lewis,confessing his love for Ariana to Margaret


Time flowed like a languid river, carrying with it the echoes of Aaron's absence. Days turned to Weeks and weeks turned into months.

My marriage to Lewis had been patched up, or so I believed. My mother, armed with Aaron's intel, had visited me. She urged me to leave Lewis, her eyes filled with concern. But I defended my husband, citing the moments when he treated me well—the fleeting kindnesses that kept me anchored.

Lewis, however, had reverted to his old ways. The hope I harbored for change dwindled like a candle in a drafty room. And Ariana—the name tasted bitter on my tongue. I confronted Lewis once, asking about their relationship. He denied it, brushing off my suspicions with practiced ease.

Loneliness was my constant companion, but not entirely unwelcome. Zara, my daughter, filled the void. She toddled around, her laughter like sunlight breaking through storm clouds. Tomorrow, she would turn one, and I imagined her entire life unfolding before me: school, graduation, work, marriage, motherhood.

The year was 1993, and I lay on the grass, watching Zara play. My mother's early gifts had arrived—proof that she hadn't forgotten. Now, I waited for Lewis to return home, wondering if he'd bring with him the missing pieces of our fractured life. Hope clung to me like dew on morning grass, fragile yet persistent. Tomorrow, perhaps, would be different. Tomorrow, perhaps.


I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in Ariana's apartment, entwined with Ariana on his bed. She lay beside me, her lingerie-clad body still, her chest rising and falling with each gentle breath. I traced my fingers along her knee, up her thigh, and beneath her dress, savoring the smoothness of her skin. She stirred, her eyes fluttering open, and a soft chuckle escaped her lips.

"'You want me?" she whispered, her voice husky with sleep.

"I leaned in, my lips grazing her neck, before pulling back with a sly smile. 'Who knows?"

"Ariana's eyes sparkled with mischief as she rolled on top of me, her curves pressing against mine. ''You're already naked, Lewis Connor. Still not satisfied with last night?"she teased, her voice dripping with seduction.

"How can I be satisfied when you're with me?,"I smirked.

"But her expression darkened, and she sprang off me, her anger palpable. "Then Why the fuck are you still with Margaret?' she demanded, her voice rising. 'My dad knows about us, and he's asking questions. Will I remain your girlfriend forever?."

"I rose from the bed, confusion and concern etched on my face."if you're talking about Marriage,you are  moving too fast ",I said.

"Fuck that,I don't want to marry early!.it's not what I'm saying.",she yelled.

"Ariana, I have a daughter. I want to be close to her. If I leave  Margaret, she might take Zara away from me and I don't want that."I said.

"Ariana's eyes flashed with frustration. '"Fuck that babe,I can give you a child too, Lewis! I have a womb too."

I held up my hands, placating. 'Let's not argue this morning. We can discuss this later."

But Ariana stood firm, her voice unwavering. "I'm not asking for marriage, but I won't be your secret forever."

I approached her, my hands reaching for her waist. '"Come on, let's not fight. We can talk later."

She pushed my hands away, her expression softening slightly. "I have an interview today. You're coming with me. Let's bathe and get ready."

"'Interview? Isn't it scheduled for four days from now?" I asked, confusion etched on my face.

Ariana's brows furrowed, "What do you mean? I knew you'd forget, babe."

I hastily dressed, my mind racing. "Oh damn, I have to go."

Ariana's eyes narrowed, "Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

I hesitated, feeling a pang of guilt. "Yesterday was Zara's birthday... I can't believe I forgot. Margaret will nag me non stop today ."

Ariana's expression turned from annoyance to anger. "Lewis, you're ditching me already?!"

I approached her, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. "You know I'll be back."

But her anger boiled over. '"Get out of my house! And to be honest, I don't even want to see you again!"She pointed towards the door, her voice firm.

I smiled wryly as I exited her house, the tension between us palpable. I got into my car, turned on the radio, and hummed the song that played.


I stepped into our home, and my eyes met Zara's innocent gaze as she played with her toys. I scooped her up and showered her cheek with kisses, "Do you miss daddy, sweetie?"But my moment of peace was short-lived, as Margaret's stern voice interrupted us.

"'Put her down, Lewis. We need to talk.' Her eyes blazed with a mix of anger and hurt.

I set Zara down, my heart sinking, knowing what was to come. Margaret's gaze narrowed, her arms crossed, and her voice was laced with sarcasm. " let's talk."

I followed her into the next room, feeling a sense of trepidation. 'Margaret, I have been busy, I totally forgot,"I tried to explain, but she cut me off, her voice rising.

"'And you could not get a gift for your daughter who just turned one year old yesterday?"She stared at me, her eyes welling up with tears.


I tried to speak, but she wouldn't let me. "Where were you the past few days, Lewis? Don't fucking lie to me! You were in Ariana's house. And each time I asked if you were dating, you denied it."Her hands struck my chest, her tears spilling over.

"Margaret."I said softly.

"Can you just stop this,lewis?.why do treat me like this over and over,huh?,"she said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

I placed my palm on her cheek and cleaned her tear,"my beautiful Margaret,"I uttered.

I looked at her with sorrrow and regret it wasn't her fault.it was mine.

"At least you used to look beautiful before we got married."

It was time I said the truth,even though I knew it will hurt her.

"I am in love with Ariana,"I confessed,my voice barely audible.

"We've been together for a long time and it's her ,my heart now yearns for."

"Margaret's face crumpled, and she sank to her knees, her sobs echoing through the room.

There was nothing I could do so I sighed and walked away.