chapter 30: part 3

If you had so much for your dress, then I guess you would have much more for the decor and all" Lucifer glared at her while driving.

Luna's nose and cheeks were cherry red like her lips.

Lucifer was not changing his glare. "Um, Lucifer, you must focus on the road".p She said, trying not to smile.

"Can not" His eyes were reflecting a dim light.

"Can not what?" Luna looked outside the window.

"Can not take my eyes off from beauty, beauty more than that of the moon," Lucifer kept one hand under his chin and the other on the staring wheel. "Don't you think the moon is jealous?"

Luna was blushing harder than ever.

"STOP!" Luna suddenly yelled.

Lucifer applied sudden breaks. And looked in front of him.

The signal was red and there were two cars ahead of them.

"See, my moon saved my life" Lucifer said, never taking off his eyes from her.

Luna's eyes met his ocean like deep eyes. Her eyes were soft, as if she was showing pity for him, but yet she had a heart-warming smile.

"You know what," Lucifer looked at his watch. "We should not go to the decorative shops."

"As you wish" Luna said, and looked out of the window.

"But instead we should have some dinner and tomorrow we could select decor and everything". The signals turned green, Lucifer gave a little too much acceleration to the car.

"Are you not afraid of me driving this fast?" Lucifer asked. He was now focusing on the road.

"Me? And afraid? Nah, not a little bit, because you are driving, and I feel perfectly comfortable"

Listening to this, he smiled again.

And the rest of the way they had not talked a little bit.


"What?" Lucas asked in shock.

Vanessa nodded. "Yep, you can trust your ears."

"Does anyone except us know about it?" Lucas asked.

Vanessa shook her head. "They told me to keep it a secret," She looked at the flower vase. "But I wanted to tell someone. You know I can't keep secrets."

"This is so good!" Lucas held Vanessa's hand while sitting on the chair in front of her.

"I know! Now we can both help them!" Vanessa was excited.

"But... What about Ace?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know, maybe Luna could handle it?" Vanessa said.

Then they started to change the plan.

After changing the plan fully, Vanessa went to her house for a beauty sleep.


"Ace, how much of the kingdom Orion is giving us to marry his son?" Clara asked.

"More than half of the kingdom, sis!" Ace said, and closed the door of Clara's room.

"Well... I have something to say" As Clara said this, Ace knew there was something fishy.

"Say" he said while sitting on the bed.

"Luna knows--"

"Luna knows what?" Ace was furious, his brown eyebrows had ceased.

"She, uh... She knows that I am trying to kill Lucifer". Clara was afraid of her elder brother, she was stuttering.

"Why does she know about it and how?" Ace asked in a high-pitched voice.

"Well... Uh... I..." Clara was scared, but she finally got courage and said "I confessed, but I don't think she would have any problem."

"Where is she now?" Ace asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Brother please, we don't have to kill her" Clara stood up and walked towards Ace.

"Since 'you' confessed it, I have to kill her" Ace stood up and walked out of Clara's room. He saw Vanessa coming out of Lucas's room. She was giggling.

But Ace was so furious, he didn't care much about Vanessa. And went to his room.