Chapter 12: Mother, is that you?

have 3 gems we can combine them and they would lead us to the other 2 gems!".

"But the other 2 gems are with Arena! How can we get them back?" Steve asked.

"This is the last battle put your lives in it and save the universe!" Master said. Had the Wolf's gem in his hands and began to say "Azrath Metrios Zinthos!" He wanted others to join.

Everyone at a time said "Azrath Metrios Zinthos!" They said multiple times and the gems collision took place. Cheng gave them a spell which was used to say when a person wants to combine all the five gems.

This gem was pure white in color, it was levitating and leading them to somewhere.

After walking a distance gem went into a cave. This cave was being guarded by four monsters who had four arms and two heads, they were looking disgusting. To enter the cave they have to fight with these terrifying monsters.

They started the fight. When they were busy in fighting a cage fell on Lucifer, and dragged him into the cave. Monster got bitten by Luna, this made the monster angry, it held Luna with his one hand and the other 3 hands wanted to tear her hands apart. Shenzi ran towards Luna and with the help of her jaw she snapped the heads of monster.

Steve had sword with him, so he used that sword to cut off the locket. Vanessa used her flames to burn the locket.

They went into the cave were they saw three paths. They were confused, which path would take them to the gem?.

"Shenzi and Vanessa would go to the path 2 Luna and Steve would go to the path 1 and I to the last one!" Eunwoo said

"Na! You and I would go together!" Steve said to Eunwoo and everyone agreed.

Luna's stomach seemed cold and she felt like liquid running through it. She touched her stomach and saw her hands.

'What the heck is this? When did I get hurt? How am I gonna stop thus bloody bleeding?!'

She tore her sleeve and tied it around her stomach tightly. Her dress was looking bad but it's alright until it can stop the bleeding.

Shenzi found a log and Vanessa burned it, so that they would be able to see. After some time, they saw caged Lucifer from a distance, being helpless they can't do anything but hide behind a rock and wait for the others to arrive.

"Master here is your parcel!" Arena said.

"Darling! That is so generous of you, to bring him here!" This voice was looking familiar to Lucifer, also it seemed like it belonged to a lady.

'I heard this voice somewhere. But the hell is I can't remember!'

"Let go of me!" Lucifer yelled.

"Why to hurry? I already won!" The same voice said.

"Damn you! You are coward! Having me caged, hiding and you are talking about winning!" He was angry but still a grin appeared on his face. Which was really enough to piss someone.

"If you really want to see my face then I can't deny it!" A lady came out of no where. Lucifer could not believe his own eyes, he rubbed his eyes and asked "Mom, is that you?!" When his vision was clearer he became very angry "Release my mother! Otherwise you won't be alive!"

"No one can take me hostage!. Sweet heart, you are the one who is kept as hostage!"

Never minding on what she said. "I said release my MOTHER!"

"Lucifer,save me!" She tried to be innocent.

"Mom don't worry! I will save you!" Both of them busted in laughter.

Eunwoo and Steve were on their way. They saw pink light coming from a distance, they decided to go and check. Both the gems were glowing and a bright silver armour was there, Steve held the gems and told Eunwoo to take the armour, Eunwoo tried hard but the armour was not moving from its place, so they moved forward without the armour.

Eunwoo and Steve arrived but at the other side of the field. Shenzi saw Eunwoo, she used morse code and they made a plan. Shenzi, Vanessa and Eunwoo jumped on the field but cages fell on them. "See! Your friends are here too!" Vignette said.

"What should we do with these minions, sweet heart?!" Arena asked.

"Do anything that you have wished!" Vignette smiled "I just want Lucifer alive!".

"You never ever took part in any of the fights, it would be easier with you, but atleast I can hear this little fairy scream!" Arena freed Eunwoo, with his one hand he held his collar and with the other he started punching his face. Eunwoo hissed and closed his eyes.

"Eunwoo fight back!" Vanessa shouted

"Have you forgot about your parents!" Shenzi said.

Hearing this he bit his lower lip and opened his eyes. He knew how to kill Arena, but the thing was to be executed. He kicked on Arena's stomach with his whole power and Arena flew away. Eunwoo took one of the Cage's rod. When he tried to beat Arena with that rod Arena broke it and threw it away.

One sharp half of the rod was stuck in between the rocks so if any human falls on it, it will result in their death.

Eunwoo used sign language to say "Vanessa make his body suffer with burning sensation" Vanessa knew sign language, she did as he told.

Arena moved backwards, where the rod was stuck, Eunwoo kicked one his knee and Arena fell on the rod. Although it didn't kill him.

Eunwoo picked another rod and started beating him with it, till blood came out of Arena's nose.

Eunwoo was really pissed, because of Arena Eunwoo's whole family died and because of Eunwoo's incomplete desires only he became a ghost.

Vanessa burned him fully. "I am sorry! You were troubling Eunwoo so.. It is now fairly done!"

Vignette released Lucifer. "Mom please tell me that you are my mother!!" He was on his knees. Like literally he was begging her.

"Seems like stomp never told you, I think, I might have killed him very early!"

"No! You could not kill him!"

"Why can't you just accept the fact that I am not your mother!" She turned around and saw Arena dead. "He is gone too!, but that's alright!"

Eunwoo ran towards Vignette to stab her. "Step aside. I wanna kill this puppet first!" And Eunwoo was chained.

"I-if I die would you leave this path?" His glared on Vignette's eyes

"Not only that but I will tell you about your biological parents too!" She was lying. But Lucifer couldn't find the lie in the sentence.

Vignette took Lucifer and the others out of the cage to somewhere.

Luna saw Steve hiding and went to him. Steve explained the plan they made and said "Nothing is going according to the plan!"

"We will find some way and rescue them."

Luna jumped on the field and untied Eunwoo, they went after Vignette.

Fire was burning inside a well. "I want you to jump in it!" She says and he walked to the well.

"I stole you from your parents when you were just 2!" Lucifer was going to jump but Luna arrived. "Fool! Wait!" She levitated Lucifer

"She said she'll leave this path if I-"

"Shut it! She is a liar" Luna kicked Vignette on the stomach while levitating him.

"Tell me. From whom you atole Lucifer?"

"And why would I say!" Vignette punched Luna's face

"Azrath -" Shenzi was about to say but Vignette kicked her.

"Azra-" Vanessa threw flame balls on her. "I'm sorry if that hurts!" Vanessa said innocently. Luna thought that they would handle her, so she ran to Lucifer.

"Luna please! She is my mother!"

"She is not your mother!" She slapped him. "Are you kinda deaf? Dumbass she just said that she stole you!"

"B-but" He cried warm tears. Usually his tears were always cold when ever he cried.

"Azrat-" Vignette covered Luna's mouth and she got bitten by Luna. Vignette came in front of her and kicked her on the stomach. Her injury again began to bleed. Luna was angry she said "Azrath kesais" In a hurry.

Luna was in the middle of the air. Parts of that silver armour came flying to her and attached to her body. Her eyes started glowing. She took the sword out and came nearer to Vignette "I am asking you again. From whom you stole him?!" Pair of glowing brown eyes locked on her green eyes.

"I am saying you again. Why would I say?!" This was the answer which was unexpected and made her to loose her cool.

In the fraction of a second a sheeting s

ound was heard, Vignette's head was not on its place, it was flying due to the force of the sword. Luna fell down.

He catched Vignette's body in his arms. Luna stood up.

"MOTHER!" A shrillness in his scream, that pain of losing someone beloved. That scream could shatter your soul after you hear it yourself. Even though she didn't loved him as much as he did. He was a kind of son that every mother would wanna have. He even was ready to sacrifice his own life to just have her living. That scream could have made me deaf.

"Why? Why did you had to kill her? Why? WHY?!!!" Such pain could not be described by words. His teary red eyes wanted to have his mother back. How could he believe that his mother was the one who killed his father, how could he believe that his mother was not his own mother. His face was covered in sweat and tears.

"I- I am sorry!.. I- I didn't meant that!" Luna was regretting her actions after seeing him.

"If Vignette wasn't his mother then who was?" Vanessa whispers to Eunwoo.

'Did he really deserved that' was the only thing crossing everyone's mind.