Light and darkness, chaos came before both.

The new spider frolicked among the space.

"Yes this is how it feels to be the ultimate predator one that spins all wheels"

"Not yet, I have now come for you."

Ghalib was then elucidated with cosmic awareness.

It was like psychic dreams were he read the minds of beings he shouldn't have.

"What? So that's what you are hahaha you monster, I come for you Thales the human" Ghalib jested.

"Even now is this not enough for you, lover? Then I will control everything slay the monster and be the hero of all fates, for you, I will slay a dragon for you" Ghalib shrieked in a fit of madness, struggling with 3 minds, the Ghalib who dreamed, the Ghalib who was awake and the Ghalib who was his dream.

He leaked blood from the mother spiders' body, as now he rampaged, a senseless rampage.

"No you are not the one he is waiting for, you did not ponder on the The Mystery correctly, she is not The Mystery and you are not the one it is waiting for" Beatrix said.

"It's ok Thales, you have suffered enough, let me fill this place with a world of love and move the script along" Beatrix Hecate of all people said that.

She took a stand and casted.

"Call of the Aether: Aetheric Starstorm"

It was a divine wish, the wishes of humanity. The will to win, the wish for happiness

Divine chaos, it was aether.

It cleared the darkness and the light.

Beatrix hugged Thales in this azure glow, this starlight radiance, this cosmic tears, a bittersweet dream must end.

The elk headed misery a wretched ball of apathy.

"NO, NO. I knew I should have been wary, I thought, but how."

"I am perfect"

"No you are not and neither is she" Beatrix said, with pity.

"What have I become…"

"A man that must pass on as his duty to his son"

Thales with his abyssal dark eyes said one thing.

"You are flawed and that is ok, a fragmented soul will become whole again in this cyclical sphere of fate"

"CAMAEL: Meggidon"

Thales formed the sword of divine justice to execute Ghalib his father with the spirit of his real father. It hit the Elk Skull in the static chaos in this blissful aetheric void that resisted a hell trying to become a heaven.

He pierced him as the human Ghalib Miray fell from the heavens.

"I am sorry my son Thales Miray, I pass the torch onto you and I am sorry my wife Lilith I never did find you, I only realized in the end there is no love without the human heart, how human and flawed I was from the start, I could never resonate with perfection like this…"

His heart bled, his body was fading and his mind before swallowed into darkness was consumed by his son Thales Miray, the son who buried and succeeded his fathers.

Went through a metamorphic evolution in this void

A week later he was at a great celebration.

He had a dark scar next to his heart. He remembered what he went through and he cried on rainy days.

It was fine.

"And now we welcome one of us The Sage of knowledge "Apocryphal Dragon" Thales Miray, as the gods will it eternal."

That was another Sage, The Sage of wisdom. Periander Conroy of Great House Cato, a truly large man 7ft 6, congratulating Thales into undergoing a historical apotheosis, cutting the thread that bound his fate and becoming the 7th eternal sage

Thales smiled happily, he saw his mother, his family and best friend Beato, he didn't see Edmund but that was ok he would live on in his heart, his human heart.

Another Sage called out to Thales.

"Hello dragon-child. It's quite sloppy work on his behalf but I never will understand divine prophecy"

This sage was eccentric already.

"Anyway, I hear you seek The Mystery."

"Yeah I suppose" Thales replied.

"Don't bother unless you open the possibilities, like I have, what I seek is the Akashic Records the prophetic truth of Dasein, give up that fairy tale child when you're already this lost."

Thales was flabbergasted what was this man spouting about.

"My name is Cleobulus Lorkan, founder of Great House Lorkan" he smirked.

This man of moderate height, a broad forehead, a straight nose a full beard, eyes that were rainbow in iris, he who wore a thobe, with a divine presence and fragrance he truly confused Thales.

"Founder how that is possible?" Thales said with a sense of dread coming upon him.

"Dance with me and feel drunken by love, Lord Miray"

The man snapped his finger and two things happened.

"House Lorkan has abstained from this round of zero sum"

Shock was wild, who would give up such a chance, who and why?

Next a woman was shot; the man walked away into the now forming crowd, that woman was Beth Bohemia, Thales's personal guest.

"What, how? Why?" Thales had so many questions and so he chased the man outside of the hall where the celebration took place.

He ran and he ran.

And then before him a cataclysmic meteoric thing, shot out in front of him.

Thales grew beads of sweat on his head.

He felt fear for no apparent reason.

But he knew he should feel fear. He had no idea where Cleobulus went.

A shape an unrecognizable shape slithered out of the crater.

It had massive head, flowing tendril like hair a passive malevolent aura that choked Thales.

It had sunken eyes, eyes with dark rings that looked as if he were lacking sleep; its eyes were infernal, it had serrated rows of sharp demonic teeth, like the jaws of the underworld.

Its face looked liked melting wax; it was in a humanoid shape but only as if the human skin was like a zip up costume.

Thales then was aware, he had seen this being before in his dream.

"Oh I'm not a boogeyman, I'm just hungry I don't care outside of that, oh well I suppose I am a little mad I got sliced up in the dreaming mist while I was snacking, hey but you looked different there, oh that's why I see you, I have really good eyes you see"

"Oh where are my manners, you can call me Howard the alien since I'm an invader you could say"

"You mortals like using names as labels instead of as what they are, divine identity."

His tendrils pierced Thales body and Thales realized he was being passively peeled this entire time. He an Eternal sage maybe not self realized yet but still one was being toyed with.

"You see your true soul should have leapt inside my belly not the shell but the culmination of being, but it didn't because you're weird, don't worry this innate technique should sort it out"

Thales felt pain, agony, suffering, torment, he tried to deny his past, but this entity didn't care.

((Walpurgis Banquet))

"Oh you heard that innate power, well done hahahaha"

Thales felt like his flowing water itself was bitten.

His mind was bleeding, he saw everything the same book over and over, he was forced to kill over and over, his lover was fleeting and he was eternal. She was too but was forced to die, while people cheered. He was forced to suffer in the choking deep over and over and watch the same scenes and plays over and over always, despite knowing the play from beginning to end.

He fought a great and terrible war, one for freedom, pride and individuality.

But then met a horrible monster, who banished his kind to starve in the sealed tombs, the monster defeated the hero. The dragon was stepped on like an ant and not just in name he actually was that.

He was forced to count the days over and over but then he realized although he served a confusing existence burdened by boredom at least he knew what was next, he just was stuck here sealed to suffer with no knowledge of next, of here, there or anywhere, of anywhen or anything.

His wings were clipped. He was reduced to a lowly worm existence.

Then a man who looked human, a shape of human but far from it, the great betrayer, betrayed his comrades out of hunger and swallowed them whole in marvelous ways and ways unknown to the dragon. But the dragon for the first time in his life wanted to live as a necessity as a privilege emotion surged and The Mystery welcomed. The Dragon fell asleep and soared and swam in a river of time; he hated the sea due to home, but for once he was grateful, the dragon memories were snatched by the Mystery or more like placed in lost and found. A lost coin locker

The Dragon woke up in a dream for once. He was fleeting, but he wasn't scared anymore, now he is scared again. What a miserable creature.

The Beast tried to eat Thales and send him through plunging and soaring into the depths of hell.

But Thales was cut free, mad and not really conscious but he thought he saw a familiar face.

"Edmund I love you Edmund sensei…" Thales closed his eyes and slept.

An old butler was here fine and dandy.

He had sliced the beast's hellish hands.

The beast had half his face blown off with a song from Edmund's blade.

This was not the same blade.

"Hey that really hurt you know, you can hurt me… Ow that sucks first I was staked and now cut by a holy sword"

The sword was "Divine key: The Son"

"Who are you based on the fact, your brain matter didn't spill out your head at the mere sight of me, let alone being able to harm me, you must be impressive."

The beast's eyes glowed. This predatory tyger.

"No souls can hide from me, hahaha that is my specialty after all"

"Oh that's who you are, Holder of the third seat in the Round. Ser Galahad "The Favored"."

"What is a deity class Holy knight like you picking a fight with a deity like me?"

"I was here to watch, the holder of the epithet <> Lilith Stoker. Holder of the Epithet <> seems my form will have to change now since Edmund is dead"

"Oh yeah and here I thought you were just playing house"

These titans clashed Ser Galahad endless swordplay vs. Howard's endless soul manipulations, eternities clashed in an instant, no mortal, hell even some exceed couldn't watch this battle.

"Yeah I'm bored, not worth the hassle and I don't want to be found by him" Howard faded away.

Edmund looked at Thales one last time and said goodbye as he covered him in warm light.