Seven days of Passover.

An eye in the dark scouted in the dark, he saw a decent army of beasts that could be dangerous for him.

So as if he were a shadow, he attempted to behead the eye in this storm with a quick grab and a tear at Little Tzu's head.

His fingers never reached though.

"It's a father's duty to see ahead of his foolish son" he smirked

Thales's arm was torn off, but was quickly regenerating due to the nanomachines or rather not Thales but his homunculi.

Shang Yang immediately tried to retaliate by having the beasts attack this Thales.

But this Thales grinned and grinded the beasts who came at him with a shockwave as he stomped on the ground

Little Tzu, told the beasts who lived to back up while Shang Yang calculated an exit route.

This Thales was parried by a song from "Ars Duke: Astaroth" This was Ghalib's blade he sword sung from. He was annoyed because not even his real body knew how to deal with sword singing yet.

And yet he as the mini man would have to try and analyze calmly or retreat.

"You are not my son and you will not satiate my hunger and stop my greed for eternal life"

This Thales felt sluggish for some reason he knew he couldn't dodge.

Ghalib flicked song patterns that danced and curved through his swordplay.

He had a dream like smile as if he was truly having fun.

But Thales-H had lined up Ghalib and fired at his atoms.

He attempted to make them collide and explode Ghalib's heart.

But Ghalib's Homeostasis was abnormal he simply willed his heart not to explode and cut Thales-H deeply.

"Your existence made my skin crawl deeply and now I can at least experience what it would be like killing you."

An arrow zipped past. And Ghalib had barely realized what happened, it wasn't like he was pierced by this strange starlight arrow, he was being encased in a fistula of time.

"Beato said you should have a time out to think" Thales-h while injured prepared to track down Ghalib's guardians while Beatrix time prison sealed Ghalib with his age divided by 10 and then converted into minutes. Ghalib was 45 so 4 and half minutes which is what should have happened.

"If I liked to bask in my dream of perfection, then I dream, when I want to return to the world of suffering I wake up Butterfly, Bee and Ghalib. All can be real"

Ghalib said this as he had frozen Thales in time while being trapped in the fistula still.

"There is a Ghalib that is asleep in the cage and there isn't it is like a cat box. Your argument vs. mine, without a third party who can refute my perfection I am perfect. Is this resistance of time futile, for it I suffer two lives one where I am perfect and one where I am not, either way I am bored of that dream, it is time for you to wake up too"

Ghalib said this tossed Thales-H on the floor and then decapitated him with sword singing.

Thales-H did not have the cicada and sword singing cut too deep, nah he was just too lazy to attempt to exist anymore.

"Only I can rebel against time and fate, I will usurp my own destiny" Ghalib screamed with passion.

Thales felt the death of his homunculi but Beatrix told him her cage still sealed Ghalib somehow. They both were confused.

Thales manifested his mind palace the toy universe he told Beatrix and Edmund to protect it while he actually went inside it after pouring some darkness in, he would prepare to cultivate it with some help.

As if they were waiting for an opportunity shadows slinked up.

They were a form of long, shrimp like predators, a carapace shell, with many grasping claws and a gaping maw with razor sharp teeth. Beatrix was terrified but Thales told her to hold on.

He with no fear punched the soul out of one shattering it to pieces with blinding speeds and then dragged the hollow shell into the toy universe for further inspection leaving the rest to Edmund and Beatrix.

Ghalib sat in the fistula of time in a lotus position waiting for his freedom.


His comrades waited, even now Ghalib had to bend the knee to time and this frustrated him to no ends.

"I've been perfect"

Ghalib watched as he saw with nothing he could do a monstrous crustacean with an elongated body drag little Tzu into the murky depths.

Shang Yang barely reacted and the beasts defended their other master and new territory against this new foe.

Shang Yang saw Little Tzu not just frozen with fear but paralyzed like he had been paralyzed with a stinger and now the creature with the same stinger appeared to have melted little Tzu's insides which were slowly gulped up as Shang Yang saw this creatures horrifying form.

Shang Yang could only get atop a beast to safety and reposition himself.

While Ghalib could only watch and wait

This creature was called a abyssal scuttler, the name reminded Ghalib of his sons eyes as he was being hit with angst at the situation he found himself in.

Thales in the toy universe pondered the essence of the creature he absorbed.

Dark, crawling in the dark

He pulled out a famous book

"<> by ETERNAL MONOMYTH primordial, legacy 41"

Be warned he who guides, you must know, even the highest acknowledges The Mystery, they hear it's beyond eternal song, and live it to the full. Even the ego loved The Mystery one creature will betray it, it was now here and now gone. The lowliest of worms enjoy The Mystery, they laugh at its folly but their laughter testifies to The Mystery.

An old saying goes, those who walk the way of light to advance to The Mystery the path may seem dark, to advance in The Mystery may seem like retreating from it, but that is thought. The Smooth path of The Mystery seems pitied.

The highest power is like a valley, travel on a great journey through wheel within wheel. Don't late her spin it though, cut her off.

The purest white seems dirtied.

Ample power feels as valued as dirt.

Established power, feels thin when the dark hungers for more.

The truth in power feels empty.

The great square has no corners, which are perfection do not cut what isn't there.

The great vessel is constructed slowly.

Great music is faint; the great image has no form. The Mystery is unseen, incognito, it has no name, it gives and then completes.

Thales stepped out of the toy universe with shadowy silhouettes. "Draconic void" The silhouettes took the creatures who dared to kill Edmund who had to be revived by Beatrix, it took them into the never, never to be seen from again. Thales understood.