Chapter 14: monster!

Lucas hissed. 'Damn! This is why she referred to him as ruthless'.

"Hmm... Are you opening your mouth yourself or do you need my arm?" He said while glaring straight into his soul.

"I am Lucas brown, I... After my parents knew about me being a vampire they-they just abandoned me, I was rotting on those filthy streets-" Lucas was saying but Lucifer interrupted him. "That is all? You don't know about your biological parents?" He was curious.

"I don't even know what is receiving live from my parents!" He was sad.

Lucifer returned to master and asked "Master he doesn't even know about our parents how could he help me finding them?"

"Have patience my dear, sooner or later you may find them!" His voice seemed like that was all he could say to calm Lucifer.

After a several hours they untied Lucas and said him that they wanted him to stay with them. Lucas joined the vampire school and was learning faster than the others.

They all decided to meet. After all, after that Arena mission they didn't even had a glance of each other's faces, so a picnic was all they needed. Lucifer wanted Lucas to join too. Lucas agreed.

They had their picnic at some mountain, there were no people so they could do what ever they wanted. "Hello everyone! Sorry for delaying!" Vanessa came.

"You are not alone who should be sorry!" Lucas came after Vanesssa. "Wait, is this a trick or something? Like.. Are you really real?" Eunwoo went near to Lucas and again continued to say "Whoa! What's name buddy!?".

"That is so kind of you, unlike the others who could just put a knife on the neck for this simple question! By the way I am Lucas, Lucifer's twin!" He was taunting Luna and Lucifer in a funny way so everyone laughed.

"What! Is my name that funny?!, I like my name you shouldn't be laughing!" With a little giggle in the last.

Picnic was going smooth untill a girl came and started saying "Darling! Where were you?! I and our unborn baby were so tensed!" And hugged Lucas.

"Excuse me ma'am! I don't even know you!" Lucas was panicking.

Suddenly that girl began to cry. "You said that you would talk to your parents about our marriage!"

"I don't know you!" Lucas was trying to get her off of him.

Her yellow eyes glowed for a little while and a mark appeared on Lucas's back. No one saw her eyes glowing.

"Ma'am please get off of me! I don't know what are you trying to say!"

Lucifer believed Lucas's words, and went to detach her. She got off of him after a while. And calmed herself down.

"My sincere apologies! I thought that you were my boyfriend!" She was looking not so fine.

"Would you like to stay with us, till your baby's birth?" Luna asked

"That would be a great help, but I am sorry, I've got an old mother to look after now so... Maybe we will meet sometime, somewhere if my fate allows me!" And she left.

"Fate? What is it?" Vanessa asked.

"Maybe Fate us something like a master!" Lucas knew what is fate but still wanted to entertain them. Thus Luna explained about Fate.

After a great picnic till night everyone went to their house. It was the middle of the night, when Lucas started to feel numb.

'Why can't I move a little bit?! Damn! Maybe brain link could help!'

He tried to link Lucifer, Lucifer was fast a sleep. After trying for a few minutes, Lucifer woke up and again linked Lucas.

"What happened?" Lucifer was sleepy

"Brother, help! I am feeling numb!". After hearing this Lucifer rushed towards Lucas's room.

"Try to mive your arm!" He yelled

"I can't!" He said through the brain link.

Lucifer called Shenzi to help him. Shenzi came there and made some solutions. "I don't really know what happened to him but we can try this solution!" Lucifer opened Luca's mouth and Shenzi poured that brown color liquid in. They waited for a while, but after seeing that nothing is happening.

Lucifer was worrying. They took Lucas to master Feng. And master Feng gave some blood and solution to them. After 1 hour he was again conscious.

"I was worried! You damned bear!" Lucifer hugged Lucas tightly.

"Well.. Was there really a thing to worry!" As Lucas said this Lucifer gave a hard pat on hia head.

The next morning, Lucifer went Luna's place and said what happened last night. His eyes were full of tears.

"Oh now! Atleast don't cry!" She hugged him, the two things which were in her mind were, how could he get numb, and what if he ain't Lucifer's twin?.

Every thing was going as it was, before a huge monster appeared.

"Luna you've got a mission again!" Master Cheng said.

"Ok, no problem!" Luna transfotmed and went there. Already Lucifer was fighting with that thing.

"What is his weakness?!" Lucufer asked

"Either it doesn't have or we don't know!" Luna said.

After fighting with it continously, that monster went sime where. "Where the hell is he?!" Luna asked.

Lucifer came home. He saw Lucas practicing. "Why are you practicing?" Lucifer asked.

"If monster liked your mansion, then I'll have to protect it!" He says with a sigh.

Monster would come every week. Luna went missing after two months of fighting monster. Lucifer thought that Luna went to her mother's house.

But for how many days? 2 weeks passed and yet she didn't came.

"Hey! Shenzi is Luna back yet?" He called Shenzi.

"No!" Shenzi was sad.

'Why the hell is taking this much time for you to come back?'

"Luna, come back, I need you! Where are you? Please atleast answer my calls!" Like this he sent 100s of messages to her, but she never opened a single one of them.

He gradually was becoming sad. He decided to go and check on her. When he went to her mother's house. He couldn't find Luna there. Lucifer was even more tensed. He started searching for her every where. There wasn't a single street he missed in Saleria.

'Where are you Luna? My soul is craving to see you alive!'