chapter 27: Tengen Von Carstein

3 days later

"And I am glad to announce the marriage of my son, Lucifer Von Carstein and Clara Williams!" As Orion announced this in front of his people and they clapped.

Luna was also there staring at Lucifer. His eyes were telling that he didn't want to marry Clara. They were low, dull and red. Luna thought that it was necessary to talk to Orion.

So after Orion finished his chores, he went into his room. Luna followed him.

"May I... May I have a word with you?" Luna said this after knocking on his room.

"Yeah, please come in!" Orion sat on the sofa.

Luna walked in and sat in front of him. "Sir- I mean, your majesty. If you don't mind, can I tell you something?"

Orion sighed and said "Hmm, go on."

"You... King, do you know that the prince doesn't want to marry Clara?" She asked.

Orion immediately closed the door and went back to his place. "How do you know?"

There was a little pause. Luna broke this silence and said "So... You know that he doesn't want to marry!"

"Yes, yes I do. So what?" Orion rudely asked.

"How can you fix his marriage without his-" Luna was speaking, but Orion slightly laughed, and she was interrupted.

"What kind of father do you think I am?" He placed his hand under his chin. "Well... If he doesn't marry a vampire, he will die!"

"W-why?!" Luna was shocked.

"Why do you bother?!" His voice showed that he was bored.

Then again there was silence. "Because... I love him!" Luna spoke with her teary eyes.

Orion believed Luna and started saying, "He will die because..." Orion stood. "Tengen Von Carstein loved a fairy, and she loved him back too. Tengen was so strong, ruthless and cold-hearted, he was perfect. If he took part in any war, his people's side would win. But..."

"But?" Luna wanted to hear more.

"But one day that fairy wanted to marry him, so she pressured Tengen to talk to his parents. Tengen did as she said. But the only answer he got from his parents was a strict and rude 'NO!' His marriage was already fixed with the other vampire. He got sad and cried in front of that fairy. But guess what she did!" Tengen wanted Luna to guess it.

"She killed him?" Luna had her confused eyes looking at Orion's green ones.

"Hm-mh!" Orion shook his head and continued "All she did was... She cursed him, she said 'I, fairy of knowledge, gave you the curse that whenever you go into the next fight you will die and your kingdom will lose the battle!' She was so angry that she didn't realize what she said. After a few minutes she realized that she had cursed him, and busted into tears. She again kept her hand on Tengen's head and said 'But your bloodline will come again. And whoever you choose to have your mighty powers from your bloodline will have them, but there's a problem, if anyone kills the one you chose before they complete their 26 years and takes a bathe from the ashes of the dead, your powers will pass to them!' And with this she flew away!"

"What happened to Tengen?" Luna asked.

"Tengen started to live his life, but without any fun the of going to wars. He had a son and then was the time when his kingdom needed him for the war. He took her curse lightly and went. So he died. Since then, we, all the kings and their children won't marry no one other than a vampire!"

Luna was sad after listening to his words.

"If you really do love him, then stay away from him. Or else I know how to get rid of you!" Orion said, stepping out of his room.

Luna came out of the room too. Everything was just going like hell in her head. She went to her house without talking to anyone. She made up her mind.