she is me.marry me Aaron


I awoke to the pungent smell of smoke, a scent that was unfamiliar in my bedroom. As I opened my eyes, I saw a woman's back, her long black hair cascading down her spine like a waterfall of night. She turned to face me, her eyes gleaming with a sly smile.

"Huh, you're awake?",she said, her voice husky.

I was perplexed, unsure if I was dreaming or reality had finally caught up with me. But as I gazed into her eyes, I knew I was staring at Margaret.

"Margaret?" I called out, my voice laced with disbelief. She raised an eyebrow, her smile growing wider.

"Mr. Liam?" she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

I drew closer, my heart racing with confusion. I grasped her hand, feeling her warm skin, and knew this was no illusion.

"How are you real?"I asked, my mind reeling.

She chuckled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Is this what you usually do after a night of passion? I'm sure you weren't drunk last night.'She teased, her voice dripping with seduction.

"But I didn't know the cold Aaron Liam was so skilled in bed. The world needs to know this."

I stood up, my mind racing with thoughts. 'Put on your clothes, I'll drop you home," I said, my voice firm but measured."


As I drove, the silence between us was palpable. I glanced at her, but she gazed straight ahead, her expression inscrutable. I decided to break the silence, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"Cold, you said I am cold. Why do you think so?'"I asked, my hands gripping the wheel.

She replied, her voice detached, "Everyone knows that. The cold heir, Aaron Liam."

I paused, collecting my thoughts before continuing, "What about you? What do you think about me, Miss Adrian?."

I didn't look at her, but I felt her eyes on me.

"I just...I don't know, maybe you are, maybe you're not, or maybe just mid," she replied, her voice laced with ambiguity.

I nodded, my mind racing with thoughts. "Years ago..."I began, but she cut me off, her voice firm.

"Don't you think it's better not to bring up the past,Mr liam?" .

I apologized, my eyes fixed on the road.

"Make it up to me,"she said, her voice softening as I parked the car in her mother's mansion.

I raised an eyebrow, "What do you want?'".

She looked at me, her eyes sparkling with determination.

"I heard you're going back to Country A soon. Take me with you.".

I glanced at her, my expression skeptical. "No. But even if you want to go there, you can go by yourself or with your sisters."

She pouted, her voice laced with disappointment. "I don't want to be there alone. And My sisters have other matters to attend to."

I sighed, unbuckling my seatbelt. "Let's go out. I have matters to discuss with Miss George."

We exited the car, and I locked the door, my mind already preoccupied with the conversation ahead.

I entered the mansion with Margaret by my side, her eyes fixed on me with a determined gaze.

"So, what do you say, Mr. Liam? You didn't give me your answer,' she pressed, her voice firm.

I stood my ground, my expression resolute. "I have other matters to attend to, Margaret. You're not going to Country A with me. Let's not pursue this further."

She sighed, her face clouding with anger, and strode ahead of me. I watched as Donna descended the stairs, her eyes narrowing as she took in the tense atmosphere.

"Margaret, where have you been? You didn't give me a heads up on where you were going last night,' she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Margaret opened her mouth to respond,"I was with Aaron and we were__."

I quickly intervened,closing her mouth my heart racing with anxiety.

"What do you want to say? Do you want me to lose face in front of Donna?"I asked, my hand covering her mouth.

She frowned, pushing me aside, and continued upstairs, passing Donna without a word.

Donna turned to me, her eyebrows furrowed in concern. "Why is she angry? What happened?"she asked, her eyes following Margaret's retreating figure.

I hesitated, choosing my words carefully. "She asked for a favor, and I refused."

Donna's eyes widened, her voice rising in surprise. "And if I asked about that favor, would you mind telling me what it is?"

I hesitated, then relented. "She wants to go back to CountryA."

Donna's eyes widened further, her voice bursting out in disbelief. "What! Why on earth would she want to go there?" she asked, her gaze darting around the room as if searching for answers.

I shrugged, my expression somber. "She didn't share her reasons with me, and I didn't pry. But I know that place holds painful memories for her, which is why I declined."

I paused, my eyes locking onto Donna's. "However, Donna, I came here for a specific reason."

Her eyes narrowed, her voice encouraging. "Do speak."

"Before I came to Country B, I visited my father in the hospital. He's clinging to life as his health rapidly deteriorates.

He needs a new heart, but that's not my concern. Despite his condition, he's still as manipulative as ever.

He summoned me to the hospital and revealed his will, and I was shocked to discover I wasn't included," I said, my eyes locked onto Donna's.

Donna's expression turned sympathetic. "That man is truly ruthless. Apart from any business under your father's name, I hope you have your own assets?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

I nodded. "I do. However, I'm not going to stand by and watch as he leaves everything to my stepmother and stepbrother. Not after what he did to my mother," I said, my voice firm.

Donna's eyes narrowed. "What's your plan?" she asked, her voice encouraging.

I took a deep breath, remembering the past. "Remember when I told you that ten years ago, I vowed never to get married because I didn't want to follow in my father's footsteps?" I said, my eyes clouding with memories.

Donna's lips curled into a silent chuckle. "I recall. And let me guess - your father wants you to get married in order to be included in the will." Her eyes sparkled with understanding.

I nodded, my expression resolute.

"That's correct. However, I abhor the idea. I have no intention of getting married. I need someone who will sign a contract with me, but I don't know who to trust," I said, my voice laced with frustration.

Donna's expression turned thoughtful. "I think I know a lady who might be willing to help. We've known each other for a long time, and she's a trusted ally. I've shared some of my secrets with her, and I know she'll keep yours too," Donna said, her legs crossing in a graceful motion.

My curiosity piqued, I leaned forward. "And who is she?" I asked, my voice eager.

"'My personal assistant, Jade, is the perfect candidate for this role,' Donna said, her eyes sparkling with confidence.

"She's 35, trustworthy, and will seamlessly fit into this arrangement. I suspect your father wants someone from a wealthy family, so I'll temporarily adopt her as my daughter, and she'll take my last name.

If anyone inquires, she's a daughter I had before my marriage." Donna's eyes locked onto mine, 'And there's no age restriction for the person you're supposed to marry, correct?'

I nodded, and Donna gestured to summon Jade. But before she could, we heard Margaret's voice behind us.

" Instead of going through that extent of troubling yourself, I know someone else that can do what you want, but you will also have to do what that person wants,"Margaret said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Donna and I turned back to see Margaret approaching us, a sly smile spreading across her face. She had already changed to another clothing.

She walked towards us, her eyes gleaming with a mischievous intensity, and stood in front of us.

"Why bother with elaborate schemes when she can offer a simpler solution? She is willing to marry you, Mr. Aaron Liam,"Margaret said, her eyes locked onto mine.

"Why were you eavesdropping, Margaret?."Donna asked.

"Next time,shave a meeting in your study.However,are you not suppose to ask who this person is?."she said as she stood in front of us.

"I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. 'And who is this person?"I asked, my voice measured.

Margaret's smile grew wider. "She is me.' "