chapter 15: graduation!

Monster was not appearing. They were relaxed. But the thought of Luna always scared Lucifer. Lucifer did searched every planet, but couldn't find her.

'Where the hell are you?!'

Every one started to search her. 'Shadowmist' was the only planet left. Lucifer decided to go alone to that planet.

He went to Shadowmist for searching her. As the name describes the planet, it was cold, dark and foggy, it could scare any human.

After finding for so long he was about to leave this planet. He heard "P-please! Someone help me! Please!" Voice was breathy, brittle and wobby at the same time. This voice seemed familiar. Lucifer ignored it thinking that it's just him hallucinating, he was about to get out of Shadowmist and again he heard.

"Is there no-one who could come and save me! Please!" That voice was begging to save and help it.

Lucifer followed his instincts and used his ability to hear clearly and with the range of voice. This ability took him to an abandoned house. He had a feeling that it could be Luna. He ran towards the voice, and saw a girl shackled in the middle of the room, although the face wasn't clear, but his feelings were telling him that it is Luna. He ran towards her, freed her and took her out of the house, within a second.

She hugged him. "Please take me somewhere safe, some where alone, just me and you!" She whispered. Her whisper seemed like she was afraid of some one.

He obeyed her and took her to the safest place he knew, it was his old house in the middle of a jungle. He then looked at her face, her face was covered with dirt and mud.

"I knew that you would come!" Luna says with her teary eyes, just about to cry.

"Why have you left me? Don't you know that I couldn't live without you!" He made her lay on the bed.

"Water, I need water!" She was thirsty.

He went out of the house and came with a napkin, a bowl of water and another bottle filled with water. Lucifer made her drink water and cleaned her face, by dipping napkin into the bowl and rubbing around her. She lost her energy due to not eating for more than 3 months.

Suddenly he saw blood coming out of her abdomen, her wrists and her ankles.

He took out the medical kit, which was in the nearby desk. Applied cream on her wrists and ankles, and covered them with bandages.

"How should I treat this wound in your abdomen?" He asked.

And she gave instructions to prepare a solution.

She hissed while he was applying the solution on her stomach. "How much time will it take?" His voice was low.

He covered that wound with a big band aid. He cut the apples and gave them to Luna.

"Please feed me!" Her hands were dirty

"Then open your mouth!" And he started feeding her.

"Why are you so low, I am the one who should be!" She glared at him while chewing. He ignored her.

He took the other piece of apple near her mouth but she was not opening her lips.

"Open your lips!"

"First answer my question!"

"I said open your mouth!" And she refused.

"You know that I couldn't live without you, but still you went missing! Why would you care, right? I am nothing for you!" He said moving his glare.

She opened her mouth and took the half piece inside, and the other half was out of her mouth. She pulled him in, and the other half piece of apple was in his mouth. He bites that as accepting it from her.

They both kissed?! Like really? How could they?. Butterflies in my stomach!

She chewed the apple, trying to hide her  smile she said "That was not even my fault, it was just-" Then she realized what he said before kissing. "Wait, what you said?" She asked being confused of what she had done.

"I asked, am I nothing to you?" He cleared him self.

"And who the hell told you that?" She became angry. She leaned towards him and kissed his lips. "Does this means nothing?"

He tried not to blush but failed.

Her wounds healed by that time.

"Who imprisoned you?" Lucifer asked to know about that person.

"I don't know, I was checking my phone and suddenly I blacked out!" She was getting off her bandaids.

"What do you think about giving this news to everyone?"

"If it is about the first kiss, no you shouldn't!" She was feeling awkward.

They went to Shenzi, so that they could surprise Shenzi.

"Hello! Shenzi how you doing?!" Luna hugged Shenzi.

"I am sorry but, I don't know who you are!" Shenzi tried to get Luna off of her.

"Stop kidding me!" Luna folded her arms.

"No, I am not kidding you!" As Shenzi said this, Luna made a puppy face.

"But... pranking you silly!" Shenzi laughed.

Lucas came there at that time and asked "Are you okay Luna?"

"Yes indeed I am."

"Yea, yea, after all Lucifer was there, right?" Shenzi said teasingly.

"Nah, that's not like that!" Luna hid her smile.

Days passed by, they all were having great times. Then it was the time of graduation. At night after being graduated Vanessa threw a party.

"Eunwoo, would you be my world, my husband?!" Vanessa kneed down and proposed Eunwoo.

Eunwoo took a while. "My knees are paining!" Vanessa said with a playful voice.

"S-sorry!, I can't!" And he left the party with teary eyes.

She stood and went to the restroom, Luna and Shenzi followed her.

"Please leave me alone!" Her voice was wobbly.

"It's ok Vanessa! Know that we are here if you like to talk!" Shenzi said

"Vanessa, sometimes the person infront of you may not like you, as much as you do, but you can't force them to like you. Sometimes it is hard for us to let go them, but sooner or later, they have to go!" Luna said to comfort Vanessa.

"But I don't like him, I love him!" Vanessa was sobbing.

"You know, love is like a damn luck. Sometimes we may get unlucky, but you will find someone, and some day you will be lucky too, don't pressure yourself too much!" Luna walked out of the washroom.