Guess who's back


"No," Aaron said, his voice firm and resolute.

I chuckled, a mixture of amusement and frustration, and settled into the adjacent couch, facing him and my mother. "I offered a simpler idea, and you decline. What is your reason,mr Liam?" I asked, my eyes locked onto his, searching for a glimmer of explanation.

He stared at me, his gaze piercing through mine, as if seeing right through to my soul. "You're not my choice, Miss Adrian," he stated bluntly, his words cutting through the air like a dagger.

He turned to my mother, his expression softening slightly. "I'll leave in a week. Please discuss this with Jade, and we'll coordinate our departure simultaneously. Thank you for your assistance, and farewell." With that, he exited, leaving a palpable tension in his wake.

I watched him disappear from sight, my mind reeling with confusion. "What a mystifying man," I murmured, shaking my head in disbelief.

My mother's gentle voice broke the silence. "Margaret, come sit with me." I obliged, joining her on the couch, my eyes locking onto hers.

"Why are you so determined to go to Country A?" she asked, her tone laced with concern.

"I intend to continue my career, Mother," I said, avoiding eye contact.

"You can achieve that in Country B, without the burdens that come with Country A," she replied, her voice laced with concern.

I met her gaze, my resolve evident. "It has to be Country A."

She sensed the underlying motivations. "If you're adamant, there must be more to it. What are you not telling me?" she asked, worry etched on her face.

I remained silent, knowing she would worry but my mind was made up. She nodded, resignation in her eyes. "Fine, you may go, but you will not sign that marriage contract with Aaron."

I stood firm. "I need to, Mother. It wasn't part of my plan initially, but you and Mr Liam  discussed it, and I realized it would enhance my prospects. I must replace Jade."

Her expression turned grave. "Margaret, you don't understand. The Liam family is dangerous. I witnessed your mental state when you returned a few years ago, and I won't risk losing you again. Signing that contract is like signing a death warrant!"

I stood my ground. "I'll be safe, Mother."

She shook her head, her voice firm. "It's not just about your safety, Margaret. I won't let you sign that contract. The Liam family is a ticking time bomb, and I won't have you trapped in their web."

I smirked, knowing I had the upper hand. "And what if Jade doesn't show up?"

My mother's confidence was unwavering. "She will show up."

I nodded, stood up and walked away with a grin on my face.



The day of departure had finally arrived, and Aaron was expected to arrive at any moment. I locked the bathroom door from the outside and sat in front of my dressing mirror, my heart racing with anticipation.

I picked up the scissors on my table and gazed at my reflection, my long hair staring back at me.

With a deep breath, I sectioned off a middle path with a comb and began to cut, the snipping sound echoing through the room. I trimmed the ends, and my once-long locks now fell just above my shoulders.

I removed the cloth I had used to protect my robe from stray hairs and slipped on a casual outfit laid out on the bed - a denim jean, a white long-sleeved shirt, and my trusty boots.

Next, I headed to my closet, rolled out my two boxes, and donned my black shades, which had been waiting on my table.

The task of carrying the boxes downstairs was daunting, but I was determined to do it alone, without the help of the maids.

Finally, I reached the last step and let out a sigh of relief. I continued to roll my boxes towards the entrance of the house, my eyes fixed on the door.

And then, I saw her - my mother, standing outside, her expression a mix of worry and resignation.

My mother's eyes widened in surprise, "You're leaving today? You didn't mention it earlier."

I halted, my boxes at a standstill, and flashed a sheepish grin. "Sorry, it slipped my mind. But I'm off today."

As I scanned the surroundings, my gaze landed on Aaron's car, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Who are you waiting for?" My mother's attention shifted to me.

"Jade, of course. She's already here, but I can't seem to locate her at the moment. I've sent the bodyguards to search for her.

" I shrugged nonchalantly, "Okay."

A sly smile crept onto my face, "You can wait, but time is ticking away. And how are you so certain she's still within these walls?"

My mother's head turned, her eyes narrowing, "What do you imply?"

I hastened to load my boxes into Aaron's car, "Let me get this done, or you might be standing here for a week, waiting for Jade, who may never show up.

" My mother's voice laced with concern, "Margaret, what are you up to?"

I turned, my eyes locking onto hers, "I'm signing that contract with Mr. Liam. Please, grant me your permission. Without it, he won't let me into his car. We have a flight to catch, and time is of the essence."

My mother sighed, her gaze drifting to Aaron's car. She hesitated before speaking, "You may go, but promise me you'll return safely."

"I will, and as for Jade, I'll reveal her whereabouts once I'm at the airport," I said, rolling my boxes towards the car, my heart pounding with anticipation.

The driver assisted me in loading my boxes into the car, and I slid into the back seat beside Aaron, who was sitting with his eyes closed, his hands resting on his knees.

Ace was sitting in front,beside the driver.As the driver started the engine and pulled away from the mansion, Aaron spoke without opening his eyes, "Welcome, Miss Jade. I'm not familiar with your last name yet, but I'm sure Donna has briefed you on our arrangement."

I burst into laughter, and Aaron's eyes snapped open, his gaze locking onto mine.

His eyes widened in surprise at my transformed appearance. "Oh, Jade was kidnapped, I see," I said with a smirk.

"So, I, Margaret Adrian, or should I say Margaret Liam, am your fiancée?"

Aaron's expression changed from surprise to confusion. "What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice laced with disbelief.

I raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean, what am I doing here? I'm here to fulfill our contract, of course. And, by the way, I have my mother's permission to sign it. You can confirm it with her if you'd like."

Aaron quickly made the call, and after a brief conversation, he turned to me with a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

As we arrived at the airport, I revealed the truth to my mother, "Jade is locked in my bathroom.




As I belted out my lyrics, the sea of faces before me was a blur, but their energy was palpable. Performing always brought me joy, but the constant inquiries about Margaret were a nagging annoyance. I detested that name, a constant reminder of a chapter in my life I'd rather forget.

Lost in the rhythm, I danced and sang, my gaze sweeping across the crowd. But then, my voice faltered, and I froze. My eyes locked onto a familiar face in the audience, a sly smile spreading across her features. Margaret. It couldn't be. What was she doing here?

My mind reeling, I turned to my left, and one of the staff members approached me, concern etched on his face. "Ariana, Ariana, what's wrong? You just stopped singing." I shook my head, trying to clear the confusion. "Nothing, I'm fine."

When I turned back to the crowd, Margaret was nowhere to be seen. I wondered if I had imagined the whole thing. But the image of her smile lingered, leaving me with a sense of unease.