Our Little Reunion

Jukheon High School's class of '22 was still one of the most iconic sets in the school's history. They have been able to increase the student influx ever since, due to the large number of high-society students present that year. More than half the students in the graduating class were children of top-notch lawyers, entertainment personalities, conglomerate owners, and government officials.

Hyun Bora stepped out of her car, bidding her mother and father goodbye. "Bye-bye, Bora, see you soon," Hyun Jong Min said, waving at his daughter.

"See me soon? I don't understand... you're coming back; there's no need for that. I'm doing okay here, no need to check up on me, Appa (Dad)," Bora replied.

Bora had always wanted to live on campus, but in Paris, she lived with her mother at home. Her father's promise to see her soon again made her feel confined.

"Calm down, my lovely daughter; we're having a family dinner together. It's been a year since we last ate together," Bora's father said.

Bora smiled brightly at her father, then looked at her mother, who was almost lost at the moment between her husband and daughter. Not wanting her to feel left out, she waved at her dad and gave her mom a peck on the cheek. "Annyeong, Eoma (Goodbye, Mom)," she said, dragging her luggage.

Cha On Dam, Bora's closest friend and "twin sister" from another mother, ran towards the vehicle and hugged Bora tightly. "Where have you been? You told me you were coming yesterday; I waited all day," she said.

The two best friends smiled at each other, enjoying each other's embrace. "Sorry, something came up," Bora apologized.

"Eomeoni, Abeoji... Annyeonghaseyo (Mother, Father... Hello)!" On Dam said, waving at Bora's parents heartily. "Eoma, thank you for bringing back this big head in one piece," she said, taking a bow as the car drove off.

"Who are you calling big head?" Bora asked, starting to tickle On Dam, and they both burst out laughing.

The two had known each other since birth, and their families had been close even before they were born. It was a continuation of a generational friendship, passed down from their parents.

Cha On Dam was born into a prestigious law family, generation after generation of lawyers. Her father was the fourth generation. Her mother, on the other hand, was also a lawyer, but she built her career from scratch. Her father allowed her to study what she wanted to because of his experience with his father growing up. "Forcing a person to lead a particular life isn't." His advice was one of the reasons Bora was able to follow her dream of studying art. On Dam's father was a top-notch lawyer, the owner of the biggest law firm in the country - Cha Seung Gwang Legal Group.

As they made their way through the crowds, Bora's eyes widened in awe at the grandeur of Jukheon University's campus. The sleek modern buildings, lush greenery, and vibrant student body all seemed to pulse with an energy that was both exhilarating and intimidating.

On Dam, noticing Bora's reaction, grinned mischievously. "Welcome to the jungle, Bora! Get ready for the wildest ride of your life!" she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Bora playfully rolled her eyes at On Dam. "You're enjoying this, aren't you? Watching me squirm like a fish out of water?"

On Dam chuckled. "Maybe a little. But don't worry, I'll be your guide through this crazy world. We'll navigate it together, just like we always do."

As they approached the dormitory, Bora felt her nerves begin to flutter. She had always been shy and reserved, content to observe from the sidelines while On Dam took center stage. But something about this new environment, this fresh start, made her feel like she wanted to break free from her shell and experience everything Jukheon University had to offer.

"Hey, On Dam?" Bora said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah?" On Dam replied, looking at her with a questioning expression.

"Thanks for being here for me. I don't know what I'd do without you," Bora said, her voice filled with gratitude.

On Dam's face softened, and she wrapped an arm around Bora's shoulders. "You'll never have to find out, Bora. We're in this together, siempre (always)."

"Ummm, what language is that?" Bora asked her friend, raising an eyebrow.

On Dam knew she had made a mistake but tried to save face. "Jinja (Seriously), I thought you said you were schooled in Paris; you don't even know the language?" she teased.

Bora stood and looked at her in awe. "Are you kidding me? That's not French at all," she said, laughing at On Dam.

On Dam smiled and interlocked her hands with Bora's, dragging her into the dormitory. And with that, the two friends stepped into their new life at Jukheon University, ready to face whatever adventures came their way.

The orientation week lasted five days, and lectures started immediately on Monday. On the fourth day of orientation, the school

On the fourth day of orientation, the school's entertainment group was set to perform. Ri Ta had signed up for the entertainment group, confident she'd make the cut. She was K-pop major, so it was going to help build her profile. She only needed a degree because her parents said so, and she was also a lover of photography, either behind or in front of the camera.

Everyone was taking their seats in the auditorium when Bora, On Dam, and Jo Jo entered and sat down together. Unfortunately, they were greeted by the Top Tier Boys.

Bang Su Ki and Hyun Bora had dated in high school, but it ended quickly due to Su Ki's obsessive nature over her. He was always possessive and controlling, and Bora felt suffocated. Her parents were in support of the relationship, which was one of the reasons Bora and her mother fell out.

"Wow, Bora, damn, what did France do to you? You're looking more exquisite than ever," Su Ki flattered.

Bora looked at him with contempt. "He hasn't changed a bit, still flirting like it's a hobby for him. How immature."

On Dam rolled her eyes. "Su Ki, could you leave us alone? Looking at your face is tiring."

Ji Hyun, one of the Top Tier Boys, shot back, "Could you just shut up and focus on becoming a lawyer like your dad?"

On Dam's eyes narrowed. "Yeah, well, at least my dad's law firm has been doing a good job keeping your dad from wearing gray or blue. And given our history I'd do the same fo you too."

Joong Oh and Jo Jo, who were similar, laughed and shook their heads, wondering how they got involved with this group.

Everything started getting interesting and nice. Bora still kept cordiality and friendship with Su Ki, but that was it, no lost love. Gradually, the hall for the concert started getting filled up, the show was about to start. Bora's graduating set from Jukheon High School all took a year study gap as they all planned. Su Ki was the first person to be noticed among the lot by their head prefect - Song Min. Song Min came in with almost half the students of their set, "Su Ki-a!" He said waving his hands in the air. He and Su Ki were quite close, but he traveled abroad after middle school, then returned during their junior year in high school and by that time, the Top Tier Boys had been created.

Su Ki smiled at him and waved back, signaling to him to come over, he went towards Su Ki with about thirty-four other people, all of them exchanging pleasantries and acting all fond of each other.

The tension rose as Ri Ta showed up with her shadow - Ji-Hyun, just three rows behind where they all were. Everyone knew Ri Ta and Bora weren't fond of each other. They used to be friends when they were younger, but suddenly they fell out of friendship. No one knew what went wrong and they both did their very best to avoid talking about it.

Su Ki, who always enjoyed the banter between the two, called Ri Ta to where they were. She was reluctant because she saw Bora, but Ji-Hyun urged her to go just for pleasantries. "Don't be such a jerk, only heavens know what went wrong between you two. Come on let's go, I haven't seen them in ages," Ji-Hyun said and dragged Ri Ta toward Su Ki's direction.

"Bora, when did you return? Hope you were able to find a perfect guy in France". Ri Ta was trying to make a scene. She was one of the reasons why Su Ki and Bora broke up quickly. They were bound to break up, but not as soon as Ri Ta made it. She made them break up and then dated Su Ki after that. Ever since then, Ri Ta had done her best to rub it in Bora's face.

On Dam held Bora's hand to the back, slowly stroking her back. Ri Ta's statement made the frenzy that was within them come to an abrupt stop. An eerie silence engulfed the air surrounding them. Bora scoffed softly, "I did meet this guy, you know, he's nice.." she looked at Su Ki deep in the eyes, "…way better than Su Ki."

"Woahhhhh!..." Every one of them shouted. Bora smiled and turned her gaze to the concert that was about to start. Both Su Ki and Ri Ta were subtly humiliated. They also fell out of a relationship not too long after they came together because Su Ki was obsessed with Bora. Even after four years, Su Ki's feelings still linger.

The evening was eventful as sound and lightning took hold of the hall. As the concert began, the hall filled with music, and the students enjoyed the show. Bora and her friends had a great time, and it was a new beginning for all of them.