Darwin’s game will end in the end.

Sahib pondered on what to do, he did live and simply replaced his territory but the labyrinth of wisdom was no more.

He thought he should probably send his men to attack the Mountains, since he should stay here himself, since there were 2 venerables on Sophie's side, likely 2 possibly 3 he had no clue about Magnus's allegiances. But he knew Jugal was a traitor, based on his vague feeling he got from his heart path, it was hard to make a deduction Jugal was still a venerable after all.

Thales charged on his beast through the desert.

Escaping the chaos that ate the labyrinth of wisdom

Thales wondered on if he should have just cut ties with the sands and saved it but it was practically giving Sophie two territories.

The toy universe was still not found it seems.

Bithiah Kant could probably find it, but she was already killed by Sahib's faction as soon as they arrived.

So they would have to spare effort and time to find it, or simply kill Thales himself.

"So Jeanne, what will it be? Thales or I"

"Beatrix is on Thales's side, I will not betray her"

She said while on a headless horse, with a spear in hand.

Seemed her cultivation allowed her to connect prim ally to nature and animals.

To the point she could ride this Horse without being a dullahan or undead.

"Beatrix Hecate will never awaken again as long as John key remains, but he'll happily return her memories if you rejoin our side, then we can rescue her and finish off Sahib"

She was conflicted; she didn't want to betray even Thales, even if he was a little intense.

It didn't matter what she thought though because the zombie Thomas Aquamarine had already began to attack he, brought fourth, a world cultivation called degrees of perfection, if it was also heart path, it made it so if Thomas believed something was less perfect than his current observer that thing would receive spiritual damage.

Sophie's cultivation asserted the truth that she was more perfect than the observer. The observer in this case was Thales, since he lost his faith and the truth override that.

The Zombie Bondrewd used his blade of light to attempt to stab Sophie but she parried that attack with her spear, she told John to go and find the toy universe, so the forces could storm the sands.

She expertly used tai chi and her spear moves to sap the energy of regenerating from the zombie when she cut Bondrewd into pieces; Sophie was the first to successfully kill a zombie.

Unfortunately before Thomas could also be killed, Thales Miray had arrived.

He pulled in his beast looked at Jeanne wondered where Jugal was.

Then he realized he probably went to look for the toy universe.

This meant it was 2 venerables against Sophie alone.

Sophie called back Jugal.

She would have to resist Thales and Magnus until Jugal arrived.

Thales realized he had lost the jungle.

Mostly, he brought back all his zombies.

Luckily Sahib had left them, he had no clue what happened to Beatrix and it seemed Al-gha was dead.

He didn't want to use them now since it seemed she had methods to kill a zombie.

He realized Naveen was not called back, so he was an inside man.

Thales told Magnus to summon his lyceum and cover him.

He would simply turn her into a blood pulp he dismounted his beast and charged at her.

He had William in his mind palace he was sure he could be saved, he did stitch the body back together and put the soul to sleep, he would probably have to gain knowledge about how to heal your shadow and what shadows were.

Thales himself had both arms only because he actually died but cheated death.

"Hey Sophie before you die what did you do to Beatrix"

"John put her to sleep; only he can wake her up"

"Sleep, she is always asleep; well she lived a good life"

Sophie was confused does he not care she has a hostage.

Yes she could not confirm if that hostage was safe but still.

Thales punched her and she went spiraling.

Her armor did not crack, it was fine.

"Hmm when I hit that substance it felt familiar, what are you made of?"

Doesn't matter I'll bypass the body and just hit the soul.

So Thales did exactly that, Jeanne could just watch in awe.

She tried to attack once but Magnus negated that possibility and actualized that she sprained her ankle.

Apparently Thales said not to kill her, which he didn't care to go against that order.

Thales was moving at a speed simply incomprehensible to Sophie.

He grabbed her by the throat she tried to swipe her spear at him, he regenerated, head butted her, threw her in the air, jumped expertly into the sky and slammed his leg into her helmet.

She was slammed into the ground.

She nearly died, but she asserted the truth that the soul was immortal.

Thales then was pissed, she couldn't lie but she could make mere possibilities true.

If the Soul was immortal, that doesn't mean it was unchangeable only invincible.

So he merely had to change his tactic and touch her soul.

He tried to stomp her head, she barely avoided the attack using her spear to propel her body out of the way.

Magnus however negated her evasion; she asserted the truth that she had evaded.

And Thales shot her leg on the atomic level.

Bypassing her armor when she couldn't multitask

He then slowly approached her and snorted

"Who knew you would die like a dog, sorry to give you such a shameful death Sophie Vidya" he looked at her coldly with his abyssal eyes, ready to touch her soul.

He touched her soul, she changed, but not into something Thales expected.


She had become a golden dragon soaring into the sky, she had reached a flowering statehood, which asserted the truth when she changed she would be a dragon the world bent to, an infinite dragon.

To match Thales's infinite energy, she breathed golden flames and Thales attempted to counter with a punch, but he was burnt to a crisp, not even his atoms survived, infinite energies down to the foundation.

With her eyes she could see the truth of the universe she knew where the toy universe was.

So she flew there, telling her teammates to return to the mountains to combat Sahib's measly forces.

In this state she viewed Magnus as an insect.

And breathed on his lyceum, it didn't attack it conventionally it reverted it to when it was not manifested.

Magnus survived but he had no clue what happened.

She had already flown away, Thales Miray, returned luckily he activated the cicada prior.

She started to burn his soul.

But now he was fine.

He decided, to abandon the toy universe and go fight Sahib directly.

He teleported to the jungles leaving Magnus and Jeanne behind

"Thales Miray only I am here the rest will go to ransack Sophie's territory."

"If you are only here I will not use my zombies."

"That is fine, so we settle this cleanly a 1 vs. 1 if so I shall go all out and win"

"Yeah let me just make sure my buddy is ok, he brought out Eir, healed Al Gha and brought him into his mind palace then returned Eir"

"It seemed the reason Sahib never killed the Zombies was to lure Thales here"

"World refusal the form of good; Wisdom King Statehood"

Sahib discarded his physical form; he was just pure white goodness.

Thales was impressed; he didn't know what he had to counter this.

Sahib was shouting world refusals passively, world refusals that denied the negation to his negation.

Thales decided, to remember when seeing this light.

"I was once an egg eternal, borne from the world, my mother was that world, she was cold, it was deep, and the world was too oxidizing. I am not that egg; I am the chicken that came before, Thales Miray. But I remember the good when I see your eternal good; you are not ready boy, not ready to chase the good that escapes mortals"

Thales was not Thales.

His black eyes looked simply eternal.

Sahib was shocked.

He tried to deny it, but he couldn't deny the eternal truth.

"Who are you?"

"Simply Thales Miray"

"Here face the entire ocean in a single drop" Thales handed a bubble, no a droplet of water, this was the potential of his soul, it swallowed Sahib Whole.

"I want to scream, but my lungs are filled with water, I cannot breathe, I have no mouth, I cannot scream"

"What was I fighting against?"

Sahib's mind snapped in two. Sahib Nabal was no more.

Thales Miray returned, unaware about what happened, but he saw something interesting in his mind palace, he ate Sahib.

"Beatrix you can stop playing dead now"

The hollow doll Beatrix still was alive, she had empty eyes Thales placed a droplet of water inside of her and she was Beatrix once more.

Beatrix let's have fun and kill Sophie now.

Sophie had destroyed the Toy universe, she manifested the republic.

While Thales simply manifested it into the Jungle again

Sophie controlled the sands in exchange for the mountains

Everyone who was there would crumble, Sophie teleported her faction in there and Chrissipus Anicius and Chance perished in the chaos of the mountains collapse.

Now the final battle was.

Sophie Vidya, John key, Augustine Colt, Jugal Kingsley, Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius vs. Thales Miray, Beatrix Hecate, Al Gha Bagdad, Magnus Logos who joined Thales and Jeanne-Jacques Indira. The last two were teleported into the jungle before the toy universe was destroyed. As well as Thales zombies, however

It was too monstrous, he was too monstrous.

Thales simply walked into the sands as if he were supposed to be there with no care in the world.

"The great flood"

"Everything in life is comprised of water to the deepest level everything is moist, you are not more flexible than water, not softer and yet you cannot resist it, drown"

Thales flooded the place it was like chaos but worse, this was exceed tier abilities rivaling an eternal sage at least, able to touch the worlds foundation.

It flooded the desert and yet didn't kill anyone but Sophie.

The Flood was all there was, drowning was all she could do; her statehood could assert no truth greater than water.

The secrets of all oceans were too great for Sophie to comprehend. Magnus nearly went mad seeing this since he understood what it entailed.

It was too precise, it was a precise result, Thales Miray had won the Darwin's game, and how had Thales Miray reached that level?

He ate his brother Sahib.

With that 10 could leave. Thales Miray, Beatrix Hecate, Al gha Bagdad, Jugal Kingsley, Magnus Logos, William blade albeit injured, Jeanne Jacques Indira, Augustine Colt, Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius and John key.

2 days later Thales had to rest greatly, he woke up and was told to enter a room.

It was an isolated room, he heard a hum it was the one Zeno was humming, The man had finesse of a god, he hummed and played the piano it was an impossible piece and yet he played, it was called rush e, he played and then stopped. He spoke, grey hair, once light green perhaps? Red eyes, no one red and one brown. "You have finally arrived, child Miray"