cared.