Zara's death

Margaret's pov

Since that fateful day, I've been teetering on the edge of despair. The temptation to drown my sorrows in alcohol gnaws at me, but I resist—I have Zara to care for. Lewis, who once promised to visit our daughter, never came back. His departure was swift, leaving behind only empty spaces and unanswered questions.

I had yearned for Lewis's response, and when it finally came, it shattered my fragile hope. I thought I could bear it, but the weight of reality presses down on my chest. Perhaps I should have enacted my Plan B long ago, severing the thread of hope that held me captive.

Driving through the night with Zara in the back seat provides a strange solace. The darkness outside mirrors the turmoil within. My daily routine has become monotonous: I sit on the porch, a new songbook in hand, and pour my emotions onto the pages. Yet, the old songbook—my treasure trove of memories—remains missing. Did Lewis take it with him? The uncertainty gnaws at my heart.


Morning light filtered through the curtains as I went about my routine. Cleaning, watering the flowers—I moved with a sense of purpose. Zara lay in her crib, a vision of serenity. I brushed my fingers across her cheek, marveling at her innocence.

The bathroom called to me—a refuge where I could think. The radio played softly as I sank into warm water, contemplating my options. Should I stay here or return home? The decision weighed heavily on my heart.

Emerging from the bath, I wrapped a towel around my chest and checked on Zara. Still asleep. Odd. I dressed and headed downstairs to prepare breakfast. But when I returned to our room, Zara hadn't stirred.

Panic surged as I lifted her. Her head lolled, and fear gripped me. I felt her icy skin—her temperature dangerously low. Without hesitation, I grabbed the car keys, still barefoot, and raced downstairs. Zara cradled in my arms, I drove, desperate to reach help.


The hospital corridors blurred as I raced inside, desperation propelling me forward. At the front desk, my words tumbled out—a frantic plea for help. They whisked Zara away, and I followed, but they barred my entry. Kneeling, I prayed with a panic that consumed me.

The doctor emerged, and I lunged toward him. His words pierced my soul: Zara was gone. I screamed, my anguish echoing through sterile halls. That day etched itself into my memory, a scar too deep to heal. I collapsed, resisting their attempts to lift me.

Then Doctor Harlen appeared. His voice was a distant echo. I charged into the room where Zara lay, shrouded in white. I tried to walk to her,But the world spun, darkness closing in.


The hospital room blurred as I regained consciousness. Drips and tubes clung to me, but I tore them away.

The night enveloped me as I stumbled out, barefoot, my disheveled hair a testament to my shattered soul. Directionless, I walked—each step a hollow echo of grief.

I was walking but I didn't know where I was heading too.

And then,after hours, inexplicably, I stood before Ariana's gate, wondering how I got there.

Lewis's car approached, Ariana sitting beside him.

He cane out from the car and his question—why I looked like a madwoman—was a cruel echo of my inner turmoil.

"Congratulations," I whispered, my voice fractured.

Lewis's smirk cut deep. "You didn't need to come here," he said, dismissing my pain.

But I couldn't hold it in.

I opened my mouth to speak but I could not say anything.

Then I tried again, "Zara. She's dead," I confessed.

He walked closer to me,"what did you say?".

His grip on my shoulders was fierce. "You killed her?.You had one job,margaret! Why?" he demanded.

"She died in her sleep," I choked out. "Everything—because of you!."

For the first time, I saw Lewis cry in a longtime. He pulled me close, his touch both comforting and accusatory. "Take me to her," he pleaded.

He held my hand to the front seat.

"Come out from the car."lewis said,looking at Ariana.

Ariana glanced at me,then looked at lewis,"what?."

"I said,get out!.",he yelled as he dragged Ariana out of the car and I sat down.

"The hospital morgue," I murmured. Lewis dragged Ariana from the car, and we drove there together. He didn't look at Zara's lifeless form, but his tears fell freely.


Lewis drove me home, his presence a fleeting balm against the storm within. He cuddled me all night,But as morning light seeped through the curtains, I woke alone.

I didn't expect anything from him.Lewis had returned to Ariana, leaving me with my fractured heart.

I spiraled into oblivion. Alcohol blurred my senses, cigarettes burned away reality, and drugs offered a temporary reprieve.

But it was still temporarily,it never took away the pain permanently.

Bathing became a distant memory; my body and soul were equally neglected.

Zara's burial day arrived—a solemn affair. I took my bath in a long time and drove to the cemetery.

Only Lewis's father stood beside me, our shared grief etching lines on our faces. Lewis and his mother never came,the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

I watched ad the earth swallowed my daughter, and I felt the weight of eternity settle upon my shoulders.

When night fell, my father-in-law stayed, offering silent companionship. But I craved solitude. I sent him away, yearning for the emptiness that matched my heart.

I knew a lot of strange people through buying of drugs. I bought a gone from one of them .while still on my burial dress ,I drove to Ariana's place.


With the loaded gun I drove to Ariana's place.

I reached their and greeted the body guards with a smile.Then I told them I wanted to see lewis,so they let me drive in.

They are so fucking dead.