chapter 9: the mermaid gem!

Sorry, I lost my right to be your best friend!" Lucifer's vision was blurry due to tears.

"I'm really sorry about your brain, I heard that you lost it somewhere!" Steve was angry. He was standing infront of Lucifer.

"I'm sorry! Well you are right, you have that right to be angry on me!"

"Say that again, I dare you! You know what! You can be stupid, sarcastic, irresponsible,arrogant and powerful but this time you hurt me the most, by calling yourself not a best friend of mine. And all because you didn't came? And are you really serious about it? Or are you just messing around! No one can take the right of your being my best friend, you got it?" Steve came nearer to Lucifer with every single word.

Lucifer hugged him tightly and said "I.. I realized it now!" His tears were falling on Steve's T-shirt.

"Aargh! Nothing would happen if they have the gem, I'm still the most powerful, I will raise my powers sucking the oeace of Avantha!"

Arena made a plan. The planet of Avantha was in the inverse universe, where peace resides. Avantha didn't had any gem, since peace resides there the people cant fight and they can not tell a lie.

Arena was acting calm till a cute boy threw the ball near him. He started taking all the power frim Avantha. Tyen he went to the inverse universe of Avantha, where was opposite even the genders and the directions. He sucked the whole power of the planet. The people of Avantha startes fighting and the people Athnava were not opposite anymore. The only power left in these two planets was the power of life. This news spreaded like a wild fire.

Mr. Cheng asked Luna, Lucifer, Shenzi, Steve and Eunwoo to go on another mission, but this time the mission was under water.

Mr. Cheng gave them pills so that they can breathe inside the water and interact mermaids to take the gem.

They went to the Orith river, swallowed pills and jumped into water. After sime time of swimming, a turtle came and asked "Hello kids! How can I help you?"

Eunwoo replied with "Hi! We are here for the mermaid's gem!"

"Ohho! If your heart is pure then you will be able to pass through the tunnel!" When the turtle cimpleted his sentence the tunnel appeared. And the turtle disappeared.

"But he never told what would happen if one of us can't!" Shenzi said.

They decided to go one by one. And everyone passed the tunnel, but when it was Eunwoo's turn, he heard screams of the dead ghosts. Eunwoo was civered in sweat. In the middle of the tunnel, he heard his parent's scream. He fell on the ground when he heard hia mom's voice saying "Go Eunwoo save yourself!" And the other voice was his dad's "My dear son never be afraid of anything!".

These were the last words of his parents.

He had ni courage to walk. A blue light appeared infront of him, he started to follow the light and heard "Eunwoo dear we are proud of you! You are a good son, never stop keep going! Don't be scared, scare your enemy and let him cry. We are proud of you my son!".

"Mom Dad where are you both?! Please come to me! Don't leave me alone like this, please!". By the time he was out of the tunnel. He could not stop himself from wailing loudly.

"Please Eunwoo stop crying! We heard you scream and we are really sorry!" Shenzi sat in front of him.

"I swear! I. Will. Kill. You. Arena you mother f-" He realized that he is in public and stoppes himself. Eunwoo wiped his tears and said "Guys I am all okay, now we may proceed!" They went to the mermaid school and asked Ms. Violette if they could have the gem or not.

"We are here so don't you think Arena w-" Luna was saying

"Then we need mermaid full firce to fight him!" Lucifer said.

Ms. Violette agreed.

Arena sent Marida instead of coming himself. Sime mermaids already saw Marida coming, they thought that she won't be powerful as Arena, so they both went to fight her. It took just a blow to kill those two mermaid.

Marida teleported to Ms. Violette. Luna knew this would happen. So Luna also teleported to Ms. Violette and saved the gem. In the process Marida got bitten by Luna.

Marida said "Return to your owner!" And Luna could feel the pain of a lycan bite. Shenzi sent her best spells but spells returned to her.

"What the.. Hell is this!" Shenzi screamed.  They were attacking Marida one after the other but all the attacks were returning to them.

Then they had a thought of attacking her once, while Marida was busy in defending herself, Lucifer teleported and snatched the locket.

Ms. Violette decided to give the gem. She said "Promise me that once Arena is defeated you will return the gem!". "We promise!" Everyone said at a time. They had rest in the mermaid hostel and by the next morning they came back to thier own hostels.