Hex: The second seal

The behemoth slinked around the chamber as it succumbed to madness, crashing into its surroundings.

"You…. Will be lost in the darkness forever just like me"

The Spider spat and spun webs they were like a myriad of spears. Dark fates, a miasma of misfortunate for all who touched it

Beatrix let out a star shield which somehow protected them.

"Thales you fool, you will be a broken body in the dark, perfect light is the only thing that can hurt this beast"

Thales snorted as he attempted to grab and smash The Mother spider's soul, but he felt nothing.

"Why did I kill so much, why did I take that power if not to use it, you ungrateful brat Thales"

Thales was nearly flayed by the Spiders leg but Edmund sword sung while being sent upwards with a star stream from Beatrix.

"Camael: Megiddon"

His flaming sword coating in the substance Beatrix conjured.


It shrieked in horrific agony, it flailed around like a fish out of water.

It had no plan or coordination in its movements.

"Beatrix can we siphon this energy so we can break and maybe even kill it here?"

"Shadow" Thales said attempting to manipulate the darkness it was corroding his body though it was difficult.

He grunted in pain, his bones cracked and his soul shook at this dark energy attempting to be used.

While Beatrix generated barriers and Edmund attempted to slice its leg with Camael.

Edmund blade sung 7 notes The Spider evaded and shot a web at Edmund's blade.

Then while Thales and Beatrix were distracted he was pierced, not by the Spider but by an astral projection of Ghalib Miray.

"Hahahaha I will live forever"

Astaroth dug into Edmund while he was stuck in place.


A great luminescent darkness rocketed at Mother Spider as she attempted to spin webs to defend her body.

"YOU GLITCH" the spider shrieked as it slammed into its dark and terrible body.

Edmund attempted to swing Camael but his fire just missed Ghalib who dreamt and hit the web of the Ghalib who woke up.

"Sorry Edmund old friend I must live forever" Ghalib who awakened moved and tossed the Edmund into the epicenter of the shadow star shine.