Jukheon University: Orientation week

Jukheon University's orientation week was in full swing. The sun beat down on the bustling campus, where freshmen and upperclassmen alike mingled and made new connections. The air was electric with excitement and nervous energy.

Han Ri Ta, the cheerleading squad leader back at Jukheon high school, stood out among the crowd. Her confidence and superiority complex were palpable, and she knew it. She surveyed the scene with a critical eye, her gaze lingering on a group of freshmen who seemed particularly lost.

"Pathetic," she muttered under her breath. "They don't even know what they're getting themselves into."

Her friend, Lee Ji-Hyun, rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "Ri Ta, come on. Give them a break. We were all like that at one time of our lives."

Ri Ta snorted. "Speak for yourself please. I was never that clueless."

Nearby, Bang Su Ki, the charming leader of the Top Tier Boys of Jukheon high school, held court with his clique from high school - Nam Joong Oh and Kim Ji Hyun. They lounged in the shade, their expensive watches and designer clothes gleaming in the sunlight. Su Ki's eyes roamed the crowd, searching for potential recruits for their exclusive group.

"Hey, guys! Check out that girl over there," he said, nodding towards a stunning freshman. "She's got potential. Let's go make some connections.

Every boy group always had the odd ball of the clique and that was Joong Oh. He was more of the good hearted member of the highlife and high society boy group. He knew Ji Hyun and Su Ki had never just liked a girl for her potential, there was something else they wanted. She had become a game within their clique, one which he had to be a part of. He called it an Unexcusable Ritual.

"Come on Su Ki... This is just the first day of orientation. Give her time, we'll get her later, trust me."

"What do you mean, Joong Oh! Trust me too, I just want to approach her, I can truly see potential." Su Ki said, grinning brightly. The friends chuckled and followed him, their laughter and banter drawing attention from the surrounding crowd.

Cha On Dam observed the chaos from a distance, her eyes darting between Ri Ta and Su Ki. She had seen enough of their rivalries back in school and was determined to stay out of their way.

"I'm just here for the art program," she reminded herself. "I don't need any drama." She turned to another of her friend - Yun Jo Jo, "did all of us back in high school decide to come to this university? So all the talk back then about leaving was just all empty talk. Besides, where's Bora? She said she was coming today."

Jo Jo kept her calm, and kept her quiet countenance neutral.

As the day went on, Ri Ta and Su Ki's paths continued to cross, their friendly banter masking an underlying tension. On Dam watched with interest, sensing a story brewing. "This is just a repetition of high school."

Meanwhile, the Top Tier Boys were making their move on the freshman girl Su Ki had pointed out. They surrounded her, their charm and charisma on full display.

"So, what's your name?" Su Ki asked, his smile dazzling.

The girl blushed, clearly intimidated. "I-I'm Park Hana."

"Well, Hana, welcome to Jukheon," Su Ki said, his arm slung around her shoulders. "We'll make sure you have an amazing time here." Joong Oh sighed slightly and rolled his eyes round each corner.

Ri Ta watched the scene with a mixture of disdain and amusement. "Please. They think they're so exclusive, but they're just a bunch of posers."

Ji-Hyun raised an eyebrow. "You're just mad because they're getting all the attention."

Ri Ta shrugged. "Maybe a little. But I know I'm better than them. I'm the one who's going to make a difference here."

As the sun began to set, the orientation activities drew to a close. The students dispersed, some heading to their dorms, others to explore the campus.

On Dam made her way back to her room still waiting for her roommate and best friend since high school - Hyun Bora, her mind processing the events of the day. She had seen some interesting dynamics at play and was curious to see how they would unfold.

Little did they know, two new arrivals would soon shake up the campus dynamics and change everything. A girl of the highest social class and a boy of uncanny aura, were about to enter the scene, bringing their own secrets and rivalries with them.

The stage was set for a semester of drama, creativity, and self-discovery at Jukheon University. The question was, who would come out on top?

The second day of the orientation began and almost the same scenes were repeated. The Top Tier Boys were just all around the place flirting and causing commotion among students.

Su Ki, the last child and last son of Alpha Touch dynamics - a leading multinational company dealing in exports for the country, was always obnoxious, even as a child. He and his two friends have been together. Their families had known each other even before they were born. Their dads had all been friends since their high school days - Nam Joong Oh, only son and heir of Joong Oh Group, a leading conglomerate in the country. Ji Hyun's father was an assembly man in Seoul and Ji Hyun was his only child from his second marriage.

Though their parents were very cognizant of their attitude towards their peers and others, given their wealthy background, they were still spoiled. Even though they were spoiled, they still had to get good grades for an increase in allowance and the fact that they were smarty-pants even made them more attractive and, at the same time, cocky and condescending.

On Dam walked out of her room, still waiting for Bora to arrive, she sighted Ri Ta already making her presence known. The ever annoying, condescending, and naughty Han Ri Ta was one of the three daughters of the largest shareholders in the entertainment industry, so she had the notion that everyone was under the sole of her feet and everyone had a price tag, and she was irresistible.

A matte black Mercedes-Maybach EQS 680 SUV pulls up with two escorts - one behind and one at the front. Every student of Jukheon High School knew who that was, the only child from the marriage between the Ambassador to France and the owner of Hyun Aerospace (one of the members of The Trillion Won Club) - Hyun Bora.