Chapter 13: twin?

Days passed, weeks passed, months passed, but he, Lucifer is kinda stubborn, he didn't had a word with Luna.

Having the sight of this, master Feng decided to finally tell Lucifer the truth.

"Good morning! Master you called?" His voice seemed fresh.

"Lucifer it is the time for you to know the truth!" Master gestured him to sit. "14 years later from now, Vignette stole you from your actual parents. You also had an identical twin brother, if you can find him, you both can go to your kingdom!"

After a moment of silence he asked "Why did she stole only me?!" He was not believing the words which were spoken by master.

"If I would have been in your shoes. I would have asked the same question. But the problem is that I am not in your shoes! For now maybe finding your brother may help you to reach out for the answer to your queries!" Master seemed very obvious. "If that is the task can I know where does he resides?" Lucifer asked out of curiosity. "Eager!.. Maybe... Earth, france, Paris!" Master said. "Can I have my team for searching him?". " I was about to suggest you!".

Lucifer packed his bags. Lucifer was already leaving on earth so it was not a big task for him, but finding someone who looks just like you is!

'Why all this problems are falling on me! No they are falling on ONLY me! I think my charm works as a magnet for problems' He shook his head to get those thoughts off of his mind.

"Hey! Umm.. Luna I want a help! Can you meet me in Paris! Sorry for bothering you!" He tried to be soft.

Luna saw his message, she was happy and excited to go Paris. She asked Shenzi for coming with her. Shenzi agreed.

Lucifer gave them the location.

Luna hits the bell on the hotel room. Lucifer hurried and opened the door. "Is it ok if I have Shenzi with me?". "Please do come in side!".

"It may seem funny, but we are here to find a guy who literally looks like me!". He offered them coffee

"Wait.. Did god made another ugly vampire?" Luna asked

Without noticing the question and being in his iwn thought he suddenly said "Yes!" And they both laughed at him.

They divided the city. Shenzi took all the hotels under her, Luna had all the restaurants under her and Lucifer was going to find in Bars and those super markets.

First day on wards, without delaying they began to find. And came back being tired and hungry. They all stayed in only one room.

A few weeks passed.... Luna was searching in a restaurant, she saw Vanessa and went to her.

"Hi! Long time no see!" Vanessa said and they both hugged each other. "Well... I am on another mission!" Luna says.

"That's not fair! A mission with out me!" Vanessa said. "We are finding a guy who looks like Lucifer! Do you know anything about it?". "I can help! There is a hotel named something like HotelF1 Paris. Have you checked there?"

"Thanks for your help!"

"It is my pleasure! Ask me when ever you want help!"

Luna went to the hotel, which Vanessa mentioned. That hotel was not even looking good.

'I bet Lucifer's twin won't be here! But if he is then.. Whatever it is i should atleast ask to the receptionist!'

"Sorry mam! But we can't give this information to others!" Receptionist said.

Luna went out side and shifted her shape to look like Lucifer, again went inside. "Can i have the duplicate of my room's key? I lost that key!"

"Yea sure!" And she gave the key.

On the key the room number was written. Luna went in side the room and called both Shenzi and Lucifer. They made a plan.

After a few minutes, they heard the sound of unlocking the room. They hid themselves. He came in side and again locked the room. With out even noticing Luna he went to the bathroom for a quick fresh up.

He came out side the bathroom with no clothes just a towel wrapped around him. "Who the heck are you?!" He asked, on hearing his voice any one could tell that he was a little bit nervous.

"Thank goodness! You noticed me after a long time! I am here to take you to some where if you'd put on your clothes!" Luna said

He realized that he was having only a towel on him. He rushed to the almirah and wore his clothes. "Why are you taking me 'somewhere'?" He sat on the sofa.

"What is your name?"


"Lucas do you believe in vampires?"

"Is this a children's play?"

After hearing this rude words from him, she said "ouch! That hurts! Shenzi we have a big parcel to deliver!" Shenzi was going to have him in a potato bag, but Lucifer did it before them noticing.

They went to master Feng. "He is probably lying, just tie him up with chains for several hours!" Master said after hearing the story.

They did as Feng said. "Why the heck am I even here?" Lucas said.

"Are you not a vampire?" Luna asked walking to wards him.

"Why would I be?"

Luna took out a silver dagger "Since you are not accepting it yourself!"

She used the dagger to just scratch him. Blood came out of his arm, where she used the dagger. "This dagger is sharp! Cool!". His cut healed automatically

"You filthy liar!" Luna yelled.

"Damn! Okay! What if I am a vampire?"

"You are suspected to be Lucifer's twin brother!"

"I know!" He was angry

"Hey! Why to be so aggressive! You should have said us before!" Luna said

"None of your business!" He was really angry.

Luna took a deep breath, calming herself down and said. "Looks like you wanna be asked by Lucifer. For your kind information, he is a bit ruthless!" Her eyes widened and she had a sinister laugh. But his reaction never changed

As she left the room to call Lucifer, he was tensed.

'Why did she said ruthless?!'.