chapter 16: dream.

No one knows why he rejected her proposal. He really loved Vanessa, he loved her more than himself.

He went back to his house and started to break everything he could see.

"Why!? Why did all this happen to me!? Why?" He yelled to himself. His eyes turned watery and red. By seeing him, anyone could tell he was angry and sad at the same time.

"Lucifer, have you talked to Eunwoo?" Luna asked him on the phone, after getting home.

"He is not saying a mere word!" Lucifer replied.

"But as much as I know, he loved her, right?"

"Yep! He did love her, but I don't know why he rejected her!" Lucifer took his breath in and again said "But trust me, I would never do that!"

"Oh! You expect me to propose to you?!" Luna wanted to tease him a little.

"Nah! If you were to propose, you'd take your whole lifetime!" He says without thinking about the reply.

"O really! I think you forgot how I kissed you!" She got a little angry.

"But I was the one who confessed my feelings!" He was playing with her.

"I took the first step!"

"You were a little bold. That's all!"

"If that's really a thing, let's have a competition. Whoever finds a chance and proposes first will win!"

"Hah! I'd probably win!" Lucifer said with a little giggle.

Master Feng called Lucifer and handed him a book. "What is it about Master!?"

"You will know about it!".

He read the book after going home. After completing the book, he found out Lucas was missing. He tried to brain link him.

'Where are you, Lucas?'

'Chill! I am with Shenzi, but the problem is that Shenzi tied me up!'

'I am coming!'

Lucifer went to the location he was saying. Suddenly, someone attacked him from behind. He fell down, but saw the attackers face.

'How could this be!'

When he was conscious again, he found himself with Lucas sitting in front of him.

"Finally you woke up! Now let's have a real fight!" Lucas said.

"Why are you doing all this?!"

"I don't know! Maybe for fun". He smiled. Lucas punched Lucifer.

"Then bring it on!" Lucifer kicked Lucas.

They both did this for a few hours.

"I guess I had enough fun today!" Lucas was regretting.

"Already? Come, I will drop you at home!"

Lucifer gave him an ice pack. "I have something to discuss!"

"What is it?" Lucas asked curiously.

"You know about 'Royal Tengen'?"

"Today we had a lesson about him!"

"Tengen is our ancestor!"

"Is it really true?" Lucas asked in disbelief.

"We are the kings!"

"There must be some problem with your brain!"

"Can't you connect the points? Tengen was a king. He had only one kid!"

"Now, are you going to tell me that that kid was our father?"

"You can't even guess properly, I don't know what you will do after your marriage!" Lucifer sighed and then continued "that kid is our grandfather!"

"And how are we going to prove this?"

"Our true parents are freeze in the castle itself. And there is a dragon protecting them!"

"And that dragon works for someone else, right?"

"Now you guessed it right!"

"Let me guess another thing, you, at this point, you forgot about your team, right?" Lucas was happy.

They were informed that they were going to save their parents. Everyone wanted to come.

When they arrived to the kingdom of night, everything there, even the water, was frozen. It was hard to find the castle, but eventually they found it.

Gates were frozen too. Because of them, they couldn't enter the castle. Vanessa did a flamethrower and burned the gates.

They entered the castle, after checking for so long, they could not find their parents.

"Maybe the information you got was false!" Shenzi was tired.

They all went to their homes.

A lady who was dressed in all white, similar to the one who saved Lucifer and Luna, when Arena kidnapped Luna. This lady was sitting on a chair in the middle of the ground. The ground was filled with grass, bushes and flowers. A fragrance of flowers could be sniffled. A full peace sound was being heard. Lucifer saw this beautiful lady and went near to her. While she only gestured to him to sit beside her. He sat where she wanted him to be seated.

"Lucifer today, I have a question!" She says. Her voice was also familiar to the lady who appeared when Lucifer was to die.

In reply, he only nodded.

"Your eyes could be blindfolded so that you won't see the truth! You know that, you have seen the devil in the most angelic faces."

"I can't understand!" He wanted her to explain.

"This time, so not let your eyes deceive you, my dear. Follow your instincts!" And the alarm sound was heard by Lucifer. He woke up, without noticing what he had a dream about, he started his daily life.

He went to his office, to check some details about the meeting. He suddenly remembered his dream.

'Who was that lady? Why did she tell me such things?'

Luna called to him. "Baby! Where are you? I planned a dinner for us!".

"I will surely come!" He said while he was still checking the details.

Time passed, it was 7:00. He arrived to the restaurant late.

"You are late!" She was already seated.

"Sorry!" He sat in front of her.

Luma ordered some food. They ate the food. 

They talked a lot. It was again late at night. Lucifer dropped Luna at home.

He had the same dream again. But this time he remembered. He thought it could be a message. He ran to Luna so that he could explain to her about his dream.

After talking about the dream, he added "Luna, don't you think it is a bit weird?!" He was sitting next to her.

"Lucifer, you are thinking a little too much! Everything is okay, isn't it?" She tried to comfort him.

But as I said before, Lucifer is a bit stubborn! He didn't give up on his dream, but somewhere deep inside he agreed with Luna.

Every day they had romantic dinners. Lucifer was feeling weird.

After all, their lives seemed full of problems and suddenly everything went to normal. If I were at their places, I would also have felt weird.

This time, instead of dinner, they decided to go to the library. For a while, they searched for books related to 'vampire royalty', but couldn't find a single book related to that.

Suddenly, books began to disappear, then the library disappeared, and they found themselves in a garden. Suddenly, places began to change.  They heard something like "Lucas, please wake up!" This was a sobbing but familiar voice. Then they heard multiple crying voices. These voices were familiar. The garden changed to a supermarket, then it changed to a library, then New York's Tine square, then the forest, then the Eiffel Tower in Earth Paris. This changing of places was going on, on a loop. Suddenly, all those voices became high-pitched. They covered their ears with their hands. Seeing this all was very frustrating. "What the heck is this?!" Lucifer yelled.

"I don't know!" Luna was scared of seeing all this. They started running, but couldn't reach anywhere.

"I think he is dead!" Another sobbing voice yelled.

"Who? Who died?" Lucifer asked.

After a few seconds, Luna realized what was fishy. "Lucifer..." She touched his cheek with her right hand. "Lucifer, I... I think we are in a dream!"

"How the hell is this even possible?" He held her hand. "I don't know, but we have to wake Lucas up!" She knew that they were in Lucas's dream.

"But how?..". Luna took a while to think and said "Lucas, where? Where is Lucas sleeping?" Luna said rapidly. Lucifer held Luna and ran like thunder towards his mansion.

After entering the mansion, they saw Lucas eating pancakes, cakes, juices, cupcakes, spaghetti, macaroni and burgers. He was eating like he had never eaten before. 

"Lucas!" Lucifer said loudly, but Lucas was not listening, eating continuously. Seeing this, they walked near him. "Lucas, stop eating, or else your stomach will burst!" Luna saw his budged out stomach.

"Lucas, stop!" Lucifer said. But Lucas ignored both of them. Because of this act of Lucas, Lucifer was really pissed off.

"Lucas. I. Said. Stop!" Lucifer said angrily. Again, Lucas ignored him. Thus, it made Lucifer angrier and Lucifer gave Lucas a tight slap. Lucifer's hand's shape was printed on Lucas's left cheek. Lucas started to breathe heavily. Lucifer gasped "What have I done!" He was in a panic.

"Breathe, breathe, Lucas, breathe!" Luna was patting Lucas's back. Luna realized that Lucas's back was warm. Lucas was warm. Lucas started to sweat. "Lucifer, he is warm!" Lucifer checked his temperature, using his hand. He rushed to get an ice pack. The ice in the ice pack melted due to its temperature. And suddenly he became cold, freezing cold, and his skin color changed to blue. Luna levitated Lucas and took him to the stove which was in the kitchen. Luna started a fire.

Lucas was shivering "Bro.. Brother.. Save me!" He was barely speaking, his voice was breathy. "I… I-I am sorry!" Lucifer was regretting the fact that he slapped his brother. Luna kept her hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, he will be fine, we will save him!" She wanted to comfort Lucifer. Lucas's tears were freezing on his cheeks.

Changing of places started again. But this time, there was a library, then a black room, then again the library. Thus, it was also going on a loop, until Lucas's body disappeared, and they were in a black room with no light but only a single lamp. They were confused and tensed for a little while. They saw a torchlight, and took it torch of them started to search for a door to get out of the room.

They soon found a red door. They were going near to the door, but a few monsters surrounded them. Lucifer wanted to use his speed, but there were obstacles in the faces of monsters. This was the only thing limiting him from running. Luna created a sword and transformed into a Lycan form. She threw the sword towards Lucifer, and Lucifer caught it.

"We have to fight?!" He was excited. After all, he liked fighting.

He killed 10 monsters by just cutting their necks in 5 seconds.

While Luna was biting their heads and chopping them off. There were only two left.

Lucifer slayed one and said "Luna run!" They both started running towards the door. One monster was left, it was following them. It tried to grab Luna but failed. She was fast. Luna slipped and had her ankle sprained. She tried to stand up but again fell. The monster came nearer to her. Monster had a grin on his face. Lucifer noticed that Luna was not following. He turned back and saw a monster coming near to her, and she was on the ground. 

The monster was about to pick her up, but Lucifer used his speed, picked Luna up in a bridle way and ran towards the door. 

'EXIT' was on the door with white ink. Lucifer opened the door and left the black room. Everyone was in their mansion, everyone was crying. Luna and Lucifer were hiding behind a pillar.

Lucifer saw duplicates of himself and Luna. "Luna, do you know who they are?" He was still holding her.

"No, I don't have any idea!" Luna looked into his blue eyes, which were concentrating only on those duplicates.

"Can you stand on your feet or does it still hurt?"  Lucifer asked. His eyes showed that he cared for Luna.

"Put me down, and we can figure that out!" Luna said. Lucifer made her stand.

"Aaah! Looks like it still hurts!" She said, and he again picked her up, but this time not in a bridle way, he picked her on his shoulder. And took her to his room.