Darwin’s game attacks from everywhere

Thales was troubled, Sahib had fearsome battle strength and he would not be held for long, Sophie on the other hand had successfully infiltrated the Jungle and yes she would realize she couldn't bring it down and would likely not resort to killing everyone there which in reality was only 2 people.

Thales wanted to send people to back up Beatrix but couldn't in case they defected again.

So what she would do is likely come here when she realized it wasn't possible to take it down which would increase his opponents. He had no information on Sophie too.

"Damn it, it's fine then I'll do this, Thales decided he would just straight up march to Sahib's territory and destroy his House"

He told Jeanne Jacques to come here along with William Blade.

He also took some of Beatrix's zombies.

He brought them into the sand, he needed to feel out Sahib's cultivation, so he brought fourth Thomas Aquamarine and Bondrewd to the sand he had no idea what these two could do so it was a good opportunity to gain some experience.

William and Jeanne would take a while to get here, he told William Blade to come with him while Jeanne should reinforce the zombies, even if the toy universe was hidden, how long would that be against a venerable? Or even two.

But he on his own charged to the labyrinth of wisdom on his beast.


Beatrix and Al-Gha stood fourth against Bithiah, there were zombies too, but according to Thales they were useless.

Beatrix thought they have hold off or even retreat in their own territory.

The main camp was situated in Nirvana's veil.

While the entrance to the sands could be interpreted as the wheel of rebirth even though it could be made the case that Nirvana should be the entrance point, Thales flipped it around.

Beatrix had summoned all tribulations to slow Sophie down when she arrived in the river, but she would inevitably arrive, she was also coming with John Key and his guardian Alchemus Boyle.

However Bithiah had already arrived here, this was not a good situation but she must resist, if she can avoid becoming a burden Thales's can probably turn this around.

"I have to believe in Thales's but I have to believe in myself"

Thales's when he rode on his beast had some ideas regarding his homunculi cultivation but he believed he didn't have enough time.

Sahib, easily broke out the sands, thanks to Jugal who was lying in wait, Thales may be lucky Jugal decided to free Sahib instead of attempting to fight him because he manifested his mind palace and made the sands of time, forget itself.


 "Thales ran away? Oh well, we should just destroy his palace before he even figures out a way to destroy mine"

This was what Sahib said, but he shortly frowned. For some reason Sophie Vidya was standing in front of him.

She had arrived here even before the zombies did somehow.

How? What happened?

Thales charged into the lab and it seemed he already deduced the mind palace manifested in the place he died, the dialogues of wisdom.

He laughed crazily; this was merely a place now.

He saw someone he nearly killed him before Magnus Logos and his guardian Xander.

Xander was about to transform but before he even could, Thales simply launched at an incredible speed and punched Xander into pieces.

He then mocked Magnus.

"Go on then bring your boy back, he was easy prey I'll do it again as easily as breathing"

Magnus frowned.

He quickly manifested a mind palace and made it so the actual phenomena of Xander dying was only a possibility through his mind palace range "The Lyceum"

Well he attempted to, it didn't work, because the possibility of his death didn't even exist, he wasn't dead he was nothingness and nothingness did not have any potential or actual state. It just is not.

The reason he was nothingness is because Thales Miray had punched the soul.

Without a soul he returned to nothingness.

He turned his attention to Magnus.

"You're next"

"Sophie how are, you here so fast? Is Miray really that incompetent?"

Sahib uttered and then told Jugal to return to reinforce Magnus, while he would kill Sophie himself.

"Chrissipus go check what Brother John and his friend can do"

"World refusal" Sahib directly attempted to deny Sophie's existence.

Sophie smiled and revealed her own cultivation.

"Beautiful truth" Sahib attempted to deny, while Sophie asserted the truth rendering the world refusal to be useless, this would mean Sahib would need to get creative."

Sophie charged forward attempting to impale Sahib with her spear, who? cares about taking down the house when you're not home.

Xenophon charged out countered the spear with his military gamma knife and small bombs.

He was a weapons expert. An expert in combat

Sophie was forced to back up.

Sahib realized he needed timing to hit the world refusal.

If he could find Thales's mind palace he could replace it with his and increasing his effective range for his world refusal too.

But that didn't seem practical in the current situation.

How did she even get here so fast?

The zombies Thales sent along with Jeanne finally approached.

Earlier to these events

Beatrix Hecate fought Bithiah Kant while being supported by Al-Gha Bagdad, Bithiah wasn't even able to be seen, and Beatrix had to intuit where she was based on her zombie's reactions.

She directed Al-Gha, but Al-Gha said he could see he clearly with his divine perception, his self climbing through spiritual progressions. He could directly harm her soul.

He launched kicks at Bithiah which she evaded; annoyed that she could be seen and even harmed.

Someone of her siblings aside from the obvious could actually harm her in this state.

She was precarious, Al-gha was ferocious he sent a fury of attacks, a flurry of kicks and strikes attempting to catch Bithiah, she was too dangerous to be a prisoner now.

Beatrix could only watch, she had a technique she could use but it was too close quarters.

She decided to check where Sophie was.

She was terrified, Sophie was right in

Front of her arriving quickly, she was a venerable but she really crushed through the tribulations that quickly?

"Sorry Beatrix, surrender. You don't have to even be harmed, reveal the location of your mind palace or allow us to pass through here."

Beatrix looked at her; the zombies could see her she motioned them.

It was an entire army.

But all Sophie did was calmly smile and launch her teammate John key through the crowd directly in front of Beatrix with impressive strength her physicals likely being amped from The Mountains and the armor Sophie wore.

The man John key had a sad smile. "Tabula rasa" he chanted, his hand exerted a bright light in Beatrix's eyes, she fell asleep, and went hollow but not physically, it is like her memories, her experiences were extracted as information and she was nothing more.

The zombies stopped and Sophie casually walked past, they needed consciousness to move; only Thales Miray could command them now.

Sophie then blitzed to Al-Gha and impaled him with her spear, tossing him aside like he is garbage, impaled deep.

John then told her Beatrix didn't know where the Toy universe was, Sophie said that was a trouble but she could now clash with it, now one of its masters was inactivated, controlling the Jungle and directly teleporting to the sands.

"The republic" She briefly summoned it then sent it back to her mountains.

Then was on her way, which was what happened until now.

Thales had already killed Xander destroyed his soul.

Next he moved faster than Magnus could perceive he shook it, one punch and two punches.

Magnus would try to fight back by negating the punches themselves.

Thales smiled, because even though Magnus negated the possibility of being punched, the soul remembered.

And therefore all Thales had to do was manipulate his own soul to remember he did punch in actuality, reminding the Lyceum it was punched it then started to crack.

The mind was infinite, but so was the energy Thales could produce.

Magnus was pissed off and then suddenly Jugal Kingsley appeared.

This was now 2 venerables vs. Thales Miray.

Sophie she faced Xenophon combat style which appeared to be a bit of everything the true form of mixed martial arts.

He could not damage her in anyway, but he could avoid her attacks while attacking like a fly.

Chrissipus cultivation was world path it involved introducing laws, or categories he could then place you in that category and you were fated to follow the rules of that category.

However, John simply sacrificed his guardian and hit him with the Tabula rasa before he could be placed into a category.

Sahib calmly used world refusal and reversed that situation, however now Chrissipus was weary of coming near John.

He needed time to think of what categories to place John into so he could limit his combat potential.

"Sahib this is a gallant opponent you have given me, unfortunately his death is true" She asserted the truth of his death, this time Sahib used world refusal because of the nature of the two techniques Sahib had to place limits on his own technique to deny her it became a debate, Xenophon survived but he was pierced since that was logical enough.

Sophie wanted to finish him off normally, but Sahib denied she had even moved from the spot, she couldn't multitask so Xenophon lived again.

The rules were neither could create a contradiction for their technique it was about who had the better arguments to assert and to negate.

John had to backup because his comrade was dead, he told Sophie to allow reinforcements to move to the jungle to back them up, she said for now that was fine.

They could simply teleport from the Mountains to the jungles and the jungles to the mountain.

Chance Berkley had been thinking about what to do since everyone could perceive him, so he decided to go look for the toy universe.

Sahib heard reinforcements were on the way, he was happy, he said his preparations would come through soon.

Thales squared off against the two venerables, Jugal pulled out a sword, it was ordinary, sharp but wasn't like William blades sword; he thought William could hold off Jugal while he took down Magnus.

He was wrong, Thales was about to destroy Magnus mind palace with a ferocious punch, however, this did not come to pass somehow Jugal cut off Thales's arm.

But it was weird it was like he wasn't cut, then Thales noticed while his arm fell off, it was pain he grunted from it.

Jugal had cut his shadow.

Thales had no clue how shadows worked if they were not based on light. Or maybe they were but more metaphysical.

Thales had to back up.

He told William blade to not let him cut again if it costs him his life.

So William sword sung and parried Jugal attempting to cut off Thales head.

Unfortunately due to the lyceum being manifested, it negated the possibility of William parrying the cut, Thales head was cut clean off.

Or more like his shadows head, Thales could not regenerate from that.

Laughter erupted

The Lyceum shattered to pieces.

What happened?

Thales had used Renee's cultivation, reverse stream crying cicada, it was all a dream, Thales woke up and kicked the Lyceum with his infinite energy finally destroying it.

Magnus was sent flying by the after damage.

He was humbled; he was annoyed to be overcome by a technique he defeated previously.

He negated being killed by the shockwaves from Thales's attack.

But could not negate the Lyceum's death

"Next you will be buried and forgotten Magnus"

But Thales had heard a laugh, it was a crazy laugh, Jugal had sliced William's shadow in half bisecting the poor man into two.

But that was not why Jugal laughed.

"Thank you for creating that opening, Thales Miray."

Jugal brought out his mind palace.

"The academy"

Thales prepared the cicada just in case but he had no clue what Jugal would do.

He did the unexpected, he used his cultivation on Sahib's Kallipolos, why would he do that?

He made Kallipolos forget it was Kallipolos then destroyed it. By ramming into it with his mind palace when he was in a blank face.

"He cried, I'm sorry Sahib, I am sorry you were a great man, but you are not the one the world is waiting for, a man must not forget the face of his father"

It had seemed Jugal Kingsley was Sophie's guardian.

Sahib had felt, his mind palace being destroyed in its manifested state, at first he thought Thales beat 2 venerables, but realized if he did, his men should be dead.

"I was betrayed then, they used sophistry on me? That is fine, I will not die even if I am betrayed and I will live for my ideals, me, Sahib alone. I am Wisdom"

"Then it is time!"

Sophie gained an advantage on Sahib; she managed to kill Xenophon with the destruction of the mind palace.

But Sahib told his remaining men to retreat.

He couldn't go defend what didn't exist so what was his plan, how would he survive?

In the jungles of karma, zombies were stationary.

Apart from one

 Naveen something was happening to him.

His skin, no his essence busted fourth.

"So Jugal was the spy" Naveen, Jugal's former guardian spoke

"Anima mundi"

That was the technique used.

The cultivation, of one that can bring a soul back as long as the world remembers, of course it would remember, who else was Naveen true form, but Amanavir nous replacing this body, Naveen was a split soul body of Amanavir Nous, not quite a homunculi grade entity but quite good in its own right.

For example Split souls actually held your concept of self, if your self was destroyed and it was your split soul, the main body would still suffer.

Amanavir had a fragment of Kallipolos just in case, Sahib planned for this situation he wanted to use it against Thales, but he was forced when the hemlock poison killed his mind palace.

A traitor or no maybe a spy from the start was a deadly poison.

Amanavir allowed Sahib to teleport here, severing Sophie's connection to this place.

Sahib then summoned forth again, kallipolos adapting to the circumstances although he was livid Sophie won the battle for now, he would win the war.


And the jungle was now mostly Sahib he controlled it, but Thales Miray as long as the toy universe manifested, he could teleport here.

All that remained in the sands were Jeanne and zombies, as well as Sophie.

Sahib remaining camp apart from Magnus were now licking their wounds in the jungle of karma.

Thales offered Magnus a hand to chase Jugal across the desert and to kill Sophie. He accepted.