Chapter 10: Fire Fairy

After having a bathe they saw a in the mirror saying 'Please meet me in the garden of your hide out!'. Everyone went to the park in front of their hide out and saw a beautiful teen girl, dressed in the combination of red and black, smiling with her blossom pink lips, her eyes were deep blue and her hairs were black, she was just the definition of beauty.

"What's your name?" Luna can not hold that question and asked.

"My name is Vanessa and I am the fairy of fire, Mistress Rosy sent me!"

Her voice... It was so delightful, it was... Like the hot chocolate we all drink in winters, it is the voice that... According to me every girl desired, it was one of the sweetest voices that I have heard in my whole life, her face described that she was, I mean is innocent. How could a human be THIS perfect? Oh! I forgot she ain't a human, after all, she is a fairy!

"Great! Do you have any housing here or would you rather come to our hide out?" Steve asked.

"Well... I don't know this place and I don't even think that I have any housing here, so... If you don't mind and allow me, I would like to stay at your hide out!" When Vanessa said this with a smile. Everyone was smiling.

Shenzi called Ms. Rosy. "Is this fairy sent by you?" Shenzi asked.

"Yes I sent her, I saw your last fight!" Ms. Rosy said in a harsh way.

"Guys... Look at that weird skater!" Steve pointed at the skater

"Huhh! We are going to fight it and defeat it!" Lucifer was a little bit lazy. He transformed.

"While they are busy with that little skater, I will go get the gems!" Arena made a plan and made skater a distraction.

Where ever the skates of skater touched, that place became icy or we can say frozen, these skates were made up of ice. Vanessa sent a flame thrower, and he stoppes it with his skates. Lucifer teleported to snatch the locket, but skater needed only one touch to freeze Lucifer. "Lucifer!" Luna screamed. ShenI was also been freezed.

Vanessa was not angry, but her warm blood was. Luna teleported Vanessa when flames were turning her wings red, she snatched the locket and shred it to pieces but Shenzi and Lucifer was not coming back to normal. Thus Vanessa decided to warm both of them at a time.

Mr. Cheng saw Arena coming, he knew that at this point no one could defeat him. Master Cheng made a duplicate gem and okaced it to the right place, as he was a lycan, he had the power of creating illusions. He made an illusion of our warriors and made Arena to think that he is being chased by them. Arena grabbed the gem and disappeared.

He called our warrior team and gave the powers but not the gem.

But why didn't he gave that gem? Did he not have faith or he did not trust them? Was he planning something?

After the fight with skater, they all were tired. Everyone was at the hide out, it was 11:50 pm.

"10 minutes more!"