
Thales, Edmund and Beatrix wandered in the dark.

Thales was scared but calmed his spirit if this was battle he would be fine.

Beatrix was excited but wary in battle.

Edmund was stoic and ready for the creatures of the dark on the way to Mother Spider.

A huge shape swam with endless serrated teeth, Thales senses warned him just in time, it was like the shape manifested out of nowhere. But it still took a chunk of his body barely missing his heart, he lost an arm while dodging.

"F*ck it's hard to be careful here"

"Lady Beatrix, watch out"

As this giant dark predatory fish with their spiral shaped teeth, spiraled endlessly, towards their prey the girl, Beatrix for some reason. They were ethereal, ghastly cursed creatures and they came to haunt Thales's spirit by taking what was dear to him.

3 swam towards Beatrix.

But luckily Edmund warning had her scared but she attempted to evade.

She was only a girl; she didn't know which one to avoid.

"Archangel: CAMAEL"

Edmund unsheathed his blade, with its golden hilt it set ablaze.

Holy fire, he sung this rapidly at the creatures, cooking their skin.

They attempted to writhe away in agony.

"Creatures of the dark, good fear the light and repent for your sins"

These monstrous enormous fish, may be predatory creatures you may think they operate on instinct, would we fault a lion for hunting? But this creature known as Spiral Tooth leviathan had a malign intuition.

"So Edmund offered them no mercy and only salvation"

"The chance is offered to all, until next time in the limitless cylinder of fate" he spoke to the creatures as he shouted his song through his swordplay as they were cut to pieces.

Thales was also enraged.

Two more had come and with two fingers he snapped them into pieces he shredded their atoms into motes.

It didn't take him long to regain his footing.

"Ow damn it"

His wound ached where his arm was but his nanomachines had started to repair his wounds.

"Book of healing"

His arm remembered what it was. But it was in pain it seemed not many had remembered being attacked by this creature lost to the shadow lands.

Ghalib team had encountered other malign creatures.

Large saber toothed creatures synapsids, powerful jaws and sharp fangs they were mammal like but also reptile like, they had a long and narrow skull, the skin had bone spikes and their fur as dark as the surroundings, pitch black, ferocious beasts and a whole pack of them.

They snarled and gnawed hungrily, they saw the cultivators as easy prey and playtime.

They drooled and even seemed to smirk.

They pounced and stampeded at the 3.

Shang Yang swiftly moved.

He swiftly jumped onto a tree branch it was amazing ability he recognized it in the dark.

The beasts laughed madly, while their alpha looked at Shang Yang, seemed it wanted to direct its forces to knock down the tree rather than trying to follow him. It viewed Shang Yang as a monkey and that was a disadvantage for it.

Ghalib backed up and then closed his eyes and folded his arms.

Little Tzu, ripped off his arm and then threw it into the pack of dogs.

Those that caught it happily ate it up and they were bloodlusted they wanted more.

But something strange was going on, the dreadfang slinkers, which were the beasts' name. That consumed the arm, were madly attacking the own pack, even the ones who went after Shang Yang halted and were confused.

Shang Yang while they were caught off guard maneuvered to where Little Tzu was.

He gave precise battle commands; he was leading the army that rebelled.

He also healed Little Tzu's arm as a battle contribution for his enslavement cultivation.

The ones who were controlled not only were they smarter in battle now thanks to Shang Yang, Little Tzu's cultivation also made them stronger together. This was the dual efforts of Shang Yang and Little Tzu.

In the end they were wiped out when Little Tzu cornered the alpha the rest fled in panic or submitted to Little Tzu's pack.

Ghalib simply thought it wasn't worth expending efforts on mere mutts.

When Ghalib opened his eyes he didn't see the pack.

He saw a figure.

And he cried out in shock.


"Why are you here, no?"

"But I'm not perfect yet, but I am perfect and always have been."

"No what is perfection, I will be perfect for you, but what is perfection for me, why am I turning mad again for you the illusion of you again Lilith."

It seemed creatures danced in the darkness, known as shadow scale spiders' personal court of Mother spider, they shaped illusions shadows of what could be but not what is. It seemed they toyed with Thales too.

"I'm me right, but me not forever me, me now, I want to hold on, why are you leaving me Edmund and Beato."

"But why, I changed you bastards I changed, why you are leaving?"

"I hate gods and religion not each individually I can accept the parts not the whole, why is that not enough" Thales shouted in frustrations.

"It's ok Thales, the bad dreams, I'll burn them away" Edmund stated

"And I'll replace them with sweet ones" Beatrix stated

Edmund had used Camael to burn the spiders away. Thales didn't have to work today.

And Beatrix used part of what seemed to be her new cultivation, starlight shield to protect Thales from the flames.

They hugged him, they said it wasn't ok, but it would be alright now.



"Weakness and loneliness"

"I've felt all those parts before, darkness can even be my friend now, you're bound to confront darkness when you seek immortality beyond dreaming"

"I'm awake now Lilith, you're not here all I am, is divine misery and that is ok misery is just another name for my perfection, Wu Wei" He had become the darkness so the shadows now were his friends, the webs broke and the spiders scurried into the dark.