chapter 28: Blood drop

Lucifer sat on a bench near him, holding his head. "What happened?" Clara was concerned about him.

"I... I feel dizzy". Lucifer was trying to figure out which poison was running in him through his veins and who could poison him.

'Steve?!' Lucifer tried to connect his brain with Steve's.

Steve was in New York too. He was getting ready to pick Shenzi for dinner. Then he heard Lucifer's voice. 'Steve is here!'

'Steve I need you! Someone poisoned me! I just don't know what type of poison it is!'

'That is something which I was expecting from you. Wait there and don't move!'

Steve called Shenzi. "Hello?"

"Please wait a little. I will be opening the door in ten mins!" Shenzi was not yet ready. She was doing her hair.

"Uh... Actually, I have got something to do, so... I will be late. Is that OK?" Steve asked while wearing his shoes.

"Hm.. No problem! OK bye!" Shenzi said and hung the phone nicely.


"Come on, just a little and we are there!" Clara was taking Lucifer to somewhere. 

As Lucifer was dizzy, he was not able to understand what was going on.

The place where Clara was taking him was hot. "Just a little, we are almost there!" She was giggling.

"Wh-whe.. Where a.. Are you t-takin m-m-me?" Words were not coming from Lucifer's mouth.

"Oh... Well... I promise that you are going to love it!" Clara had a killer smile on her face. As if she is going to do something bad.

'Where the hell are you?' Steve tried to link their brains. No answer was coming from Lucifer's side.

Steve tried to call Lucas, but he did not pick up his phone.

"Hello? Is this Luna?" Steve made a call to Luna.

"Hmm.. What happened Steve?"

"Can you come to New York with Lucas?" Steve was panting.

"Yea, sure. But what happened?"

"I will tell you later. Ask Lucas to track me down!" Steve said and declined the call.

Since Luna and Lucas were already on Earth, it had not taken much time for them to reach Steve. 

"Why were not you picking up your phone?" Steve asked the first second they arrived there.

"I was in the shower!--"

"What happened? Why were you calling Lucas?" Luna was in a hurry, after all her book was waiting for her.

"Lucifer is missing, and he has been poisoned!"

Luna's eyes widened. She transformed into her adult wolf form and started using her advanced features.


Clara laid Lucifer on the ground, opened her purse and took out a navy blue American tanto, and she sat down beside him. "I waited 3 whole years for this moment. And finally I am living it!" She said all this while having a sharp smile.

And still Lucifer was not able to understand a single word she said. The only thing he was able to do was moan and make a slight movement of his head.


'Where the hell is he? God!'

Luna was worried, she used her super smelling senses. She got his smell, she started to follow it, then again the smell vanished. It happened several times. 

Luna transformed into her human form and called Steve and Lucas. "Found anything?"

"Nope" Steve said.

"Not yet". Lucas was frustrated.

"Maybe... Shenzi could help us!" Luna declined the call and then called Shenzi. "Shenzi, I need your help, track me, it's an emergency!" Before Shenzi could even say anything, Luna ended the call.

Shenzi rushed to Luna. "What's the matter?" Shenzi asked.

Luna turned towards Shenzi and said "Someone poisoned Lucifer, on top of that, he is missing!"

"You used your nose?" Shenzi wanted to know what poison that was. 

"Yes, I did. But whenever I tried to follow the smell, it just vanished", Shenzi heard me.

"Hello?" Shenzi made a call to Steve.

"I am listening" 

"Come to me. I know how to find him."

Another minute, Steve and Lucas went to Shenzi and Luna.

"I would go to the hotel they were staying in, Luna would continue finding his blood smell, Steve would go and check from where he received the last call or link from Lucifer, while Lucas would come with me" Shenzi said. As she was about to leave, she asked "Does anyone know where Lucifer was staying?" She smiled.

"Oh! It's Sant Regis New York!" Luna said.

Was Luna stalking him? Like how'd she know? God, this girl!

Shenzi nodded and went to that hotel. She shape-shifted to be Lucifer. 

"Uh... Can I get another key?" Shenzi asked awkwardly.

"Yea, sure sir!" The Receptionist handed Shenzi the other key.

Shenzi opened the room. "Finding it here could take a lot more time!" She widened her eyes because that room was huge.


"He is a damned vamp! Couldn't he just bleed or something! It could have been easier for me!" Steve was searching for any blood drops or hair.

While Luna was all like "Oh god, please, please don't let anyone harm him please!" She was about to cry.


Shenzi opened the suitcase and started checking very closely. While Lucas was checking in the bathroom, Lucas saw a white towel and he started checking it. "I found it! I found it!" Lucas said at a high pitch because he was happy.

Shenzi rushed to the bathroom. "Wow! You found a towel! Yay!" She was being sarcastic.

"I found a blood drop!" Lucas was as happy as he found Lucifer.

Shenzi called Vanessa "Hey girly! Would you come to Sant regis New York room number 564? Remember it's an emergency!"

"Um.. I will be there in 19 seconds!"

"Count down starts now" As Shenzi said this, Vanessa declined the call.

"10... 9....8" Shenzi heard a doorbell.

"So... What was the emergency?" Vanessa was panting.

"Uh... It is a long story."

"Come on, just say that Vanessa has to find the location of this drop's owner!" Lucas said in a hurry. And handed Vanessa the towel.

Vanessa started chanting something, a purple ray was formed, but it was only visible to Vanessa. This was taking them to Lucifer or Clara. Because they really didn't knew whose blood drop it was.

"We need hurry or else it will vanish!" Vanessa startes to move after the ray.

Shenzi called Luna and Steve, so that they could stop searching and join them.


Vanessa started chanting something, a purple ray was formed, but it was only visible to Vanessa. This was taking them to Lucifer or Clara. Because they really didn't know whose blood drop it was.

"We need to hurry or else it will vanish!" Vanessa started to move after the ray.

Shenzi called Luna and Steve, so that they could stop searching and join them. 


Clara started to unbutton his shirt. She trailed the place where she was about to cut open with her American Tanto. She started to slightly press her tanto on his chest where his heart lies. Every second she had increasing pressure.

Blood started to come out.

As the blood was coming out, the ray started to get darker. Thus, it proved that it was Lucifer's blood.

"We have to rush! The one whose blood this is, they are in huge trouble!" As Vanessa said this, Luna's heart beat got faster.

Clara's Tanto was digging deeper inside him. Lucifer was feeling helpless, he couldn't even move his hands to stop her. Lucifer's chest was covered with blood.