Arrival I: The Ambassador's Daughter

Hyun Lee Ahn, the Korean ambassador to France, gazed out of her office window, her eyes narrowing as she scrutinized every detail of the consulate's grounds. She was a perfectionist, and she expected nothing but perfection from herself and those around her.

Her husband, Hyun Jong Min, was the epitome of her ideal man - handsome, intelligent, and wealthy. But Lee Ahn's priorities lay elsewhere. She valued character and personality over material possessions, and she instilled these values in her daughter, Hyun Bora.

However, Bora was a free spirit, living life on her terms. She was carefree, spontaneous, and embraced the beauty of imperfection. Her mother's constant attempts to control her life had led to a rebellious streak, but Lee Ahn eventually gave in to Bora's passion for art, allowing her to pursue a career in the field.

As the sun set over the Parisian skyline, leaving the clouds pale orange and purple,

Lee Ahn's thoughts turned to her daughter who was seated on the couch, packing her bags and preparing to leave for Jukheon University in Seoul.

"Bora, come take a look at the sky, it's beautiful."

Bora ran with a lot of eagerness and anticipation filled in her eyes. She looked at the sky and went back to where she sat, took out her brush and started painting the evening sky. "Wow… This is something I need to hang up in my room when I get to school."

Her mother felt a mix of emotions - pride, worry, and a tinge of sadness. Their relationship had been tumultuous, but Lee Ahn knew that Bora was ready to spread her wings and fly.

With a sigh, she turned back to her desk, her eyes lingering on a photo of Bora. She smiled, remembering the countless times her daughter had defied her, refusing to conform to her expectations, but they always made sure to come back. Lee Ahn knew she was a pain in the neck for her daughter, but she didn't know how else to show her love to her child. She was also brought up by perfectionist parents. Bora was a true artist, and Lee Ahn couldn't help but admire her spirit.

As she worked, Lee Ahn's mind wandered to the future, wondering what lay ahead for her daughter in Seoul. Little did she know, Bora's journey was just beginning, and it would be filled with unexpected twists and turns, one which she'd play a big part in.

Lee Ahan had made arrangements for Bora to leave immediately, but Bora decided to stay a day longer.

"Eoma (mom), I want to stay a day longer before going, it's not like the orientation is of any importance."

Her mother's countenance changed suddenly, "Don't tell me that you are leaving today, I've paid for the flight for today already."

"Eomaaa.." Bora strained, "I'd miss you, I just want to stay with you a day longer, jebal (please)."

Her mother's eyes lit up with mixed-up feelings; joy, happiness, and sadness. It had been long since Bora had said something like that. She had thought her daughter just wanted to lie around and do nothing for that whole day. "Where do you want to go? I'm hungry." Lee Ahn said with a smile and teary eyes.

"Home, I want a home-cooked meal... By you." Bora said and held her mother by the hands and dragged her out of the office. "Gashida (let's go)."

Her mother's eyes became more teary, and her feelings congested. She knew she loved her daughter and her daughter did just as much, but they both had a weird way of showing it.

The two got home rather quickly. Lee Ahn switched off her phone to avoid any calls that'd disturb this mother-daughter time they were both having, "The world can burn for all I care, this moment mustn't pass me by, not again." She said to herself while cooking.

They both decided to cook together. Bora wanted something native, something Korean, but they were in the city of lights, it'd be hard to find ingredients for a Korean meal in Paris.

They both agreed with the fact that they were far from home and getting ingredients for a Korean meal might be a little bit tasking, so they decided to have Quiche Lorraine for dinner.

The smile on Bora's face when they were both done making the Quiche Lorraine was a soothing satisfaction to her mom, just like a pat on the back.

"Wao.. This looks great, you're a great cook Mom, but you just don't like cooking." Bora complimented her mom.

"Well, if I had time, I'd cook for you every chance I get, but as you know, your Ma is a busy woman." Lee Ahn said and kissed her daughter on the cheek, "Let's eat."

It was a quarter past 10, and they were both still awake, watching a movie and munching on some popcorn. Bora knew this was one of those many days her mom got in such a happy mood. Lee Ahn, on the other hand, also saw it as one of those days when her daughter seemed clingy towards her and they both loved such days.

"It's getting late, your flight is for 8 a.m. tomorrow, and you're awake after 10." Lee Ahn said, as calmly as she could, trying not to provoke her daughter on such a day like this one that comes once in a blue moon.

Bora hugged her mother tightly, "Well, you're still awake, I'll have to leave you tomorrow, so don't let me leave you too soon. There's a tendency that I'll not get to see you when I wake up tomorrow, so just let me savor this moment." She said and looked at her mother's glittering eyes.

Lee Ahn sighed, not knowing what to make her daughter's actions. They were mostly at loggerheads half of the time, "Why is she being so clingy today? Is it because she's leaving tomorrow? Could all of this just be acting?" She thought to herself tirelessly all through the night as her daughter slept on her lap like a toddler.

The next morning, Bora woke up not knowing how she got to her bed, and she also didn't care. She knew her mom would have left for work, so she didn't bother to ask where she was from their butler. She had packed her bags the day before, so all she needed to do was leave for the airport. She looked at the time on her phone, and it was half past 7. She had only 30 minutes until the departure of her flight. "Adrienne!" She shouted.

"Madame Bora, is all good my madam?" Adrianne, their family steward, asked.

"Adrianne, I've told you, I'm not your Madame. Call me by my name please. I feel weird when you call me Madame."

Adrianne looked at her and smiled. She was a middle-aged woman who had been with Bora since her arrival in Paris and the two seemed to have grown close over time. She was always there when her mother wasn't, though she was their steward, but Bora took her like more of a family.

Bora rushed into the bathroom, took a shabby bath and ran out of the bathroom, quickly put on her clothes and headed to the kitchen, opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water, but an awkwardly familiar scent caught her attention in the kitchen, it was her favorite breakfast food - Crêpes and fresh fruit juice. "Adrianne you didn't have to make this, you know I wouldn't have time to eat." She said.

"Madame... Oh sorry, Ms. Bora, it's not my handy work, your mother made that before leaving today. She didn't have any wink of sleep throughout to make your favorite."

Bora felt a surge of emotions rushed down like a wave upon her, it had been long since her mother made her breakfast, and it was also her favorite. Her mother always seemed so engulfed in her work that she thought she knew nothing about her. Work was always hectic for her Mother daily, and Adrianne said she didn't get to close her eyes to sleep.

Adrianne's voice cut through the fibers of Bora's thought, shooting her back into consciousness, "Do you want me to bag it for you to eat on the plane?"

Immediately, Bora spurred out of her subconsciousness - "Oh Aniyo (no), don't bother, I'd rather miss my flight than leave this food untouched." She said and sat down, eating every bite with uttermost satisfaction and emotion.

She left for the airport at exactly 8:00 and got there ten minutes later. Luckily for her, her flight was delayed till 1 p.m.

Lee Ahn called Adrianne to ask if Bora had boarded the flight, but Adrianne told her that it had been delayed till 1 p.m.

"Madame Lee Ahn, Bora seemed to enjoy the Crêpes and fruit juice you prepared. She said she'd rather miss her flight than not eat the meal."

Lee Ahn was taken aback by the words she heard Adrianne say. Her heart was filled with unexplainable joy and satisfaction, "Where's she now, Adrianne??

"Madame, she's your daughter, you should call her. The time is just 11 o'clock. Call her."

Lee Ahn smiled from the other end of the phone, "Thank you, Adrianne!"

"Mrs Ambassador, here's a letter that just came in for you." Lee Ahn's competent secretary - Antoine said calmly, her ivory well ironed and patterned suit smelling of Chanel perfume.

"You smell nice Antoine, date night?" Lee Ahn said jokingly and collected the letter. Antoine smiled, blushed and left.

Lee Ahan opened the letter, took a look at the contents and smiled from ear to ear. Immediately, she took her phone and dialed her daughter's number.

Ring.... Ring..., Bora's phone vibrated and rang out, "Ne eoma (hello mom)." She answered, without even letting her mom talk. She began rambling on about why she was still in Paris, telling her that her flight had been delayed again till 3 o'clock. Her mother just kept quiet and looked at the phone screen. Smiling widely. Bora concluded and waited for her mother's reply. She was expecting a shout from her mother but instead, she got something more surprising.

"Would you like to fly with me back to Korea? I was just called back for an emergency meeting today."

Bora was so excited that she couldn't even speak, "I--I, didn't you say you paid for my flight already, what'd happen to that money?" She asked.

"Come on, you don't believe it's my money, right? It's government money, not mine. They'd not have that to deal with me, so would you?" Lee Ahn replied. A loud "Yes!" Echoed throughout Paris International Airport, making everybody shift their gaze towards Bora.

In less than twenty minutes, Lee Ahn was already at Paris International Airport. A security detail was sent to bring Bora to the jet.

"Never flown private have you?" Lee Ahn asked her daughter.

"Nope," Bora replied to her mother, feeling astonished by the esthetics of the plane.

They landed at Seoul National Airport very early the following morning and checked into the airport hotel till daybreak.

The sun had come up from the East before Lee Ahn and Bora descended from their hotel room and started heading towards the exit of the airport where their ride awaited. Bora's eyes glanced at a dashing man in a black tuxedo, "Appa (dad)!" She screamed and ran towards her dad, and hugged him tightly. Her mother came doing the same thing.

"I thought you'd be busy," Lee Ahn said.

"Jeoldae (never), I've not seen you two in a long time, I'd give anything to be here."

They all smiled and went into their ride, with the escort following. "Where are we headed, sir?" The driver asked.

"Jukheon University", Hyun Jong Min said.

In their matte black Mercedes-Maybach EQS 680 SUV, they rode and stopped at the front of the whole bustling campus during orientation. The whole campus paused for a moment to see who was going to come down from the executive car. Bora, dressed in a short black denim jacket and a white long-sleeve turtle-neck, rocking a black Givenchy shoe came down the car, her long curly hair dancing in the wind.