Chapter11: her birthday!

10 mins more and we can wish her!" Shenzi had party poppers in her hand.

"She. Forget about her own birthday! Is it even possible?" Lucifer said in a very obvious tone.

A girl, who knows about everyone's special day, their birthday. As Lucifer I would also have been shocked, like how can she forget about her own birthday? Well a human being like me, okay I guess only I have the right to forget about my birthday!

"LUNA!" Shenzi screamed and took a long breath for the another scream. "We need your help!"

Luna woke up and rushed to the hall, she found no one and the lights were turned off.

"3,2" Vanessa whispered

When Eunwoo turned on the lights, every one said "Happy Birthday Luna!!!"

"Huh.. Oh! Today is my birthday! Thank you." Luna really did forgot about her birthday. She was very happy and they had a great party. Lucifer gifted Luna a gold Locket on which her name was caligraphed, Shenzi gave her a beautiful bracelet, Steve gave her some chocolates.

Of course, what else can we expect from a foody.

Vanessa gifted her a brown coffee mug and Eunwoo gave her a pair of ear rings. And then they ate cake and had a food fight.

It was looking like thier faces liked the cake, more than their stomachs.

"Azrath Metrios Zinthos!" And the wolf gem turned into sand! He was angry like very angry that his eyes turned red. And how cant he be angry, after all he was fooled. But he sent a huge monster at their hide out.

"There is a monster!" Shenzi was really calm. "Okay!" Steve went to fight that monster, everyone followed Steve.

This time the fighting duration was like 2 seconds so... I was not able ti see anything.

Soon Lucifer received a call "Lucifer can you please come to your mansion!" Whoever was talking seemed very scared and terrified. And declined the call.

Lucifer and Luna went to earth, Lucifer's mansion wher they saw hia dad bleeding on the ground. "Dad! Dad! Heal yourself Dad!" He ran tuwards Mr. Stomp and sat on his knees. "L-Lucifer, th-there is no time l-left for me!" Mr. Stomp was stammering.

"Shut up dad! Heal yourself you can! please!" Tears were rolling down hus cheeks.

"Keep... Q- quiet, let me f-finish l-last w-word of mi-"

"No! They aren't last, please dad you can make it! I want you dad! No.. I need you! Please, I am begging you! Please!"

"Lucifer... He has been stabbed with a knife dipped in garlic juice!" Stephen kept his hand on Lucifer's shoulder.

"No! No please you are not dying! Atleast bot right now! Please!"

"Go to my r-room, th-there is a p-pair of r-rings. Wear one a-and give th- the other t-to y-your w-wife!".

"Dad please!"

"N- never.... L-l-lose y-your... Sh-shine!" Mr.stomp was taking long breaths and he... Closed his eyes.

"DAD!" Lucifer screamed.

"Dad! Please open your eyes dad! I want more time with you! I wanna tell you a secret! Dad please!". "PLEASE!" Screamed and continued.

"This ia because of me! I am the ine who kills everyone around me!" Lucifer was scratching and punching the ground so harshly that his hands began to bleed.

Suddenly he stood and started biting all the human staff in the mansion, his birth mark on the jugular notch was getting bigger and bigger.

What is this? A mental break down! But... Why did he started to bite all thise humans?.

Luna was so numb that she didn't even noticed Lucifer jumping towards her to bite her. But thankfully Stephen ran lije thunder with Luna, in a elevator. "Ma'am do you know how to levitate others?" Stephen asked.

Luna replied with quick "yes!". Stephen had a plan to work on.

"Lucifer! Don't you think that my blood ia delicious?" Lucifer jumped to bite Stephen.

"Boy! You are not allowed to turn humans into your puppets around me!" Luna levitated Lucifer.

"You are not supposed to levitate me!" His voice changed. It was more like throaty.

"What are we going to do next. I really can't hold his fat ass for too long!".

They took him to the basement and made him sit on a wooden chair and tied him with duck tape. Stephen was givind a silver chain to Luna, but instead of taking it she asked " Is it necessary?".

"Then we have an iron cage too!"

"What! No,wait! Please don't tie me!"

"Hmm.. Okay then I have changed my mind, but there is a condition, you will not run away!" Luna said

"Lucifer is invincible when he is inaane, so... We have to wait till the sunlight hits his face!" While Stephen was talking Lucifer teleported to somewhere.

"Aargh! Where would he go?"

"Maybe he is onto making everyone his puppets!" Stephen said.

"Then hospital, the nearest one!" Luna and Stephen teleported to the nearest hospital where they saw all the nurses and the patients were screaming 'Help! No! Please!'. Sime patients were turned into vampire and the others were running to save their lives, but those puppets were biting them.

Lucifer was standing in the middle of a corridor, by seeing all this he had a sinister grin, a big one, his eyes widened and the corners of his lips were stretched from ilone ear to the other.

These humans were already scared by vampires then addition to this they saw a lycan.

Luna wanted to levitate him but her levitation powers was not working on him. Stephen appeared with an iron chain, while he himself was being burned by it. It was still 3:30 am, more 2 hours left for the sunrise.

Stephen tied Lucifer with the chain and took him to the store room where all the drugs were kept. They caged him in an iron cage, so the cage was painful to Lucifer.

"Aah! Please, please let go of me!" He was screaming in pain.

"Duh! I know you ain't Lucifer, so wait till dawn!" She said angrily but deep down she was feeling sorry.

"Mr. um.. Butler, why is Lucifer behaving like this?!"

"First of all, my name Stephen and the birth mark you see in his jugular notch!"

"Yea, that partial cross!"

"It is the rarest marks if all. Studies say that this mark was present on the royal Tengen! We don't know much about it, but the last time he was crazy, I and Mr. Stomp did this method!"

"Luna! Help me!" He shouted

"Please wait a little more!" She was sad.

Lucifer lost his consciousness. Luna saw him sweating, so she took an uce pack and went into the cage, hus temperature rose to high.

"What is the time Stephen?!" Luna was still in the cage.

"It is almost 5!" Stephen replied.

Suddenly Lucifer went near her neck and attempted ti bite her, but failed. "Sorry! But I lije my lycan form very much, so I did wore a metal around my neck!" Luna came out of the cage. She took him to the terrace.

"Why ain't the sun rising?" Lucifer was again unconscious, his health was even worse now. "What do I do?" She asked to herself.

"Was it all planned?" Stephen asked

"If it was then I have some ine special!" She called to Vanessa and asked "Do you know how to rise a sun?".

" Yes I-" Vanessa was teleported to the hospital, Luna teleported her.

Vanessa turned her fairy wings on, she was trying hard, she had a burning sensation all over her body. Eventually the sun rose. And Vanessa was exhausted. "Mr. Butler can you take care of her?" She asked

"My name is Stephen!!" Stephen was angry.

As the rays of the sun reached to the caged vampire, his skin began to burn. Luna teleported all of them to the mansion. She pulled him out if the cage, took him to his father's bedroom and made him lay on the bed. He gradually started to gain consciousness.

"Dad... Please come back to me" He wanted to scream "I still need you dad!" But had ni strenght left in his body. His temperature was above 100° celsius. Luna asked the maids to give them food and maids got some fresh pancakes and juice. "Come on! Eat this, I don't know about your father but if you will not eat this, you won't be able to talk!" Lyna gave him the plate but he refused.

"Do you want me to feed you, okay if thus is what you want.." She was spoon feeding him and made him drink the juice.

"Are you swallowing these meds on your own or do you want me to mouth feed you?"

"Uhh.. I-I will swallow" His cheeks turned red.

"Good boy!" She messed his hairs.

He again started crying. "Dad! You promised me, that you will never leave me!"

"Now go, have a bathe or else you already know the next line I am going to say!" She gave him his clothes and handed him a towel.

"Dad please! Don't do this to me!".

Luna closed the doors of the room and hugged him. " Shhh! Everything is alright! Lucifer stop crying, this is life, accept i-"

He stoppee her saying "But he promised me!"

"And he also said you to shine bright like a diamond, won't you obey his words? Tell me." Luna was polite.

Lucifer's tears were falling on her clothes and he hugged her tightly "Thanks! Now, would you like to leave, so that I can.."

"Uh.. Of course!" She was leaving but something popped into her head. "Sorry but I can't, do whatever you want in the bathroom!" And pushed him in the bathroom.

After a several minutes he came out of the bathroom, dressed in a black shirt, white jeans, A cross locket and leather shoes, he really was looking fresh. She took him down stairs, where Vanessa was already having her breakfast. She sat beside her and said "Vanessa after this meal we are having a fight to deal with!"

Lucifer said "I'll have the fight!"

"Oh my! Ready to fight huh! But what if I say no!" Luna ate a piece of her pancake.

"I wasn't asking!, trust me, you don't know me, you just know my name!" Lucifer was behind her and Luna felt a knife on her neck.

'He is on fire to avenge his father! I really do love it!'

"You are saying this, after what you did last night!" Luna chuckled.

"What I did last night?! I don't remember!"

"Nah! I am not saying In front of everyone!"