Chapter 28:

Ray just took them to Van cotland Park. As it was night, no one was there. They could see a cave in front of them, but the ray disappeared.


"Guys... Lucifer could be in this ca-" Vanessa was about to complete her sentence, but Luna was impatient. She transformed and ran into the cave. 


Vanessa and Shenzi transformed, Steve and Lucas rushed towards the cave. 


They found Lucifer lying on the ground, he was covered in blood. Luna covered his chest with the help of his shirt. She wanted to stop the bleeding.


Vanessa and Steve rushed towards Clara who was tied to a chair at a distance, but she wasn't conscious. 


"Lucifer, don't close your eyes! Keep breathing!" Luna was panting, she was anxious.


Lucifer only smiled and tried to say "Y-yo-you" and then took a deep breath. Seeing this, Luna said "I will not listen to anything from you. If you want to talk to me, then be alive!"  And Lucifer passed out "Wake up!" Her eyes were filled with tears.


"Calm down, he is just unconscious!" Shenzi said. She looked at Steve and then said "Steve, could you hold him up and take him to my house?"


"Once you reach there try to stop the bleeding!" After listening to this, Steve used his vampire speed.


Lucas also followed Steve. 


After Lucas and Steve left the cave, "Now, how are we going to go there?" Luna asked. Just then, Vanessa opened a portal to Shenzi's house. "Like this!" After Vanessa, Luna and Shenzi entered the portal, and the next second they all were in Shenzi's house.


Steve laid Lucifer on the guest room's bed. While Shenzi wore her surgical gloves. She collected a small amount of blood and gave it to Steve. "Can you just put it on that slide?" Steve took that blood from Shenzi.


She started sewing that huge and deep cut. Then she went near the glass slide and started doing something with it.

Shenzi remembered that she had to say something. "We need blood. At least 1 liter" Shenzi again continued to do her work, and then she again remembered something as Luna fell down. "Oh! And there is no need for human blood!"


Steve and Lucas went to a slaughterhouse nearby. They easily got 2 gallons of blood. 1 gallon for Lucifer and the other is for themselves.




Vanessa was still trying to wake Clara. She poured a little water on Clara and she woke up. "Where am I? And where is Lucifer? Who are you?"


"You are at Shenzi's house, Lucifer is under Shenzi's care, and ouch! No one told you about me? Like... I am the most important fairy!" Vanessa was as cute as she was in her teenage.


"Uh.. OK, now I know" Clara said.


Shenzi poured that blood into a glucose bottle containing 100 ml of some kind of liquid. She was transferring blood into Lucifer's body through a drip.


"Ace?" Luna called Ace.


"What happened? Are you okay?" Ace was concerned about Luna.


"I am alright. But Clara is not. Could you come over to Steve's house, so that you could take her with you?" Luna didn't want Ace to know about Lucifer.


"Oh, okay, I will be there in half an hour! See ya there!" Ace happily declined the call.


"Steve, could you give me the keys to your apartment?" Luna wanted to take Clara there.


"Yeah sure, but why?" Steve handed Luna the keys.


"I am sending Clara back with her brother", Luna said, and took Clara with her to Steve's apartment and sent their location to Ace.


Ace arrived in 30 minutes just as he said. "Where is Clara?" He asked as Luna opened the door.


"Well... She is inside the room." Luna gestured towards the room. Ace started to move towards the door of the room.


"And Lucifer is under our surveillance, but we do not want to let Clara and his parents know about his condition." 


"Ok. But can I ask you why?" Ace made eye contact.


"It is kind of complicated. I don't know if he even remembers anything, he has been poisoned. So... Letting his parents or Clara know about his condition, then it could put pressure on his brain..." She made it clear to Ace.


"Ok. I won't let anyone except me know about it". Ace smiled and picked Clara in his hands and went outside.


After saying farewell to Ace, Luna went to Shenzi's house. "You are on time!" Shenzi said after opening the door.


"Why?" Luna was curious to know.


"Lucifer just opened his eyes"


"There must be some tests to do, right?" Luna asked. 


"Hm.." Shenzi noticed the bag Luna was carrying and asked "What is in the bag?"


"Some pizzas and noodles for all of us!" When Luna said this, Steve was happy. 

"I will go check on Lucifer, and you all can have it. Just spare a little for me". Luna kept that bag on a table and took out a bowl and poured some soup into it and took out a spoon. She went into the guest room.


Lucifer opened his eyes to look at who came in. "Do you trust me now?" 


Luna didn't answer. "Tell me, do you believe me?" His voice was distressed.


"Ssh" Luna shushed him by keeping her index finger on his lips. She sat beside him.


"We will talk about it later. First you need to drink this". She sat beside him.


"I am not going to eat or drink anything until and unless you answer my question!" He was angry.


"Now don't be silly, just sit and eat!" She ordered and tried to make him sit.


"Luna. Luna!"


"What?!" She was still trying to have him in the sitting position.


"I cannot have control over my left side!" He gazed at her.

"Stop messing around!" She did not believe him.


"I am--" Lucifer corrected himself. "You do not believe me, do you?"


Listening to his words, she rushed to Shenzi. "He is saying that he cannot move his whole left body!" Luna said rapidly.