Hex: The Third seal.

Thales whose body was withering in darkness could only look in shock

As his dear friend Edmund was torn to shred also by the remants of the attack he sent out.

"How, WHY"

"Edmund… No why I am I unable to resist fate…"

Thales abyssal eyes darkened.

"I don't care anymore"

Thales body creaked.

The Mother Spider Clotho was forced into its third seal but could not be killed immediately it crawled and heaved its gargantuan body across the chamber, to lick its wounds.

Ghalib smirked.

He touched his skin, sweat? "No, blood… children could never make me go through perspiration, this is an adult's game and I will seize my destiny"

"Thanks for doing my job for me Thales"

Ghalib send a song at Thales astaroth attempted to move his song into Thale's bones.

The Spider roared although it was no longer a spider just a dark spaghetti of dark tendrils, corrupted light with the third sealed unleashed this was its true form.

"My mind would have broken just looking at you but I have wore your skin, I am perfect I don't fear an insignificant pest"

Ghalib broke his limits. And ascended he was just a white silhouette.

"I've been perfect" The Higher dimensional life form Ghalib Miray said.

Mother spider however was a spiritual being, an exceed one of the lowest kinds rivaled by elementals. She despised herself, but she despised Ghalib even more.

Her formless webs cascaded at Ghalib, but despite being formless her web could not touch Ghalib who insisted he was a paracausal within and without causality an entity freed from fate.

He then attacked before he attacked with his ontological weapon astaroth bathing in this form.

A perfect weapon of lazy rationalized philosophy

The Spider raged.

It shot its dark webbing everywhere as Beatrix struggled but tried to protect her and a dejected Thales.

Spirals ripped the spaces they were in as astaroth wanted to rend The Spiders essence.

Ghalib grabbed onto its mind and bit down.

It roared.

"Trash like you cannot even reach me"

Its venom spat at Ghalib and Ghalib was in great pain a miscalculation?

Ghalib was encased in dark webbing on the material plane him and the energy that vibrated highly.

"Is clinging to immortality really futile" Ghalib thought.

"Life is impermanent yes"

"That is what makes it fun, you never even get the chance to run out of things to do as the boredom corrodes your being, you know I don't blame god for being evil, I would be evil if I had to be cursed with knowing everything too"

"A ruler in The Mystery and power seems flawed"

"Puts aside name and fame, buries praise" Thales was talking.

"I just wanted a kingdom so everyone knows my eternal empire built on love for perfection forever" Ghalib said as the Spider continued to encase his energy it would enjoy devouring him.

Thales continued on his second wind, accepting it was fine to cry, he had to take responsibility for his father's death.

"The crazed dreamer seems flawed, but attains perfection of the moment and never is exhausted, I will live forever in a moment and so will his memory" Thales roared.

"The Eclipse" Out of the depths of Thales's soul and mind palace acting as one a bright light a solar exalted shined brightly a sphere of perfect light that could fizzle out any second.

A dark dragon, an evil dragon followed suit. It devoured the sun. Beatrix sent the energy she absorbed into the Dragon's stomach and it accepted the tribute, it breathed dark and maleficent flames at the Spider these were thousands of evil spirits.

The spider felt extreme post traumatic stress especially with only a spiritual body; it couldn't dodge as it was dragging Ghalib's form into itself to be devoured.

It rained Thousands upon thousands of dark light, a bloodstained firework show, a lunar parade of 1000 demons.

The Spider shriveled and shrieked and then enlightened it said one thing before its third seal broke as it was continually devoured, mind, spirit and concept.

"I just wanted to protect your beauty; I was a stubborn fool… I am sorry H-"

It attempted to say a name, but it was cut off a mad laughter echoed throughout the cavern.

The spiders form was stabilized as something merged consciousness with its essence while its mind was fading away and its memories were flashing before its eyes.

"I told you I am perfect I have detached myself from reality and embraced my unstable dream, my wonderful dream, my heavenly delusion, can you laugh at it Spider, No Thales can you laugh too"

The elk mask shaped on the Spiders shapeless mass.

Mother spider was Ghalib Miray. "This is the endless potential I was waiting for, to eat fate, to become my own destiny through wu Wei+Ziran, no not one fate but all the fates I have gained a kingdom my love" Ghalib was truly blissful.