chapter 30:

"The food was good, wasn't it?" Lucard asked.

"Yeah, it was good". Luna was low.

Lucard knew that something was wrong, because Luna had never sounded this flat and low before.

"What is the matter?" He asked.

Luna looked around, they were in the middle of the hallway, so she just shook her head and said "nothing".

Lucard sighed, picked her up and rushed to his room.

"Now tell me what is wrong!" he said, while closing the door.

"I..." Luna rubbed her left palm on her right forearm.

"I, what?" He asked impatiently.

She looked away with her teary eyes and said "You should not marry me."

"Why?" He narrowed his eyes "why should not I marry you?" And he ceased his ash-brown brows.

She sniffled and looked down "Because... It will result in your death."

His startled, deep blue eyes looked at her with frustration filled in them. "And why do you think that?"

Tears fell from her honey brown eyes. "I already told you, your dad said this."

His eyes and brows relaxed, he could feel his freezing cold blood run through his veins "But... I love you!" He yelled.

"So do I," She looked at him and curved her hands on his cheeks "But this love means your death, and I truly do not really want you to die."

He held her hands with his icy cold hands. "Luna..." He took her hands off of him. "Why don't you understand--"

"Why don't 'you' understand Lucifer?" She again sniffled.

"Without you, I am nothing, and for you, I will drink the poison if needed, if you won't be mine I will set this whole dn multiverse on fire!" He said with his ocean-blue eyes flooding with pure emotions for the first time in his whole life, but yet no tears falling.

Their eyes met, a lot of emotions wanted to be converted into words. Luna could not help herself, she was about to open the door and go out, but before she could open, he held her wrist tightly and said. 

"I and every other vampire will die one day. But when I die, I will have lots of regrets, and my death at that moment will be painful. But when I see you by my side, and then I will feel no pain, I will have no regrets. I would be happy." 

Luna turned towards him and said "But what about me? Have you ever thought about how will I survive without you?" She said and wiped her tears.

"But at least we could spend months together" His brows ceased again, wanting her to say yes, wanting her to stay by his side, wanting her to get married to him.

"Lucard..." She did not have words to argue back. Luna finally said "I need time."

"I will give you time till tomorrow" He left her wrist and she nodded and went out.

'Will she ever realize that without her, I am like

 A heart with no beat,

A body with no soul.

A sentence with no meaning,

A prayer with no faith.

A world with no people alive,

An eye with no pupil,

Veins with no blood running,

A smile with no happiness,

A sea with no water,

A kingdom with no king.

A crown with no head below it,

And Lucard without his Luna is like:

Darkness without his moon'