concert chaos


As I stepped into the house, the bodyguard halted me, insisting he needed to clear my presence with Lewis first. I rummaged through my handbag, my fingers closing around the cold metal of the gun. I concealed it behind my back and followed the bodyguard upstairs, my heart racing with anticipation.

As he knocked on the door, it swung open, and I pushed past him, gun at the ready. Ariana's shrill cry pierced the air. "What are you doing in my house?" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with fear. Lewis, jolted awake by her outburst, sat up in bed, his gaze locking onto mine.

I flashed Ariana a sinister smile. "Good morning," I said, my voice dripping with malice, as I trained the gun on her. Her shriek was music to my ears, but my bravado faltered as I realized I'd never fired a gun before. What if I accidentally turned it on myself? The thought sent a shiver down my spine, but I shoved it aside, fueled by my anger.

The bodyguard attempted to intervene, but I spun around, finger tightening on the trigger. I fired wildly, missing my mark, but shattering the room's tranquility. Panic set in as Lewis and Ariana scrambled for cover, their terrified eyes fixed on me. More bodyguards burst in, pinning me down as Lewis and Ariana made their escape.

As they dragged me downstairs, Ariana's threats to call the police filled the air. Lewis, however, urged restraint, instructing the bodyguards to remove me from the premises.


I wandered through the desolate streets, shrouded in black, my feet carrying me farther away from Ariana's mansion.

The darkness of the early morning hours seemed to swallow me whole, my mind reeling from the chaos I'd unleashed. I collapsed onto a storefront step, staring blankly into space, unable to sleep.

As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, I forced myself to keep moving, my feet aching in the ill-fitting shoes. I discarded them and continued on, the shuttering sounds of paparazzi cameras piercing the air.

"Margaret Adrian, what happened to you?" a voice called out, followed by a barrage of questions and flashing cameras. I spun around, disoriented, and realized I'd stumbled into an event. Panic set in as I tried to flee, but the paparazzi closed in, relentless.

I broke free, tears streaming down my face, and yelled, "Leave me alone!" as I ran.

Finally, I escaped their pursuit and found myself on a bridge, the ocean stretching out before me like a tranquil abyss.

The wind whipped through my hair, and I clung to the railing, tempted by the beauty of death. But then, someone was walking towards me with a radio, and Ariana's voice filled the air, discussing her concert and a new song.

My anger flared, and I approached the radio, intent on silencing it. But the melody caught me off guard - it was my own, from my long-lost songbook. I laughed through tears, recognizing the words I'd penned months ago.

I hailed a cab and headed home, where I retrieved some cash and devised a new plan. Disguising myself, I attempted to purchase a ticket, but the concert was sold out. Undeterred, I returned home, determined to outsmart the system.

As evening fell, I pampered myself in a warm bath, donned a stunning outfit, and slipped on a black shade. With a substantial sum of money tucked into my handbag, I made my way to the concert venue. My eyes scanned the crowd for a front-row ticket holder, and I spotted a potential target.

"Would you be willing to part with your ticket?" I asked with a charming smile, approaching the lady. Her initial refusal was brusque.

I removed my glasses and was about to open my bag but  I revealed my true identity, her demeanor shifted. "Oh my gosh, Margaret Adrian!" she exclaimed, eyes wide with surprise. The surrounding crowd erupted into a frenzy of shouts and camera clicks, but I remained focused on my mission.

A staff member appeared, gesturing for me to follow him to the backstage area. "No need for a ticket, Ms. Adrian. You're our surprise guest," he said with a knowing smile. As I trailed behind him, I urged, "Keep my presence a secret. It's a surprise for Ariana!" The crowd's deafening screams only added to my anticipation.


As I watched from the crowd, Ariana's voice echoed through the venue, relying heavily on autotune. The fans cheered, oblivious to the mediocrity of the performance. Ariana teased the audience, promising to perform an unreleased song, and the crowd erupted in anticipation.

I began to push my way towards the stage, but a bouncer blocked my path.

"What are you doing? She's Margaret Adrian, part of JessieM!" another staff member intervened, and I was granted access.

I requested a microphone and joined Ariana on stage, singing along with her. Confusion etched on her face as she searched for the source of the voice. The crowd's cheers intensified, and I continued singing, my eyes locked on Ariana. She stopped singing, her annoyance and forced smile evident as I finished the song.

The crowd roared, and I yelled, "If you liked the song, let me hear you scream!" The venue erupted in a deafening chorus. I turned to Ariana, my voice laced with venom. "And how is the bitch, Ariana, or Jessie Jack, who didn't only date my husband but also stole my songbook and claimed my songs as her own?"

The crowd murmured, and Ariana feigned confusion, her nervous laughter grating.

Ariana's nervous laughter echoed through the microphone as she gazed around, feigning confusion. "I don't understand what you're saying, Margaret. I wrote it for JessieM."

My eyes blazed with fury as I lunged at her, my fists flying. "JessieM?" I spat, pummeling her relentlessly. She didn't defend herself, her passivity only fueling my rage.

The bouncers finally intervened, dragging me away from the stage. As we burst through the exterior doors, I squirmed free and sprinted down the street, the bouncers hot on my heels.

Desperate, I spotted a car and banged on the window, pleading for refuge.

"Please, help me! ,I want to see my mum,I need to get to the sea border. I'll pay!" The driver hesitated, then opened the door, and I dove in, gasping for breath as we sped away from the chaos.