The First seal.

Thales had discovered the truth to the dark and temporarily manifested timeless entities to guide them through it. Who cares about the darkness of time? When you were guided by beings that lack it, fate is meaningless when human agency willed it into schizophrenic possibilities

Ghalib had been released from his prison and then simply crushed the insects underfoot.

"We lost Little Tzu, but when has fate ever been kind to me or time, only love has, love must be eternally cherished"

Ghalib was ready, in front of him he could see clearly creatures of the dark that will lead him to Mother Spider not members of her court but rather these creatures called Nightmare Probosk, these creatures were odd and elusive, trunk like appendages and multiple eyes that shimmered in the dark full of arcane energy.

They beckoned Ghalib to listen to their whispers of forgotten realms, seek them out.

"Forgotten or forbidden? The Floresian fey's mistakes are we?"

They shrieked with whispering laughter and mockery at Ghalib.

"I like freedom; I need no guide, stay forgotten losers."

"Everything changes but I will not I am perfect."

Ghalib used cultivation "Ziran" Which made him deeply attuned of the probosks sense of existence and made them start to destroy them in self denial. He assimilated their souls Shang Yang with him, unless Shang Yang wanted to try his luck with these creatures in the dark like Little Tzu.

The shadow scale arachnids scuttled in the dark.

"Show yourself properly, illusions of time don't scare me anymore, Mother Spider doesn't control the cycles so just try them. Can you touch it? Or perhaps you realize since you can't I'll make you consume yourselves like your friends" Thales said with a bright aura.

The spiders hated this; they would lead him and his friends to their Mother's court.

So they did.

Thales was shocked he saw, a terrible cyclical darkness, in the center of a web a giant spider a shape of darkness truly taken shape, it looked primordial but also damaged.

It slept. While horrific music was played keeping it asleep by its subjects the shadow scale spiders, even they did not want their Mother to wake up as their Mother was still an Exceed rank. As long as she slept her first seal would not be undone.

"Ah Thales you're finally here."

That's when Thales noticed, it was a man stuck by thread.

He saw another man, Shang Wei Yang sealed in a cocoon. But he did not see Hyun Tzu. Perhaps he was dead.

But the man stuck by thread resisting in this realm ruled by mother spider's will, was Ghalib Miray, his father, it seemed he arrived first.

He was not dead though, his greedy perseverance for the eternal kept him with a steeled resolve.

"Clotho you were an impressive being, your web contained the destinies of many forms of life, from mortals to exceed, but you had angst, for your own destiny was not in that thread which is what first leads you astray"

The first seal shuddered.

Ghalib for the first time had his resolve pinched, his face was puzzled.

He was stuck for he did not know, then how did Thales know?

"Mother spider, despite your excellent and perfect spindling, your web remained tangled. People like me are why they are tangled or perhaps people better than me, but you didn't know that in pride, you buried yourself. You went mad at the tangled knots beyond recognition, and threw yourself to the cosmic order or perhaps something worse beyond you and you were toyed with"

The seal shuddered once again, the shadow scale spiders were frantic they went into a frenzy and attempted to deal with this rebel.

But Edmund burnt them to a crisp while Beatrix illuminated them and made their wishes to strive forward harden into a crystallized shield.

"How do you know that, boy? How do you know that?"

"I'm perfect, but I don't know then how does he know. I am perfect aren't I? I cultivated directly from this Spider's flesh, so how the hell don't I know what this un-child does"

"What determination to know the unknown, that isn't perfection, Thalessss"

"And finally Mother Spider…"


"Quiet Ghalib, you're stuck because you let time grip you tightly while acting as if you are freed from it, forgive yourself it is ok"

"It's not ok you old fool" Ghalib struggled as he was trapped by the web of fate.

The Mother spider shook in its web as Thales spoke again.

"The secret of the seal, deep within these chambers lays the forbidden spindle, you are forced to count your tears and recall your memories contained within it as its forever out of your web's reach now, a relic that can shape the deity exceed the chalice they drink from and allows them to manifest their godhead. It is a relic that has unimaginable power it is the key to heaven and you gave it up for false knowledge, uncertainty that is your greatest betrayal and thus you fell from grace."

The Mother Spider Clotho Moirai, shook the web holding it, the shadow scale spiders were swallowed by the madness and dark energy that poured from Mother Spiders awakening, for the first seal was broken, its 8 arcane eyes opened as it spat venom? No it was blood from previous battle wounds, it let out a terrible scream. It had awakened and spoke in an archaic voice with a terrible voice.

"Why have you come if you do not have the key, leave me be in this void, I wish to sleep, let the light burn out of your eyes and be eaten, I don't want to remember, leave me be" The 8 lightless dark legs spindled in maddening directions as this being not living rampaged.