Prologue: The Unexpected Arrival.

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, 460 millennia in the past, the Zakarians and Nebulons races stood as proud warrior civilizations. Renowned as two of the strongest races in the universe, they were among the first life forms to emerge in the cosmos long before the existence of Earth and other life forms. The Zakarians bore a striking resemblance to humans but with the unique addition of a long wolf tail, while the Nebulons shared a similar appearance to humans. A catastrophic turning point occurred when these two races engaged in a devastating war, each striving to assert their dominance as the mightiest in the universe.

In their pursuit of dominance, both the Zakarians and Nebulons conquered countless planets, expanding their territories and exploiting resources. The universe became a battlefield, with conflicts raging across planets and the vast expanse of space. Fast forwarding to the present day, in the year 790, the Zakarians and Nebulons find themselves subjugated under the rule of the Sorblaxians, led by the iron-fisted Emperor Ice.

With an iron grip on power, Emperor Ice entrusted the governance of both races to his two sons. King Chill assumed the responsibility of ruling over the Nebulon civilization, while King Frost took charge of the Zakarian race. They were to oversee the affairs of their respective civilizations simultaneously, acting as the representatives of Emperor Ice's dominion.

Through the intertwining rule of King Chill and King Frost, the fate of the Zakarians and Nebulons hangs in the balance. Within the grasp of the Sorblaxian regime, the two races navigate a complex web of power, loyalty, and the perpetual struggle for survival. The indomitable spirit of the Zakarians and Nebulons, once fierce warrior races, now faces an uncertain future under the rule of the Sorblaxians and the watchful eyes of their rulers, King Chill and King Frost.

One fateful day, within the regal confines of the Zakarian throne room, King Ryutara sat upon his exalted seat, bearing the weight of leadership. Beside him stood Queen Reiya, a pillar of grace and wisdom, sharing in the burdens and aspirations of their realm. Together, they contemplated the ominous threat that loomed over their kingdom: the Sorblaxians, a formidable force led by the tyrannical Emperor Ice.

King Ryutara's countenance exuded an unwavering determination as he delved into strategies to counter the encroaching Sorblaxian dominion. His mind raced with plans to safeguard his people and protect the realms they held dear.

While the king strategized, Queen Reiya's eyes reflected a blend of ardor and trepidation, her heart aching for the safety and well-being of their Zakarian brethren. She yearned for a future free from the oppressive reign of the Sorblaxians.

As their deliberations echoed through the grandeur of the throne room, King Ryutara and Queen Reiya realized the urgency of their united purpose. They ardently sought a path to ensure the security and prosperity of their beloved kingdom, determined to relieve the burden imposed by the Sorblaxian rule.

Unbeknownst to the Zakarian monarchs, destiny began to weave an intricate tapestry, ready to set events into motion that would forever alter the course of their empire. From across the cosmos, an unexpected arrival approached, carrying with it the promise of hope, resilience, and the potential to overcome the encroaching darkness.

Just as they were engrossed in their visions of a brighter future, one of the elite soldiers approached the king, bowing respectfully before speaking:

"My king, I apologize for the interruption, but there is someone of lower rank who wishes to speak with you," the soldier said, urgency evident in his voice. "He claims to have vital information regarding Emperor Ice's plans. Shall I grant him entry, sire?"

King Ryutara, momentarily snapped out of his thoughts, let out a sigh. "What is it now?" he muttered under his breath, a tinge of exasperation coloring his tone. Nevertheless, curiosity piqued, he exchanged a knowing glance with Queen Reiya.

Suddenly, a thunderous voice resonated through the throne room, reverberating into the hallways. The soldiers stationed at the entrance sprang into action, interposing themselves between the figure attempting to barge in and the sovereigns they protected. The figure, dressed in partially destroyed Zakarian armor, emanated an aura of desperation and determination.

"I must speak to the king!" the figure shouted, their voice carrying a sense of urgency that demanded attention.

One of the guards swiftly intervened, his tone stern and unwavering. "You are not permitted to enter without the king's permission, commoner. Step back!"

Amidst the commotion, King Ryutara's keen ears caught a familiar voice rising above the clash. His eyes widened with surprise and recognition. It was Azaru, a low-class warrior and brilliant scientist whose potential had often gone unnoticed, but who also held the esteemed position of General in the Zakarian army.

"Allow him entry," King Ryutara commanded, his voice cutting through the tension in the room. The guards hesitated momentarily before stepping aside, granting Azaru passage into the throne room.

In that decisive moment, the Zakarian king and queen wondered if the unexpected arrival of this unassuming warrior-scientist held the key to unraveling the mysteries that shrouded Emperor Ice's nefarious plans. Little did they know, the unfolding events were about to set them on a trajectory far beyond anything they could have anticipated.

"My king," Azaru began, his voice filled with urgency and concern, "Emperor Ice is planning to eradicate our entire planet in a matter of days. He has ordered his youngest son, King Frost, to lead the destructive assault. We are all facing an imminent and grave threat."

The revelation sent shockwaves through the throne room, causing eyes to widen in horror, including Queen Reiya's. Yet, amidst the collective distress, King Ryutara remained silent. He had already foreseen this grim outcome, understanding the depths of Emperor Ice's malevolence.

Panic began to grip the room as the weight of the news settled upon the assembly. The chilling realization of the impending danger engulfed everyone present, especially Queen Reiya, who feared not only for their loyal subjects but also for their beloved son, Prince Ryukan, the heir to the Zakarian empire. An air of apprehension permeated the space, as concerned gazes met in a flurry of anxious murmurs.

Seeking to restore order and instill calm, King Ryutara rose from his throne and commanded, "Calm down, everyone."

As the room gradually quieted, the king's gaze settled upon Azaru, his expression firm and composed, betraying a steely resolve. "And how did you come by this information?" he inquired, his words measured and

Azaru met the king's unwavering stare and replied, his voice filled with urgency and conviction, "During our mission, my entire squad was ambushed by King Frost's men. We fought back valiantly, but we were ultimately overwhelmed. I managed to narrowly escape with my life, realizing the gravity of the situation. Determined to protect our kingdom, I returned to deliver this vital news to you, my king. Furthermore, I overheard one of Emperor Ice's soldiers mentioning that King Frost is preparing to launch an attack imminently. Time is of the essence, and we must act swiftly."

The weight of Azaru's sacrifice and the invaluable information he had brought reverberated through the throne room, causing a profound silence to settle upon those gathered. In that moment, King Ryutara fully comprehended the significance of this unexpected arrival. Fate had woven its web, aligning the disparate threads needed to confront the impending calamity and safeguard their cherished kingdom. The hour had arrived for decisive action, and with unwavering resolve, the Zakarian monarch would lead his people against the encroaching darkness.

"What are you suggesting?" King Ryutara asked with a stern expression, his tone serious and intent.

Azaru met the king's gaze and spoke with determination. "My wife Ayame and I have made a difficult decision. We have chosen to send our son to a seemingly vulnerable planet called Earth, in order to protect him from the impending danger," Azaru explained, his eyes steadfastly fixed on the ruler before him.

The mention of sending their son to Earth piqued the interest of Queen Reiya, who was about to voice her thoughts. However, her words were cut short as King Ryutara unexpectedly burst into laughter, leaving everyone in the room perplexed by his response.

"What makes you think you have the right to make such a decision?" King Ryutara questioned, amusement lacing his words as he addressed Azaru. His skeptical tone echoed through the hall, casting doubt on the scientist's proposition.

"You may be a proud warrior and a General in the Zakarian army, as well as a brilliant scientist, but decisions of this magnitude do not lie within your authority," the king asserted firmly, restating his position.

Azaru, though determined, pleaded with the king, his voice filled with desperation. "Please, my king, I implore you. I need your permission to borrow a pod and send my son to that distant planet. I beg you to consider the safety and future of an innocent child."

But King Ryutara remained unmoved by Azaru's pleas. In an effort to calm his emotions and provide him with time for reflection, the king ordered his guards to escort Azaru to the dungeon.

The throne room fell into an uneasy silence as the weight of uncertainty hung in the air. The fate of Azaru's son and the looming crisis gripped the hearts and minds of all who bore witness to the unfolding events.

King Ryutara remained seated on his throne, his face bearing a serious expression as he contemplated the weighty decisions before him. Meanwhile, Queen Reiya couldn't help but feel a deep sense of empathy towards Azaru's plight. She understood the desperate desire to save his son, as she too shared the longing to protect their own beloved child from Emperor Ice's clutches.

Minutes later, King Ryutara found himself gazing out of the window of his chamber, lost in thought. The door to the room creaked open, causing him to turn his attention towards his wife, Queen Reiya, who approached him with a worried look etched across her face. He briefly met her gaze before returning his focus to the scene unfolding outside the kingdom.

"You appear troubled, my dear," Queen Reiya said gently, her voice laced with concern.

"I can't believe the state our once proud race has fallen to, Reiya," King Ryutara replied, a hint of anger coloring his words. "We were once formidable and revered, and now we find ourselves enslaved by our enemies."

Queen Reiya walked towards him, her pace deliberate and measured, before reaching out to hold his hands. King Ryutara gripped her hands tightly, seeking solace in her touch.

"I understand your fears, my love. That is precisely why I am worried for our son's safety," Queen Reiya spoke softly, her tone tinged with sadness.

"You need not worry about our boy. He is resilient and strong, remember," King Ryutara responded, a mixture of pride and reassurance present in his voice.

A small smile formed on Queen Reiya's lips, but it quickly faded, replaced by a renewed expression of sorrow.

"What troubles you, my dear?" King Ryutara inquired, sensing the shift in his wife's demeanor.

Queen Reiya locked eyes with him and spoke with determination, her voice steady and resolute. "I, too, desire to save our beloved son from Emperor Ice's clutches. I wish to join Azaru in sending our child to Earth. Perhaps together, they can find safety and forge a new destiny."

Silence settled between them as the weight of their shared anguish hung in the air. In that moment, they understood each other's fears, hopes, and the depths of their unwavering love for their son. They were united in their quest to ensure his safety amidst the encroaching darkness.

King Ryutara's eyes widened slightly at Queen Reiya's words, her determination striking a chord deep within him. He released her hands and took a step closer, his gaze locked with hers.

"Reiya, I understand your longing to protect our son, to give him a chance at a brighter future," the king said, his voice filled with both sadness and resolve. "But we must consider the risks involved. Sending him to Earth, a distant and unfamiliar planet, is a decision not to be made lightly."

Queen Reiya nodded, a glimmer of tears in her eyes. "I know, my love. I understand the uncertainties and dangers that lie ahead. Yet, in my heart, I cannot bear the thought of losing our precious child to Emperor Ice's tyranny."

The weight of their shared burden hung heavy in the air, their minds filled with conflicting emotions. They knew that the path they were considering would be fraught with challenges, but they also couldn't ignore the potential opportunity for their son's survival.

King Ryutara sighed deeply, his expression a mixture of sorrow and determination. "If we are to consider this course of action, we must do so cautiously and with careful planning. We cannot jeopardize the safety of our people nor the future of our kingdom."

Understanding the gravity of his words, Queen Reiya placed a gentle hand on his arm. "I trust in your wisdom, my king. Whatever decision you make, I will stand by your side."

The king's gaze softened as he looked at his wife, feeling the weight of their shared bond and the immense responsibility that rested upon his shoulders. "Thank you, Reiya. Your unwavering support means the world to me."

With a renewed sense of purpose, King Ryutara straightened his posture and glanced out of the window once more. As he surveyed his kingdom, thoughts of the impending danger and the safety of their son consumed his mind. He knew that the time for action had come, and he would need to consult with his advisors and gather the necessary information to make an informed decision.

"Reiya, let us convene with our trusted council. We will assess the situation, consult Azaru, and devise a plan to protect our son and our people," King Ryutara declared, determination shining in his eyes.

Queen Reiya nodded, her faith in her husband unwavering. "Yes, my king. Together, we will navigate this treacherous path and ensure the safety and future of our kingdom."

"And if it's necessary, we should call the prince back home so that we can potentially send him to Earth," Queen Reiya suggested.

"But he is currently on a mission, and it will take him almost three days to return," King Ryutara replied.

"I understand that, but I still want him to come back home safely," Queen Reiya said, determination etched on her face.

At Queen Reiya's suggestion, King Ryutara's brow furrowed with concern. He weighed the potential risks and the urgency of the situation in his mind before responding.

King Ryutara's expression turned grave as he listened to Queen Reiya's words. He nodded in understanding, fully aware of the dangerous mission their son was currently undertaking.

"You're right. We cannot afford to delay any further. We must bring our son back home immediately," the king declared, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and determination. Reiya. Our son's safety is of paramount importance," the king acknowledged, his voice laced with a mix of worry and determination. "Though it will take him nearly three days to return, we cannot afford to delay any longer. We must ensure his well-being and consider the possibility of sending him to Earth."

Queen Reiya's resolve remained unshaken as she met the king's gaze. "Even if it means interrupting his mission, we must prioritize his safety above all else. We cannot risk losing him to Emperor Ice's grasp."

With an understanding nod, King Ryutara reached for a communication device nearby. He began typing a message to their son's mission commander, conveying the urgent need for his return and the possibility of redirecting their plans.

"Our son may not be here physically at this moment, but his presence in our hearts and the bond we share transcends time and space," the king spoke softly, his voice filled with both fatherly affection and concern. "Let us prepare to welcome him back with open arms, while contemplating the best course of action to safeguard his future."

Queen Reiya's eyes shimmered with worry and relief at the king's decision. "Thank you, my love. I will prepare a message to be sent to one of his trusted companions, urging them to deliver the news and call him back to the safety of our kingdom."

King Ryutara placed a reassuring hand on Queen Reiya's shoulder. "Please, inform his companion to exercise caution and discretion when delivering the message. We do not want to jeopardize their mission or put our son in further danger."

Queen Reiya nodded, her mind quickly formulating the message to ensure its urgency and secrecy. "I will ensure that the message is clear yet discreet, my king. We must safeguard the confidentiality of our intentions."

With a determined resolve, the king and queen set their plan into motion. King Ryutara summoned a trusted messenger while Queen Reiya began to pen the crucial message, carefully crafting each word to convey the urgency and the need for their son's immediate return.

As the messenger departed with the vital communication in hand, the monarchs shared a silent moment of prayer and hope, sending their wishes for their son's safe return.

"We have done what we can for now, my love. Let us trust in our son's capabilities and his loyalty to our kingdom," King Ryutara said, his voice filled with a mixture of apprehension and optimism.

Queen Reiya took a deep breath, her heart filled with a combination of anxiety and faith. "Yes, my king. May the universe guide him safely back to us."

Together, they awaited the response to their call, their thoughts consumed by concern for their son and the future that awaited them all. In the midst of uncertainty, the love of a family and the strength of a kingdom would guide them through the storm, as they prepared to face the impending darkness and protect all that they hold dear.

A sense of determination enveloped the room as the royal couple united in their mission to protect their son. They understood that difficult decisions lay ahead, but their unwavering love and commitment to his well-being fueled their resolve.

As they awaited their son's return, they would carefully evaluate the risks and possibilities that sending him to Earth entailed. United in their purpose, they were prepared to explore all avenues, ready to embrace whatever challenges and sacrifices lay ahead to ensure their beloved prince's safety.

Hand in hand, united in their purpose, King Ryutara and Queen Reiya left the chamber, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. Their love for their son, their people, and their kingdom would fuel their resolve to brave the unknown and forge a new path amidst the encroaching darkness.

"Minutes later," on a remote planet in the galaxy, Prince Ryukan, a determined and perceptive 5-year-old prodigy with an exceptional power level of 30,000, stood out among the Zakarian race. He sat amongst his squad after successfully conquering a planet on behalf of King Frost. Taking a brief respite, Prince Ryukan settled on a large rock, displaying focus and composure as he savored a bite of roasted meat.

"My prince, I apologize for intruding, but there is an urgent matter that requires your attention," the commander respectfully announced, acknowledging Prince Ryukan's remarkable maturity and abilities.

Frustration evident in his tone, Prince Ryukan responded, "What is it now, commander? Can't you see that I am busy?"

The commander paused for a moment, understanding the young prince's annoyance. Nevertheless, he pressed forward, knowing the importance of conveying the information.

"We have just received an urgent message from the Zakarian kingdom," the commander explained, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. "There has been a change in plans, and they require your immediate return."

Prince Ryukan's irritation evaporated as he grasped the seriousness of the situation, setting the half-eaten meat aside and rising to his feet. He looked intently at the commander, anticipation etching lines on his young face.

"What has happened? Why do they need me back so urgently?" Prince Ryukan inquired, his voice now tinged with concern.

The commander took a deep breath, aware of the delicacy of the news he was about to share. "I'm afraid there is an imminent threat, my prince. The Zakarian kingdom faces great danger from Emperor Ice, and they require your presence to ensure the safety and future of our people."

Prince Ryukan's eyes widened, comprehension dawning upon him as he absorbed the weight of the situation. His agile mind analyzed the implications and responsibilities that lay ahead.

"Prepare our troops for immediate departure," Prince Ryukan commanded, his voice filled with determination and resolve. "We must return swiftly to the Zakarian kingdom and face this threat head-on."

The commander nodded, acknowledging the urgency that Prince Ryukan expressed. "At once, my prince. We will rally the troops and make all necessary preparations for our departure."

As the young prince's orders were promptly executed, Prince Ryukan's thoughts centered on the safety of his family, his people, and the imminent danger they all faced. With unwavering determination, he steeled himself for the battles that lay ahead, fully aware that the fate of their kingdom rested on his actions.

"But what about this planet, my young prince? Are we just going to leave them be?" the commander questioned with a sense of concern.

Prince Ryukan pondered for a moment, contemplating the fate of the conquered planet and the lives affected by their actions. Understanding the gravity of the situation, he made a resolute decision.

"No, we cannot turn a blind eye to their plight," Prince Ryukan replied firmly. "Free all of the prisoners. We will no longer sell this planet to King Frost."

The commander nodded, impressed by Prince Ryukan's empathy and sense of justice. "As you command, my prince. We will ensure the release of the prisoners and relinquish any plans to transfer this planet to King Frost's control."

Filled with a strong sense of purpose, Prince Ryukan and his squad worked diligently to secure the freedom of those imprisoned on the planet. They ensured that proper assistance and resources were provided to aid in the recovery and self-governance of the liberated people.

Prince Ryukan's decision showcased his commitment to compassion and fairness, and he vowed to protect the innocent from further harm. With his actions, he not only defended his kingdom's honor but also became a beacon of hope for others in the galaxy.

With a resolute expression, Prince Ryukan led his squad toward their awaiting ship, ready to stand alongside his parents, King Ryutara and Queen Reiya, and confront Emperor Ice's tyranny. Together, they would face the challenges that awaited them with unwavering courage, united in their mission to protect their loved ones and preserve the future of the Zakarian kingdom.

As they departed from the planet, Prince Ryukan carried with him a renewed determination to use his power and position for the greater good. Guided by his moral compass and inspired by the teachings of his parents, King Ryutara and Queen Reiya, he embarked on a mission to promote peace, justice, and equality throughout the galaxy, ensuring that the legacy of his kingdom was one of compassion and righteousness.

"Three days later," back in the dungeon where Azaru was imprisoned, he sat on the bed of his cell, seething with anger at himself for ever seeking the king's permission. He believed he should have taken matters into his own hands, stolen a pod, and resolved everything on his own.

A guard approached Azaru with a solemn expression. "The king wishes to speak with you," the guard informed him. Azaru looked at the guard with confusion etched on his face.

The king entered the prison, his countenance stoic and unyielding. Azaru's frown deepened as he locked eyes with the king, refusing to engage in conversation. Sensing the unwelcome silence, King Ryutara took it upon himself to break the ice.

"I understand your anger towards me," King Ryutara began. "So let me make this clear to you, Azaru. I have reconsidered. I will allow your son to be sent to Earth."

Azaru's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and relief flooding his expression. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could utter a word, King Ryutara intervened.

"However, he will be accompanied by Prince Ryukan on his journey," King Ryutara continued, delivering the news that left Azaru puzzled.

Observing Azaru's confusion, King Ryutara proceeded to explain further. "My wife, the queen, persuaded me that sending our son to Earth, alongside yours, would be a noble action to protect them from Emperor Ice."

Azaru's bewilderment slowly transformed into understanding as he absorbed the king's reasoning. Gratitude welled up within him for this unexpected chance and the compassionate decision made by King Ryutara and Queen Reiya.

With newfound hope in his heart, Azaru nodded in acknowledgment. "I am grateful for your reconsideration, my king. To have both our sons embark on this journey together brings solace and reassurance. May their path be guided by the light of protection and freedom."

King Ryutara offered a small nod in return, acknowledging the weight of their shared mission. With a commitment to safeguarding their children's futures, they understood the significance of this alliance. Together, they would strive to ensure the safety and well-being of their sons as they ventured to Earth, forging a bond that transcended kingdoms and united them against a common threat.

"Now, be ready. Go home to your wife and prepare your child because the two pods are ready. When you are ready, meet us outside the castle," King Ryutara instructed Azaru. He stepped out of the cell and ordered the guards to release him.

"Hours later," Azaru and his wife Ayame embarked on their journey towards the designated meeting location. Ayame lovingly cradled baby Asura in her arms as they made their way there. Upon reaching the location, they were warmly greeted by King Ryutara, Queen Reiya, and Prince Ryukan, who had arrived earlier, their expressions filled with both resolve and sadness.

As they gathered, the royal couple extended a warm welcome to Azaru and Ayame. Two pods stood before them, perfectly suited for baby Asura and Prince Ryukan. Equipped with an advanced cloaking device, the pods were designed to evade detection from King Frost's radars.

However, Prince Ryukan's determination to stay and fight for his beloved kingdom and race remained steadfast. He pleaded with his parents, "Mother, father, please allow me to stay. I want to fight alongside you." His reluctance to leave the kingdom was evident, bringing a somber expression to Ayame's face. Meanwhile, Azaru focused on preparing baby Asura's pod for departure.

King Ryutara placed a comforting hand on Prince Ryukan's shoulder, clearly understanding the young prince's desires. "No, my son, you cannot remain here. Your safety is of utmost importance. You must go to Earth alongside Asura and continue the legacy of the Zakarian race. Never abandon your pride as a prince," the king asserted, the weight of responsibility evident in his voice.

Queen Reiya knelt down to Prince Ryukan's level, her gentle touch radiating love and protection. Tears brimmed in her eyes as she conveyed, "Your father speaks the truth, my dear. Your resilience and growth in strength are paramount. Whether you perpetuate the legacy of the Zakarian lineage or maintain your princely status, what truly matters is your perseverance." She pressed a kiss to his forehead and enveloped him in a tight embrace, evoking near tears from Prince Ryukan. "Remember, only engage in conflict if absolutely necessary. Prioritize your safety and self-preservation above all else," she advised with a maternal concern.

Azaru interjected, signaling that everything was ready for their departure. King Ryutara nodded in agreement, confirming their readiness. However, before Prince Ryukan could step into the pod, Ayame approached him, her tears flowing freely. She knelt down and tightly held his shoulders, imploring, "Please, my prince, take good care of our boy. I entrust everything to you."

Prince Ryukan's gaze shifted between his mother, father, Azaru, and finally back to Ayame. With determination shining in his eyes, he reassured them, "I promise, I will protect and watch over him."

King Ryutara, Queen Reiya, and Azaru looked on, their smiles laced with gratitude and pride for the young prince's resolve. Ayame expressed her thanks to Prince Ryukan, embracing him tightly before rising to her feet, her tears a testament to her love and concern.

As Prince Ryukan settled into his pod, preparing for the journey that would transport him to Earth, Azaru approached him and handed over a scouter. "When our boy grows up, give this to him," Azaru said, a small smile adorning his lips. Prince Ryukan returned the smile, understanding the significance of the gesture, and nodded in agreement.

With no more delays, both pods launched, hidden by the advanced cloaking devices. In his pod, Prince Ryukan cast one final glance towards his parents, especially his mother, as they disappeared into the vastness of space.

Ayame wept, her hand pressed against her tear-streaked face, while Azaru comforted her. Queen Reiya sought solace in King Ryutara's embrace, their silent support a testament to their unwavering love and concern. Together, they stood, their hearts heavy with emotion, watching their beloved ones ascend into the sky, embarking on a journey filled with both hope and uncertainty.

Not far away, a massive sphere crashed upon the planet, bringing devastation and death. Prince Ryukan's eyes widened in horror as tears threatened to spill. The sight before him was heart-wrenching. His entire race had been wiped out in an instant, the memories of his people, father, and especially his beloved mother haunting him. Overwhelmed with grief and powerlessness, he couldn't hold back his tears, a sense of profound loss washing over him.

Amidst the destruction, King Frost reveled in the chaos he had unleashed, his laughter echoing in the aftermath. "Hahaha... What a spectacular display," King Frost taunted with a malevolent grin, reveling in the destruction he had orchestrated.

Gathering himself, Prince Ryukan wiped his eyes, his resolve hardening. He made a silent vow to gain the strength necessary to vanquish King Frost once and for all. As the days passed, they remained in space, awaiting their descent to Earth.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, their pods hurtled towards Earth, crashing down near Mount Makiling. Upon impact, a commotion was stirred in the surrounding area, creating a giant crater. Ryukan emerged from his pod, setting foot on the ground. Taking in his new surroundings, he felt a mix of relief and anticipation after nearly a week confined within the pod.

Glancing to his left, Ryukan noticed Asura's smaller pod. Approaching it, he peered inside to find a peacefully sleeping infant Asura. The sight of the serene child brought a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos around them.

Turning his attention to his scouter, Ryukan activated it to read Asura's power level, only to find it registering at zero. With a mix of amusement and pride, he remarked, "Hmph... When I was your age, my power level was at 5,000," nostalgia and self-assurance coloring his words. Despite the challenges ahead, Ryukan's strength and determination remained unwavering, a testament to his resilience and fortitude in the face of adversity.

Asura suddenly began to cry loudly, prompting Ryukan to soothe him with gentle words. However, amidst the commotion, he heard a rustling of leaves behind him. Reacting instinctively, he directed a blast towards the source of the noise. After a moment of tension, he released a sigh of relief upon finding no one there.

However, his attention was quickly drawn to a voice calling out to him. Turning towards the sound, he beheld an elderly man with a curious expression on his face. The old man questioned Ryukan, "What are you doing out here, young one? Were you the cause of that loud noise just now?" his words laced with a faint smile.

However, Ryukan maintained silence in the old man's presence as he threw Asura's pod into the air. Miraculously, the old man effortlessly caught it with a single hand.

Witnessing the old man's exceptional strength, Ryukan resorted to using his scouter to reveal the old man's power level, registering an impressive 15,000.

While his mother had advised him against engaging in conflicts, she had not forbidden him from defending himself in perilous situations. With a defensive stance, Ryukan prepared to confront the unforeseen threat.

Surging towards the old man with remarkable speed, Ryukan attempted an attack. To his astonishment, the old man effortlessly countered his assault while effortlessly securing Asura's pod, leaving Ryukan bewildered by the old man's abilities.

Perplexed by the turn of events, Ryukan pondered, "How could he dodge my attack when his power level is lower than mine? This doesn't make sense."

"I'm sure you're questioning how I managed to evade your strike despite your superior strength," the old man interjected, surprising Ryukan with his insight.

Perplexed by the old man's words, Ryukan responded with a furrowed brow, "What are you implying?"

"Rest assured, young one, I mean no harm. I heard cries and came to investigate," the old man comfortingly reassured Ryukan, his demeanor gentle. A wolf's tail emerged near his face, indicating that Asura's pod had opened.

"Oh, another one, you must be the one crying. Ah, a tail. You two are quite the interesting kids," the old man remarked with a warm smile.

Ryukan remained cautious, instructing the old man to release the child. Wrestling with conflicting thoughts, he questioned his decision, "Wait, let him go. Why am I saying this? I did promise the child's mother that I would care for him. But that doesn't mean I truly care about him," Ryukan contemplated to himself.

The old man took a step towards Ryukan as he gently lowered Asura.

In a sudden burst, Ryukan dashed toward the old man once more, leaping to deliver a punch. However, with incredible agility, the old man effortlessly evaded Ryukan's attack, leaving him bewildered by the old man's swift movements.

Frustrated by the repeated evasion, Ryukan charged at the old man again, only to have his assault skillfully dodged once more. Growing increasingly agitated, he struggled to comprehend the old man's uncanny ability to evade his strikes effortlessly.

"It seems like he can anticipate my attacks," Ryukan pondered, grappling with the enigma before him.

"You possess strength, but there is much to learn about martial arts," the old man imparted. "While you may outmatch me physically, my knowledge surpasses your own."

Ryukan raised an eyebrow in response to the mention of martial arts, his curiosity piqued. "Martial arts? What is that?" he questioned with a perplexed tone.

Before the old man could provide an answer, both Asura and Ryukan's hunger became apparent with loud growls from their stomachs.

"Hehehe... Looks like you kids are hungry. Follow me, I'll prepare some food for you at my home," the old man offered to the duo.

Conflicted between his protective instincts and his hunger after a week in space with scarce food, Ryukan relented, sighing as he followed the old man. Keeping his guard up, he watched as the old man lifted Asura from the ground and led them towards his dwelling.

In the old man's humble abode, Asura and Ryukan sat at the table while the old man diligently prepared a meal for them. To Ryukan's surprise, the food was remarkably delicious, each bite a delight, though he hesitated to vocalize his satisfaction to the old man. Similarly, Asura eagerly indulged in the food without reservations.

Asura eagerly consumed his meal with an uninhibited manner, displaying a lack of table etiquette that amused the old man.

"Oh my, this little one seems to lack manners," the old man remarked, amused by Asura's exuberant appetite.

Contrastingly, Ryukan sat composed in his chair, partaking in the meal with a more refined dining etiquette.

"You boys have quite the appetite," the old man chuckled, observing their voracious consumption.

Despite enjoying the meal in silence, Ryukan's contemplation was interrupted as the old man initiated a conversation.

"Apologies for my abruptness. I am Pedro Garcia. You may call me Grandfather Pedro, if you wish," the old man introduced himself with a warm smile.

Ryukan deliberated on how much to divulge but acknowledged the old man's hospitality, prompting him to respond with a mix of pride and reserve, "I am Ryukan, Prince of the Zakarian Empire," he stated, a hint of pride shining through his composed demeanor. Gesturing towards Asura, he continued, "And this little one here is Asura."

Upon hearing the term "Zakarian," Pedro expressed his unfamiliarity with the name, prompting Ryukan to provide insight into their heritage.

"We are a proud race of warriors who conquered planets to expand our kingdom," Ryukan explained.

Pedro's response indicated his surprise, "Ah, so you're both aliens," acknowledging their extraterrestrial origin.

Aliens, what is that? Ryukan said with a confused tone.

"Aliens are a type of beings that live outside our planet," Pedro explained to him.

Ryukan fell silent and didn't respond to his questions. "So, he knew that we are from outer space, huh," Ryukan thought to himself.

"So I guess you two boys don't have a place to stay," Pedro said to them. "How about you stay here for a while?"

"Are you sure about that?" Ryukan said, surprised.

"Of course, I know you two don't have a place to stay. And it would be rude for me to just leave you be," Pedro said to the boy. "Besides, it's already almost nighttime. It's not good to wander outside."

Ryukan thought for a moment. He wasn't sure if he should accept the old man's proposal or not. "This is a good idea, actually. I don't have to sleep in a cave," Ryukan thought to himself.

"Sure, we will stay for the night," Ryukan said.

The old man clapped his hands and spoke, "Good, I shall prepare your room," Pedro said with a small smile.

Pedro offered them his house to stay and a bed to sleep in. Ryukan was grateful for the old man's hospitality and accepted his kind offer. He was relieved to have a safe place to rest while navigating his way through this unfamiliar world.

Pedro gestured towards a cozy room in his house, offering both Ryukan and Asura a bed to sleep in for the night. Ryukan were grateful for Pedro's kindness and gladly accepted his generous hospitality. As ryukan settled down for the night, he felt a sense of safety and comfort envelop him, knowing that they were in good hands with their newfound friend, Pedro.

Next to him, Asura was sleeping peacefully on his right side. Ryukan looked at him with protective eyes. Asura was the only kin he had left, their entire race was no more. Ryukan vowed to ensure that they both grew stronger together to ultimately defeat King Frost.

Finally, Ryukan also went to sleep, knowing that tomorrow he would embark on his training to become stronger.

To be continued.