Chapter 2: The Hardworking, And the Prodigy.

Five years ago, nestled in the foothills of Mount Makiling, lived two brothers: Asura, who also goes by Mateo, and Ryukan, known as Ramon.

Asura, a spirited five-year-old, possessed a boundless energy that often manifested in playful teasing of his older brother. He had a hearty appetite, relishing every meal and eagerly embracing training sessions. Asura's love for nature and animals was evident in his interactions with the world around him. He saw Ryukan as a rival, someone he aspired to surpass one day, and this rivalry fueled his determination to push his limits. His friendly and outgoing personality made him well-liked by those around him, even by animals.

Ryukan, at ten years old, presented a stark contrast to his younger brother. He was a stoic and serious child, approaching everything with a sense of gravity. Like Asura, he enjoyed training, but his natural talent meant he didn't need to exert the same level of effort. He also shared his brother's love for food, but his upbringing as a former prince instilled in him a refined sense of etiquette when dining. While not as outwardly friendly as Asura, Ryukan possessed an inner warmth that he reserved for those he trusted. His introverted nature often led him to seek solitude, allowing him to recharge and reflect.

Asura wears a white gi with the sleeves cut off at the upper section of his body, paired with red long pants inspired by the Sikaran uniform. A brown rope acts as a belt around his waist, adding a subtle detail to his ensemble. Additionally, he accessorizes with red gloves reminiscent of Ryu's style from Street Fighter. To complete his look, he opts for blue strapped boots with a black toe cap and heel.

Ryukan sports a blue tank top on his upper body and brown pants on the lower half. He ties a long red bandana around his head and wraps his hands in white with small brown ropes entwined. Embodying the appearance of a Muay Thai fighter, he finishes off the look with black boots.

The two of them stood outside their house, engaging in sparring practice. Asura began warming up, while Ryukan focused on meditation.

"Okay, brother, I'm ready," Asura declared confidently.

Ryukan remained silent, only sighing before gesturing for Asura to attack. Asura acknowledged with a nod and swiftly dashed towards Ryukan with remarkable speed.

Asura aimed a punch directly at Ryukan, but Ryukan effortlessly dodged the attack with his eyes closed.

Asura's fist sliced through the air where Ryukan had been standing moments before. Ryukan swiftly sidestepped, blending grace with precision as he moved with fluidity. Asura, impressed by Ryukan's agility, adjusted his stance and launched a series of rapid punches and kicks towards his opponent.

Ryukan remained focused, his movements deliberate and controlled. With precise timing, he evaded each strike from Asura, almost anticipating his every move. Asura's attacks grew more intense, each blow aimed with determination and power.

Feeling the intensity of the match, Ryukan's eyes snapped open, revealing a keen, focused gaze. In a sudden burst of energy, he countered Asura's assault with a swift and calculated maneuver, catching Asura off guard.

The two engaged in a dynamic dance of combat, each exchange showcasing their unique fighting styles. Asura's strength and speed clashed with Ryukan's agility and precision, creating a captivating spectacle of skill and strategy. The battle between the two skilled fighters intensified, drawing onlookers into the captivating display of martial prowess.

Asura soared through the air, aiming a powerful axe kick at Ryukan, but to his surprise, Ryukan effortlessly evaded the attack with a fluid movement.

"Damn it," Asura exclaimed in frustration, realizing he had yet to land a hit on Ryukan.

Determined to break through Ryukan's impeccable defense, Asura launched another series of strikes, this time focusing on rapid punches with his right hand. The fury of his punches was met with Ryukan's seamless dodges, each movement executed with precision and grace.

Asura's strikes came at a relentless pace, but Ryukan's evasion was unfaltering. With a calm and composed demeanor, Ryukan sidestepped, ducked, and weaved through Asura's flurry of punches as if anticipating every move before it happened.

The intensity of their sparring match heightened with each exchange, showcasing the distinct styles of the two fighters. Asura's aggressive and forceful fighting style contrasted with Ryukan's calm and collected approach, resulting in a captivating display of skill and control. The sparring session extended as the duel between Asura and Ryukan continued, emphasizing their mastery of martial arts techniques.

"You're too predictable, Asura," Ryukan stated with a stoic expression, effortlessly dodging Asura's attacks.

"Oh yeah? Then predict this!" Asura retorted, executing a spinning kick in an attempt to strike Ryukan. However, Ryukan evaded the attack once again with ease.

Seizing the opportunity, Ryukan blocked Asura's subsequent strike and swiftly unleashed a powerful left punch. The lightning-fast punch caught Asura off guard, showcasing Ryukan's skill in surprising his opponent with sudden attacks.

Asura jumps back, trying to gather himself after the sudden attack by Ryukan. As he tries to collect himself, he says, "That was a nice attack, brother," with a big smile.

Ryukan only smirks at his response. "Yeah, and you're getting faster and stronger," he replies with a proud smirk.

Asura then takes a fighting stance, and Ryukan also assumes a fighting stance. They were about to start their second round when Grandfather Pedro called out to them.

"Mateo, Ramon, that's enough. It's time to eat," Pedro said with a smile.

"Grandpa!!!" Asura exclaimed with a big smile.

Asura and Ryukan glanced at Pedro as they ran towards the old man.

"Grandpa, did you see me fighting big brother?" Mateo said with a determined look on his face.

"Yes, I did. You put up a good fight, Mateo," Pedro said with a reassuring smile. Ryukan also walked up to Pedro, a look of concern on his face.

"Come, both of you, dinner is ready," Pedro said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yes, finally. I'm starving," Asura said, holding his stomach, while Ryukan only smirked at the situation. Pedro chuckled at Asura's appetite and led them to the kitchen.

As they sat around the table, the aroma of the meal filled the room, making everyone's stomachs growl in anticipation. Both Asura and Ryukan took their seats at the table, eagerly awaiting the food.

"So, Grandpa, what type of food are we eating today?" Asura asked with a big smile directed at Pedro.

Pedro chuckled and responded, "Oh, you're going to love it," with a warm smile.

"Really? What's the name?" Pedro said, showing excitement over the food.

Ryukan facepalmed at Asura's drooling over the food. "Wipe yourself up, Idiot. You're drooling," he said annoyed to Asura.

"Oops, sorry," Asura said, wiping his mouth.

After a long minute, Pedro served them each a plate of steaming food named "Chicken Adobo" and also added a bowl of rice.

"Okay, you two, dig in," Pedro said with a warm smile.

"Wow, Chicken Adobo," Asura said in awe as he tried to reach for a piece of chicken with his hands.

Pedro swiped Asura's hand away and said, "Oh no, use the serving spoon," frowning at Asura.

"Hehehe, sorry," Asura apologized.

"Now, before you two start to eat, don't forget to pray," Pedro reminded the boys.

"Thank you for the meal," both Asura and Ryukan said, clapping their hands as they prayed before eagerly digging in.

As Ryukan and Asura finished praying, Asura dove into the food as if there was no tomorrow, lacking manners in his haste. In contrast, Ryukan ate his food with precision and grace.

"Hey, hey, Asura, slow down. Eat with manners," Pedro said with a chuckle, gently reminding Asura of the importance of etiquette at the table.

Despite Asura's loss, the sense of camaraderie and family bond among them only grew stronger. He might not always win every battle, but he is determined to become stronger.

As they savored the flavorful Chicken Adobo, the room was filled with sounds of satisfaction and contentment. Asura's enthusiasm for the dish was evident as he took each bite with delight, while Ryukan savored each mouthful with a composed demeanor.

Pedro watched fondly as his grandchildren enjoyed the meal he had prepared with care and love. The bond between the three of them deepened with each shared moment and shared laughter.

After finishing their meal, Pedro cleared the plates with a smile. "You both enjoyed the Chicken Adobo, didn't you?" he asked, already knowing the answer by the satisfied looks on their faces.

Asura and Ryukan nodded vigorously, expressing their gratitude for the delicious meal. "Thank you, Grandpa," they chimed in unison, a harmonious blend of appreciation in their voices.

The warmth of family, the joy of shared meals, and the support they found in each other filled the room, creating a sense of belonging and togetherness that would stay with them long after the meal ended.

"So, Grandpa, what type of training are we going to do today?" Asura asked with a smile.

While washing the plates, Pedro responded, "We are going to work on chakra control," he said to Asura.

"Really, chakra control?" Asura said with a big smile.

Pedro nodded and explained, "Yes, I'm going to teach you chakra awakening."

"Wait, did you just say only me?" Asura asked, confused.

Pedro nodded and clarified, "Yes, because your brother has already mastered chakra awakening," he said to Asura.

"Wait, what? That's not fair," Asura complained to Ryukan, who only smirked and folded his arms.

"Hmph, it's not my problem that you haven't awakened your chakra yet," Ryukan retorted in a mocking tone, arms still folded.

"What did you just say?" Asura snapped, annoyed at Ryukan.

"Oh, you know what I mean, idiot," Ryukan said with a smirk, still arms folded.

Pedro chuckled at the banter between the two brothers, enjoying watching their interactions. Despite their arguments, it was clear they loved and cared for each other.

Ryukan, the more serious of the two, then asked, "So what type of training are you going to teach me, old man?" as he looked at Pedro.

"I'm going to teach you a very powerful technique that will help you in combat," Pedro said to Ryukan, ensuring he understood.

"Can you also teach me, Grandpa?" Asura asked eagerly, with wide eyes and a big smile.

Pedro ruffled Asura's hair and replied, "Sure, once you awakened and mastered your chakra, I will teach you. I promise that," he assured Asura.

Asura punched the air in excitement as he absorbed the news that he would soon begin learning how to control chakra. The prospect filled him with anticipation and eagerness for the training that lay ahead.

Excitement filled Asura's heart as he anticipated the upcoming training session on chakra control. The prospect of mastering this powerful technique fueled his determination to push himself beyond his limits.

As the sun began to set over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the training grounds, Pedro gathered Asura for the first lesson on chakra control. Ryukan, observing from a distance, focused on honing his own skills, ready to assist if needed.

"Chakra awakening is essential in harnessing your inner energy and channeling it for various purposes," Pedro explained, his voice carrying a sense of wisdom and experience.

Asura listened intently, absorbing every word as Pedro guided him through the fundamentals of chakra manipulation. He closed his eyes, focusing on the flow of energy within him, seeking to understand and control it.

Pedro said, instructing him, demonstrating the practice of meditation. Seating himself on the ground with folded feet and joined fingers, he closed his eyes, deeply in concentration to focus on his chakra. Upon opening his eyes, Pedro addressed Ryukan, "You just need to follow these steps. This is meditation, a key practice for chakra awareness." Asura followed Pedro's instructions, settling on the ground, closing his eyes to meditate as guided, focusing on the energies enveloping him. With Pedro's gentle encouragement, he immersed himself in the practice, gradually sensing a subtle tingling presence that called for his attention.

Pedro provided guidance, "To awaken the chakra inside you, you must attune yourself to the energy flow around you. Close your eyes, focus on the subtle vibrations, and listen to the whispers of chakra within you and in the world around you through meditation."

Asura followed Pedro's instructions, settling on the ground, closing his eyes to meditate as guided, focusing on the energies enveloping him. With Pedro's gentle encouragement, he immersed himself in the practice, gradually sensing a subtle tingling presence that called for his attention.

"Now, go inside yourself, try to find your core; try to awaken that power inside," Pedro advised.

"Do you feel it, Asura? The pulsating essence of chakra merging with your essence?" Pedro's tone conveyed support, leading Asura in his exploration of this mystical energy.

"I don't know... I can't see it," Asura said, struggling.

"Then try harder... I know you can do it," Pedro said, motivating him.

Asura's senses expanded as he attuned to his surroundings, perceiving every living entity in the world—plants, animals, and everything in between. This newfound awareness was a revelation to him, opening up a world of interconnected energies he had never experienced before as he delved deeper to find his core.

Diving further into his mastery of chakra perception, Asura felt a profound awakening within. The once mysterious energy had transformed into a guiding presence, shaping his comprehension of its profound influence on his martial journey.

With Pedro's guidance, Asura began to sense the subtle shifts in his chakra, learning to regulate and direct it with precision. Each breath brought him closer to mastering this vital skill, deepening his connection to the inner power that lay dormant within him.

Finally able to manipulate his chakra, Asura manifested a small burst of chakra energy into the palm of his hands, seen briefly before disappearing.

Witnessing Asura's successful awakening of his chakra, Ryukan smirked at his accomplishment.

"You did it, Asura. I knew you could," Pedro said with a proud smile.

"Yeah, but I still can't do it properly," Asura remarked, scratching his chin.

"I know. But if you continue training and pushing forward, you will achieve everything," Pedro encouraged, raising his index finger.

Asura spoke with determination, "I will, grandpa... I will persist in training to master and awaken my chakra," displaying a resolute expression.

Pedro smiled warmly, ruffled Asura's hair, and remarked, "In you, you will... Now continue training, alright... I will go and train your brother," before turning to Ryukan.

As the training session drew to a close, Pedro commended Asura for his hard work and progress. "You have shown remarkable improvement, Mateo. Keep honing your skills, and you will achieve great things," Pedro praised, a smile of encouragement on his face.

Asura beamed with pride, grateful for the guidance and support he received from his grandfather and brother. The bond between them deepened through shared experiences and shared goals, strengthening their connection as a family.

Asura nodded and replied, "I will, grandpa," with a smile.

Pedro chuckled and made his way to Ryukan, leaving Asura to resume his meditation.

Asura's dedication and passion for learning impressed Pedro, who saw great potential in the young warrior. With each passing moment, Asura's control over his chakra grew stronger, paving the way for greater mastery and proficiency in the martial arts.

With the promise of further training and growth on the horizon, Asura looked towards the future with renewed determination and excitement. The path to mastering chakra control lay before him, a journey filled with challenges and triumphs waiting to be embraced.

Ryukan, observing from afar, noted Asura's progress with a sense of pride. While he had already mastered chakra control, he understood the significance of this training for his younger brother's growth and development.

As Pedro approached Ryukan, the latter was leaning against a tree, observing Pedro train Asura to awaken his chakra.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Ramon," Pedro said with a smirk. "I was making sure he could truly awaken his chakra."

"Hmph... Took you long enough, old man," Ryukan retorted with a smirk, folding his arms. "Yeah, and that's a good idea you did that."

"By the way, what techniques are you going to teach me?" Ryukan inquired with a stoic expression.

"Oh, you will find out once I teach you. Come, let's get started," Pedro said, guiding them to begin.

The training session commenced near the riverside. Pedro demonstrated a powerful chakra technique to Ryukan.

"Now, the technique I am about to show you is very powerful. You should only use this in self-defense, okay," Pedro instructed Ryukan, pointing at him.

Ryukan nodded, ready to learn the technique.

"Now, watch closely," Pedro began. Forming a circle with his hands together, he focused intently and determinedly. Placing his hands near his waist, his body radiated a golden aura as he channeled his chakra energy into a single point between his palms. The air crackled with energy, and the ground trembled beneath his feet.

With a resounding yell of "Chakra Burst Cannon!" he thrust his hands forward, unleashing a dazzling blue beam of energy that tore through the air, leaving a trail of destruction in its path along the riverside. The sheer force of the attack obliterated a mountain and left a mark in the water, sending shockwaves across the training area.

Pedro glanced at Ryukan and gave him the opportunity to try the technique.

Ryukan mirrored Pedro's actions, forming a circle with his hands, exuding focus and determination. As the golden aura enveloped his body, he harnessed his chakra energy between his palms. Mimicking Pedro's movements with precision, he unleashed a blinding blue beam of energy with the command, "Chakra Burst Cannon!"

Upon seeing Ryukan flawlessly execute the technique on his first attempt, Pedro was stunned. Not only had Ryukan mastered the technique immediately, but his form and execution were perfect.

"Incredible. He executed that technique on his first try, whereas it took me nearly four years to master it," Pedro marveled inwardly. "This kid is not only a master of chakra with one attempt but also a proficient user of a highly potent technique from the get-go. He's a prodigy."

Ryukan, observing Pedro's shock, sought validation. "Did I perform the technique correctly?" he inquired stoically.

Shaking off his surprise, Pedro replied, "Yes, you executed it perfectly."

Noticing Pedro's astonishment, Ryukan inquired, "What's the matter, old man?" maintaining his stoic demeanor.

"Nothing, I was just impressed by your immediate mastery of that technique. It took me almost four years to perfect it through training," Pedro explained to Ryukan.

Asura, who witnessed this, harbored feelings of jealousy towards Ryukan. He was keenly aware that in every aspect, Ryukan outshone him effortlessly. Ryukan could attain his desires with ease, while Asura found himself struggling to keep pace. Asura yearned to emulate Ryukan in the future.

Driven by this longing, Asura persisted in his training to fully awaken the chakra within him. He immersed himself in meditation, unwavering in his determination not to falter.

Delving deeper into his meditative state, Asura concentrated on channeling the power latent within him. Beads of sweat collected on his brow as he pushed his boundaries, refusing to yield to the uncertainties that clouded his mind.

With each breath, he sensed the chakra within him surge and strengthen. The unwavering resolve in his eyes mirrored his commitment to transcend his limitations and unleash his full potential.

For Asura, mastering his chakra was a journey that transcended mere strength and power; it symbolized self-discovery and inner growth. With each passing moment of meditation, he drew closer to realizing his true capabilities and evolving into the warrior he strived to become.

Observing his hands, Ryukan noticed a resemblance between the new technique and his Energy Fusion Beam. He had always been cognizant of his innate talent, even on his home planet, where he was renowned as a gifted individual.

As the training session progressed, Asura's dedication and perseverance shone brightly, revealing his resilience and steadfastness in confronting the intricate challenges associated with mastering chakra control.

Under the starlit sky, where the stars cast their gentle glow on the scene, Asura and Ryukan stood tall, ready to embark on the next phase of their training journey. With their grandfather by their side, Asura felt a surge of determination, acknowledging that every obstacle could be overcome with courage and tenacity.

The path towards mastering chakra control lay ahead, brimming with unexplored opportunities. Asura stood prepared to seize this prospect wholeheartedly, eager to unlock the depths of his inner strength. Guided by his grandfather's wisdom and bolstered by his brother's support, he was resolute in making the most of the journey that lay ahead.

Beneath the serene moonlight and starlit sky, Asura took his initial steps towards a future imbued with empowerment and growth. With a courageous heart and an indomitable spirit, he embraced the path of a warrior with unwavering resolve.

To be continued.