chapter 26: trust?

Her heart sank into sorrow, it was bleeding. But no one could see it.

She went home putting on the fakest smile ever. She cried the whole night. And started talking to herself. "That motherfuck! This is the reason why he told me to keep it a secret!" She was so angry with herself for keeping their relationship a secret.

The other day she was looking fine. She wanted to tell Shenzi everything, but she couldn't. Now she wanted him to regret his actions and wanted him to realize what he had lost.

Luna went to the castle. This time she wore a black knee-length frock. It was uncomfortable. 

"Hello! Clara, how are you?!" Luna asked in a friendly way.

"Hi! I... I'm fine!" Clara said, looking at Luna.

"Where is Ace?" Luna asked.

"I guess he is with Mister Orion!" Clara said while eating meat for her breakfast.

Luna went straight to Ace. He was discussing something with Mister Orion. He was holding a map. Luna quietly waited for Ace.

"Hi!" Luna said when Ace came out of that room.

"Hello?" Ace had a question mark on his face. But still his voice was flat, never showing any emotions.

"You got a minute? There is something I want to talk to you about!"

"Tell me" Ace said with dull eyes.

"Not here". Luna saw Lucifer coming from the opposite side, so she changed her sentence and said "W-would you want to be my boyfriend?" She made loud enough for Lucifer to hear it.

Ace was shocked at the sudden change of her sentence. He wanted some time to think of it. "I will tell you in the evening!" He said it very low.

She smiled and said "Thank you, Ace!" And went to Lucifer giggling and bumped into him. "Oh I am sorry!" She said while giving a reaction of: 'See! Bitch you tricked me, I am happy with others! Hah!'

But her face changed after seeing Lucifer's red, swollen, teary eyes and his sad face. 


He was about to say something, but she left him there.

'Was he crying the whole night? Was he crying for me? Does he really love me?... Shut the fuck up! He knew that he was going to get married to someone else but he still played with you!'

Her positive and negative thoughts were fighting with each other.


Soon it was evening. Luna was with Inez. They were both close to each other, but neither of them shared their problems.

Luna remembered that Ace was going to give his answer. "Sorry my queen. I have some work to do, I will be here after that!" She said with a smile.

"Permission granted!" Inez said and both laughed.

Luna went to Ace's room and knocked. Ace opened the door. "Um... You were about to say something!" Luna asked with a little stutter.

"Why did you ask me in the first place?" He placed his hand on the side of the door.

"I just liked you. Call it love at first sight!" She was lying. But Ace could not catch that lie.

He didn't want to break anyone's heart anymore. "Then I... I am happy to be your boyfriend". His face was still straight.

"That means I will be officially your girlfriend!" Luna smiled. And he nodded, closing his eyes before going back and closing the door.

Luna was going to tell Shenzi about it, but to go downstairs, Lucifer's room was on her way. She heard two voices. To hear more clearly, she pressed her right ear against the door.

"When would you like to marry?" Orion asked.

"Dad I... Please...!" Lucifer changed his sentence and said "Your wish!" He said angrily.

"Then... It could be... 27! 27 of July!" Orion said with an excited face, and started walking towards the door.

Luna heard footsteps approaching towards her. She immediately hid herself behind the pillar.

'I knew it! He was cheating on me! Now I will show him that I am happy in my life!'

As Orion walked past her, she was also going to leave. But a hand grabbed her by her waist and pulled her inside.

"Luna, please believe me!" Lucifer said.

"Believe you? Your marriage is fixed, boy! Who are you cheating on!?" She said while slightly pushing him.

"No.. No... Please believe me!" Lucifer pleaded.

"Believe what? That you tricked me?"

He bent down on his knees. "I am sorry if you think that I have cheated on you! But please at least once, just once, listen to me!"

"Listen? You said enough!" Luna was really, furious. She had tears in her eyes.

"Please! Just once!" Lucifer begged her while being on his knees.

Luna sighed and said "You have 10 seconds to explain yourself. And your time starts now!" She crossed her arms.

"I-I wasn't cheating, I didn't even know that my marriage was fixed! I don't even know who the hell Clara is. I am forced to marry her. I live, you please believe me!" He wiped his tears off.

"Your time ended!" She said, wiped her tears off of her face and rushed to Shenzi.


"Hello. Long time no see! You must have forgotten that you had a best friend named Shenzi!" Shenzi said, opening her door.

"Hi! Well... There is something I want to talk about!" Luna hugged Shenzi.

"Then what are you waiting for? Just come in!" Shenzi grabbed Luna's wrist and pulled her in.

They both talked about Ace. Luna was successful in hiding both her pain and her thoughts.

"Well there is something that I also wanted to tell you!" Shenzi said, taking another sip of her coffee.

Luna squeaked and said "What is it? I can't wait!" Luna was excited.

"Well... Um.." Shenzi wanted to tease Luna a little.

"God! Tell me fast!"

"Steve and I are now dating!!!" Shenzi said.

Both Luna and Shenzi squeaked. "I am so so so happy for you both!!!" Luna said.

"Hm-mm me too!"