Chapter 1: Ryukan's Training Begins.

The next morning, Ryukan woke from a deep slumber, welcomed by the gentle sunlight filtering through the window. Feeling refreshed compared to his rest in his pod, he sat up in bed and observed the still-sleeping Asura before springing to his feet, eager to start his day's training. Both Ryukan and Asura were dressed in their Zakarian battlesuits as Ryukan embarked on his morning routine.

Descending the stairs, Ryukan spotted Pedro in the kitchen, stoking a fire to prepare breakfast. "Good morning. How was your sleep?" Pedro greeted with a warm smile.

"It's good. I haven't slept that well in ages," Ryukan replied with a smirk, appreciating the restful night.

Pedro was pleased to hear about Ryukan's peaceful sleep and responded, "Hmm... Good to hear that you had a restful night." His face lit up with a small smile.

Curious about Asura's whereabouts, Pedro inquired, "By the way, where is the little one?"

"Well, the little troublemaker is still asleep upstairs," Ryukan replied, folding his arms.

"Ah, I see. It's good to know that Mateo is doing well," Pedro commented.

Perplexed by the mention of Mateo, Ryukan corrected, "His name is not Mateo, it's Asura."

"I know. It's better that no one else knows your true names except me," Pedro explained with a knowing look.

Ryukan pondered Pedro's suggestion and saw the merit in using fake names to conceal their identities in this unfamiliar world. "You have a point. Having fake names will help keep our true identities hidden," Ryukan agreed, acknowledging the wisdom in Pedro's advice.

Pedro emphasized the importance of maintaining secrecy, stating, "Remember, you boys are not from this planet, so using nicknames is a wise choice."

Just then, the sound of Asura crying loudly from upstairs startled both Ryukan and Pedro. "Looks like the little one needs attention," Pedro chuckled, prompting Ryukan to head outside.

As Ryukan stepped out into the fresh air, he took a moment to breathe deeply before warming up by practicing his punches and kicks, not yet delving into martial arts techniques.

As Ryukan breathed in the crisp morning air, he focused on his physical warm-up, executing a series of dynamic stretches and strengthening exercises to prepare his body for the day's training. With each deliberate movement, he felt the familiar awakening of his muscles and the surge of energy that came with the practice. As he transitioned from one exercise to the next, he concentrated on honing his agility and strength, laying the foundation for his martial training ahead.

In the midst of his routine, Ryukan's thoughts shifted towards his parents and the tragic fate of his entire race at the hands of King Frost. The desire to seek vengeance and bring justice for his fallen kin fueled his determination to train and grow stronger. He envisioned the day when he would confront and defeat King Frost, followed by King Chill and Emperor Ice, ultimately leading to the eradication of the entire Sorblaxian race. With a renewed sense of purpose, Ryukan channeled his focus into his training, visualizing the pivotal moment when he would stand ready to overcome any challenge on their path.

As Ryukan's movements flowed with practiced precision, the rhythmic sound of his training resonated in the quiet morning air. Each punch, kick, and stance reflected his dedication and the resolve to become a formidable warrior, capable of safeguarding those he cared for. The swiftness of his strikes and the power behind his movements painted a picture of commitment and resilience, traits that would serve him well in the trials ahead.

In the distance, Pedro observed Ryukan's training from the kitchen window, a sense of pride evident in his gaze. Witnessing the young prince's diligence and determination, Pedro recognized the potential within Ryukan to rise to the challenges that lay before qtt preparations, allowing Ryukan to focus on his physical conditioning in solitude.

With each repetition of his training regimen, Ryukan felt a sense of purpose and readiness coursing through him. The path ahead was uncertain, but the foundation he laid in these moments of dedication would fortify him for the trials to come. As the morning sun continued to rise, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Ryukan's training session persisted, a silent testament to his steadfast commitment to growth and newfound responsibilities in this unfamiliar world.

Minutes later, Pedro called out to Ryukan, inviting him to come inside for a meal. Before approaching him, Pedro observed Ryukan's fighting style with keen interest, noting the boy's natural talent in combat. However, he discerned a lack of refined techniques in Ryukan's approach. With a final assessment, Pedro decided it was time to share his insights with Ryukan.

"Boy, you have impressive moves," Pedro remarked with a smile, acknowledging Ryukan's potential.

Ryukan paused his training, turning to face the old man with a serious expression. "What do you want, old man?" he inquired, his demeanor guarded as he awaited Pedro's words.

"I couldn't help but notice your fighting style," Pedro began, his voice carrying wisdom. "While your form shows promise, it lacks essential techniques. Merely throwing punches and kicks won't suffice without proper technique," he explained, offering Ryukan a valuable perspective on his training approach.

Ryukan's stoic facade remained unchanged as he responded, "It's none of your business," a hint of defensiveness in his tone.

Pedro chuckled softly at Ryukan's retort before continuing, "Let me ask you something. Why are you training at this moment? What drives your purpose?" he inquired, genuinely interested in understanding Ryukan's motivations. "Is it to grow stronger or to surpass someone?" Pedro probed, seeking to unravel the boy's intentions behind his training regimen.

Halting his movements, Ryukan turned to face Pedro, meeting the old man's gaze. "Why do you care?" he questioned, his expression unreadable as he considered Pedro's inquiry.

"I see determination in your eyes, young boy," Pedro remarked, gesturing with a raised finger. His discerning gaze hinted at a deeper understanding of Ryukan's drive and potential.

Ryukan's eyes widened at Pedro's observation, intrigued by the old man's insight. Opting for silence, he waited for Pedro to continue, curious to hear the wisdom the elder had to impart.

"Now, tell me," Pedro prompted, his expression composed yet expectant. "What motivates you in your training?"

Ryukan hesitated, unsure if he could divulge his true intentions to the old man as trust had not yet fully formed between them.

Observing Ryukan's uncertainty, Pedro reassured him, "Don't worry, young boy. Your secret is safe with me," expressing a desire for Ryukan's trust and openness.

Taking a deep breath, Ryukan made a decision to share his truth. "I want to kill a specific individual," he confessed, his eyes betraying a flicker of anger.

Pedro noted Ryukan's intense emotions and probed further, "Ah, so you seek to eliminate this 'certain someone.' Who is he?" curious about Ryukan's motives.

"His name is King Frost, of the Sorblaxian race," Ryukan stated with a mixture of anger and determination in his voice.

Understanding the weight of Ryukan's words, Pedro responded, "I see. You aim to retaliate against King Frost for his atrocities."

Ryukan's emotions intensified as he revealed the depth of his loss, "Because that tyrant annihilated my entire race. My family, my people, my kingdom. He left only me and Asura alive."

Anguish and anger colored Ryukan's voice as he continued, "I was meant to lead, but now all I have is a thirst for revenge," his voice trembling with emotion as tears welled up in his eyes, a mixture of pain and resolve etched on his face as he looked towards the ground.

Witnessing Ryukan's turmoil, Pedro extended his sympathy, saying, "I'm sorry to hear of your tragic loss, Ryukan."

Understanding Ryukan's drive, Pedro offered a crucial insight, "I now comprehend your motivation for training. However, remember that succumbing to blind rage will not lead you to victory against King Frost."

Perplexed, Ryukan questioned Pedro's warning with a stoic expression, prompting Pedro to share his wisdom garnered over decades of martial arts training. "I have lived and honed my skills for nearly 70 years. Through my experiences, I learned a vital lesson that has stayed with me," Pedro revealed, preparing to impart a crucial teaching to Ryukan.

Pedro continued, "Allowing yourself to be consumed by hatred will only bring about your downfall. But if you remain humble and honorable, it will lead you to the right path and help you accomplish all you desire. This was a profound teaching from my master during my youth, a lesson that remains significant to this day." Pedro emphasized the importance of balance and clarity in the pursuit of justice, aiming to guide Ryukan on a path of wisdom and enlightenment.

"Remember, young one, anger may give motivation, but without purpose, it can lead to destruction," Pedro counseled Ryukan, offering a reminder of the perils of unchecked emotions in the pursuit of vengeance.

Ryukan absorbed Pedro's words, pondering the wisdom of the old man. The idea of balancing his anger with a clear purpose and embodying values of humility and honor resonated deeply within him. A newfound sense of clarity and determination stirred within Ryukan as he looked at Pedro.

"However, how do I maintain my drive for vengeance yet steer clear from being consumed by hatred? How can I grow stronger without losing myself to blind rage?" Ryukan questioned Pedro with a mix of uncertainty and determination.

"Fear not, my boy. I will guide you in the ways of martial arts, offering a path that will lead you to strength without succumbing to hatred," Pedro reassured Ryukan, instilling confidence in his approach.

Skeptical, Ryukan challenged Pedro's method, asking, "And why do you believe that your 'martial arts' will be the solution to my struggles, old man?"

"Because I know you're curious about how I can evade your attacks, despite your greater strength," Pedro remarked to Ryukan, addressing the unspoken question that lingered between them.

This revelation surprised Ryukan, recalling the initial encounter where Pedro effortlessly dodged his strikes. Ryukan reflected on the old man's skill and agility, realizing the depth of Pedro's martial prowess.

"So, what do you say?" Pedro prompted Ryukan, curious to hear his response.

Taking a moment to contemplate the potential benefits of mastering martial arts and its techniques, Ryukan recognized the opportunity for growth and strength that lay before him. The prospect of honing his skills to confront King Frost fueled his determination to learn.

"Alright, I am intrigued by the prospect of learning this fighting style," Ryukan conveyed to Pedro, indicating his eagerness to embark on this journey of martial arts training.

Pedro smiled, responding with assurance, "Remember, my boy, martial arts goes beyond physical strength. It instills discipline, humility, and equips you with invaluable techniques for combat situations," reinforcing the holistic impact of martial arts on one's character and abilities.

Intrigued by the forthcoming lessons, Ryukan inquired, "So, what will you be teaching me?"

"It's chakra control, my boy," Pedro disclosed to Ryukan, introducing a new aspect of martial arts practice.

Perplexed, Ryukan questioned, "Chakra? What is that?"

"Chakra is the life force that flows through every living being in the world. It enables us to harness abilities such as flight, chakra attacks, and much more," Pedro elucidated, providing Ryukan with a glimpse into the profound capabilities offered by this essential energy source. Pedro emphasized the pivotal role that chakra would play in Ryukan's martial arts journey, shaping his skills and personal development.

"I can already use that, old man," Ryukan asserted to Pedro, displaying chakra energy in the palm of his hand.

"Yes, but not to its full potential. You are not utilizing the entirety of your chakra," Pedro explained to Ryukan, pointing out that there was room for further growth and mastery.

"Really? How do you mean?" Ryukan inquired, seeking to understand Pedro's insight.

"Because I can sense that you are not fully attuned to chakra, remember, chakra doesn't just help you shoot chakra blasts or fly. It can also enable you to sense everyone's chakra in the world, even mine if you can," Pedro clarified to Ryukan, emphasizing the broader applications of chakra beyond its basic functions.

Pedro's observation intrigued Ryukan, leading him to contemplate his connection to chakra and the intricacies of its utilization. A realization began to dawn within him that mastering chakra manipulation involved a deeper understanding than he had initially grasped.

"So, how can I improve my ability to sense chakra?" Ryukan inquired, displaying eagerness to delve into the subtleties of this vital energy within himself.

"Try it like this," Pedro instructed, demonstrating the practice of meditation. Seating himself on the ground with folded feet and joined fingers, he closed his eyes, deep in concentration to focus on his chakra. Upon opening his eyes, Pedro addressed Ryukan, "You just need to follow these steps. This is meditation, a key practice for chakra awareness."

Ryukan followed Pedro's instructions, settling on the ground and closing his eyes to meditate as guided, focusing on the energies enveloping him. With Pedro's gentle encouragement, he immersed himself in the practice, gradually sensing a subtle tingling presence that called for his attention.

Pedro provided guidance, "To enhance your chakra sensing abilities, you must attune yourself to the energy flow around you. Close your eyes, focus on the subtle vibrations, and listen to the whispers of chakra within you and in the world around you through meditation."

Ryukan followed Pedro's instructions, settling on the ground and closing his eyes to meditate as guided, focusing on the energies enveloping him. With Pedro's gentle encouragement, he immersed himself in the practice, gradually sensing a subtle tingling presence that called for his attention.

"Now, expand your awareness to your surroundings, try to feel their presence within you," Pedro advised.

"Do you sense it, Ryukan? The pulsating essence of chakra merging with your essence?" Pedro's tone conveyed support, leading Ryukan in his exploration of this mystical energy.

Ryukan's senses expanded as he attuned to his surroundings, perceiving every living entity in the world—the plants, animals, and everything in between. This newfound awareness was a revelation to him, opening up a world of interconnected energies he had never experienced before.

Diving further into his mastery of chakra perception, Ryukan felt a profound awakening within. The once mysterious energy had transformed into a guiding presence, shaping his comprehension of its profound influence on his martial journey.

"I... I believe I can sense it now. It's like a gentle current flowing through me," Ryukan expressed, a mix of astonishment and realization coloring his voice.

Pedro, with a smile of approval, acknowledged Ryukan's progress. "Well done, young one. Embrace this connection to chakra, for it will unlock your true potential and lead you towards mastering martial arts."

With enhanced clarity and a heightened chakra sensitivity, Ryukan embarked on a transformative path of self-discovery and enlightenment under Pedro's tutelage. Understanding the importance of refining his chakra awareness, he recognized its pivotal role in shaping his development towards strength, discipline, and inner harmony.

"I never expected you to grasp chakra control so swiftly," Pedro remarked to Ryukan.

Ryukan, puzzled, questioned, "What do you mean?"

"Mastering chakra control is typically a challenging process, often taking months to achieve. Yet, you managed it in just one attempt," Pedro explained, acknowledging Ryukan's remarkable progress.

"Is mastering chakra control truly that difficult?" Ryukan inquired skeptically.

"It is indeed a formidable task. Even I faced struggles in mastering chakra control from a young age," Pedro revealed to Ryukan.

"I understand," Ryukan replied quietly, contemplating Pedro's words.

"The only explanation is that you are a natural prodigy," Pedro affirmed.

Ryukan remained silent, inwardly acknowledging the truth of his prodigious abilities as a member of the Zakarian race at such a tender age.

"Now that you have mastered chakra control, our next lesson will be martial arts," Pedro informed Ryukan.

Ryukan, with a hint of eagerness, commented, "About time."

"By the way, can you tell me more about chakra?" Ryukan asked Pedro.

"What exactly do you mean?" Pedro inquired.

"Everything that I need to know about chakra," Ryukan clarified.

"Okay, I never expected you to actually ask me that," Pedro remarked to Ryukan.

"Of course, I need to know everything about this world and how it works," Ryukan explained to Pedro.

"I see, very well then," Pedro responded.

"Like I said, chakra is the life energy of every living thing in the world," Pedro explained to Ryukan. "But there is also another life energy that is similar yet different from chakra. That's Mana."

"Chakra and Mana are the life energies of everything living," Pedro elaborated to Ryukan.

"Wait, seriously, there's another life energy?" Ryukan expressed his surprise.

"Indeed. Chakra and Mana serve as the life energies of this world. Humans use chakra, while spirits use mana," Pedro clarified.

Ryukan was taken aback by the revelation of another life energy coexisting in their world.

"So, how can I differentiate between chakra and mana?" Ryukan queried further.

"Chakra is the life energy present in every living being in the world, similar to mana. Chakra enables the user to shoot chakra blasts, beams, and utilize chakra-related abilities," Pedro explained to Ryukan.

"However, mana differs from chakra. Mana users can harness magic, including spells, elemental powers, and other mana-related abilities," Pedro continued.

"But there's one common ability between mana and chakra users," Pedro added.

"What is it?" Ryukan inquired.

"Both mana and chakra users have the capability to fly. Once a mana user fully masters their chakra, they can achieve flight," Pedro clarified to Ryukan.

Ryukan absorbed Pedro's explanation, processing the newfound knowledge about chakra and mana. The distinction between the two life energies opened up a world of possibilities and understanding for Ryukan, broadening his perspective on the forces at play in their world.

"So, both mana and chakra users share the ability to fly," Ryukan reiterated, fascinated by the common ground between the two energy sources.

"Yes, flight is a remarkable ability that bridges both chakra and mana users," Pedro confirmed, emphasizing the connection between mastery of these life energies and the extraordinary feat of flight.

As Ryukan contemplated the intricacies of chakra and mana, a sense of wonder and determination filled him. The depth of their world's energies and the potential they held for unlocking incredible powers sparked a newfound curiosity within him.

"Can you show me some examples of Mana abilities?" Ryukan asked Pedro.

"Hmm... I'm not so sure about that," Pedro responded to Ryukan.

"What's wrong?" Ryukan inquired.

"It's not that I can't show you some examples of Mana abilities. The reason is that I haven't fully mastered Mana control," Pedro explained.

"Really? How so?" Ryukan pressed.

"Mastering Mana control requires being taught by a spirit itself," Pedro clarified to Ryukan.

"I see," Ryukan thought to himself.

"Here, take a look," Pedro said, demonstrating by creating a small elemental magic in the palm of his hand for Ryukan to observe.

Pedro's hand shimmered with faint, ethereal energy as he conjured a tiny flame in his palm, flickering and dancing with an otherworldly glow. The elemental magic radiated warmth and light, captivating Ryukan's attention with its mesmerizing display.

"This is a basic example of elemental magic, a manifestation of Mana abilities," Pedro explained as the flame glowed brightly in his hand.

Then, Pedro's hand formed a hand sign as he began to channel magical energy, crafting a spell in the palm of his hand.

"And this is a basic example of magical magic, another aspect of Mana abilities," Pedro elucidated as the magical energy shimmered brightly in his hand.

Ryukan observed in awe, his eyes fixed on the mystical display before him. The realization of the profound energies that flowed through their world began to illuminate his understanding, kindling a newfound intrigue in the depths of Mana control and its elemental powers.

"Wow, that's incredible," Ryukan marveled, captivated by the demonstration of Mana abilities. The enchanting display ignited a thirst for knowledge and a resolve to delve deeper into mastering the mysterious forces of Mana.

Pedro's demonstration unveiled a realm of magic and wonder that Ryukan had only just begun to explore, paving the way for a journey of discovery and growth in harnessing the limitless potential of Mana. Mentor and student embarked on an expedition into the realm of Mana abilities, charting a course for Ryukan to unlock his dormant powers and carve his fate in a world brimming with ethereal energies and elemental marvels.

"So, what do you think?" Pedro asked Ryukan.

"It's amazing. I never expected that there's another life energy," Ryukan responded to Pedro.

"Hmm... I see. Well, good to know," Pedro acknowledged.

"I want to learn more about mastering chakra and mana. How can I begin to harness these energies to their fullest potential?" Ryukan asked Pedro, his voice filled with eagerness to explore his capabilities.

Pedro smiled at Ryukan's enthusiasm, recognizing the budding thirst for knowledge and growth. "To unlock the full potential of chakra and mana, you must first align yourself with their energies and find balance within," Pedro advised.

"Practice, discipline, and an open mind will be your greatest allies on this journey of discovery," Pedro continued, guiding Ryukan towards self-mastery and enlightenment.

Ryukan nodded, determined to absorb Pedro's guidance. The prospect of delving into the depths of chakra and mana sparked a determination within him, propelling him towards a future fraught with possibilities and untapped power.

"You mentioned earlier that you need a spirit to learn Mana, right?" Ryukan asked Pedro.

"Yes, that's correct," Pedro confirmed.

"Is there a way I could meet a spirit?" Ryukan inquired further.

"I'm not sure..." Pedro paused, considering Ryukan's question.

"Hmm... Why not give it a try?" Ryukan suggested.

"Spirits are usually elusive, preferring to keep to themselves and avoid humans," Pedro explained to Ryukan.

"Why is that?" Ryukan pressed for more information.

"Because humans and spirits have a history of conflict. Both races were once engaged in a war," Pedro revealed to Ryukan.

Ryukan was taken aback by this revelation, realizing that the world he had entered had its own share of strife and conflict, mirroring the turbulent history of his own people, the Zakarian race, and their adversaries, the Nebulons race.

Ryukan contemplated the revelation of the past conflict between humans and spirits, a parallel to the history of conflict within his own race. The knowledge of this shared struggle added a new layer of understanding to the complexities of the world he found himself in.

"So, spirits and humans were once at odds in a war," Ryukan remarked, processing the implications of this turbulent history.

"Yes, it was a time of strife and discord between our two races," Pedro confirmed, a solemn tone underscoring the gravity of their shared past.

"I didn't realize there was such a deep-seated animosity between spirits and humans," Ryukan reflected, a sense of somber realization settling over him.

Pedro's expression softened, recognizing Ryukan's introspection. "It's a part of our shared history, one that has shaped the interactions between our races for generations," Pedro explained.

"How can we bridge this divide and foster understanding between spirits and humans?" Ryukan posed the question, a glimmer of hope for reconciliation in his voice.

Pedro considered Ryukan's query thoughtfully. "It will require patience, empathy, and a willingness to learn from one another. By showing respect and understanding, we can strive towards healing the rifts of the past," Pedro suggested.

Ryukan nodded, absorbing Pedro's wisdom as he reflected on the importance of empathy and mutual respect in fostering harmony between different races and beings. The journey towards unity and reconciliation with spirits was a new path laid before him, one that held the promise of growth, understanding, and forging new bonds in a world shaped by both conflict and potential for peace.

As Ryukan moved to respond further, his stomach audibly growled, causing both Pedro and Ryukan to share a chuckle at the unexpected interruption.

Pedro, with a smile, suggested, "It's nearly time to eat. Let's head inside."

Ryukan followed Pedro back to the house, where the enticing aroma of a dish called Dinuguan filled the air. Curious, Ryukan queried Pedro about the dish, to which Pedro playfully responded that he would discover it soon enough.

As they made their way back to the house, Ryukan's curiosity piqued as he inquired about the meal Pedro had prepared.

"What type of food did you cook?" Ryukan asked Pedro, eager to satisfy his curiosity.

"You will find out when we get there," Pedro replied mysteriously, adding an air of anticipation to their return.

Ryukan's eagerness to know the dish only heightened as they walked towards the house, the allure of the unknown tantalizing his senses.

"Why not tell me now?" Ryukan pressed, his curiosity getting the best of him.

"Because it's a surprise," Pedro explained with a playful smile, keeping the mystery alive.

Upon entering the house, the aroma of Dinuguan filled the air, enveloping Ryukan in its savory fragrance. Pedro, with a knowing grin, served the rich and dark stew into bowls, the enticing scent lingering around them.

"Go ahead, my boy. I will go get Asura," Pedro directed Ryukan, who nodded in acknowledgment.

Examining the dish before him, Ryukan remarked, "What is this food? It's dark in color, but it smells delicious." His intrigue grew as he observed the unique appearance of the meal, eagerly anticipating its taste.

Impressed by the depth of flavor and the culinary experience, Ryukan expressed his gratitude to Pedro for introducing him to new tastes and traditions. The meal not only filled his stomach but also enriched his understanding of the world beyond his own.

"This is Dinuguan. It's a traditional Filipino dish made with pork cooked in a dark, flavorful sauce," Pedro explained, sharing a part of his culture with Ryukan.

"I see, so that is its name," Ryukan acknowledged, appreciating the introduction to this new culinary delight.

The delightful meal and Pedro's gesture of sharing his culture further strengthened the bond between mentor and student, enriching their shared experiences and creating lasting memories of camaraderie and growth.

"So, old man, what type of training are we going to learn next?" Ryukan inquired, eager to know the next lesson.

"Learning martial arts will be the next lesson for you, kid," Pedro informed Ryukan.

"Hmph... About time," Ryukan remarked to the old man, expressing his readiness to delve into the realm of martial arts training.

Excitement coursed through Ryukan as he anticipated delving into the realm of martial arts, a skill set that would further enhance his abilities and fortify his warrior spirit.

"Teach me the ways of martial arts, Pedro. I am ready to learn," Ryukan said with determination shining in his eyes.

Pedro nodded, acknowledging Ryukan's eagerness. "Martial arts requires discipline, focus, and dedication. Are you prepared to commit yourself to the path of mastery?" Pedro asked, his voice carrying a sense of challenge and guidance.

"I am ready, Pedro. I will dedicate myself to mastering the art of combat," Ryukan affirmed, his resolve unwavering.

With a knowing smile, Pedro led Ryukan to a serene training area, where the air was filled with a sense of purpose and determination. The sound of leaves rustling in the wind provided a backdrop to their training session, adding a natural rhythm to the martial arts practice.

"Begin by centering your mind and focusing on your movements," Pedro instructed Ryukan as they started the first lesson in martial arts training. The fluidity of the movements, the precision of strikes, and the grace in each stance underscored the essence of martial arts as a blend of combat skill and spiritual discipline.

As Ryukan engaged in the training, he felt a sense of unity between mind, body, and spirit, a harmony that resonated with the core principles of martial arts. With each practice session, Ryukan moved closer to unlocking the full potential of his combat prowess and embracing the warrior within.

Under Pedro's guidance, Ryukan embarked on a transformative journey of self-discovery and martial enlightenment, honing his skills, sharpening his focus, and embodying the essence of a true warrior. The training sessions became a testament to Ryukan's dedication and growth, marking the beginning of a new chapter in his quest for mastery and self-realization.

"You mentioned earlier that Asura and I need Earthling names to conceal our true identities, right?" Ryukan asked Pedro, seeking confirmation.

"Yeah, why the sudden interest now?" Pedro inquired, curious about Ryukan's change in perspective.

"Because I've been reflecting on it as well. Adopting an Earthling name could prove advantageous in the long run," Ryukan explained to Pedro.

"I see, it's good that you're giving it some thought," Pedro acknowledged.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" Pedro inquired.

"I'm not sure. I'm not familiar with Earthling names," Ryukan admitted to Pedro.

"What about Ramon? It's a solid Earthling name," Pedro suggested.

"I'm not sure; it sounds a bit too ordinary to me," Ryukan responded, not quite sold on Pedro's suggestion.

"Hmm... What kind of name are you looking for then?" Pedro asked.

"I prefer a name befitting royalty, a princely name," Ryukan expressed with pride.

Pedro chuckled at Ryukan's request and continued, "You need not worry. The name Ramon belonged to a great prince in our world ten years ago."

"Really?" Ryukan responded with surprise.

"Yes, he was a formidable ruler who led his people in a battle against the spirits," Pedro elaborated.

"In that case, I shall adopt the name as my own. From now on, I shall no longer be known as Prince Ryukan but as Prince Ramon of the Zakarian race," Ryukan declared proudly.

Pedro couldn't help but laugh at Ryukan's decision, witnessing the young warrior embrace his new identity with determination and grace.

"An hour later," after they finished their meal, the morning had slipped away, giving way to the approaching evening. Ryukan retired to his bed, preparing to set forth on his next adventure the following day.

To be continued.