Chapter Eleven: Derex

"Wendy, you're under arrest under the suspicion of murder."

Chapter Eleven: Derex


"What do you mean by that, mister?" Demanded Luna Luciana in an authoritative tone.

Wendy's tongue was numb and she was dumbfounded. She couldn't utter a word as of this moment.

"I have my reasons—"

"You said under the suspision, so you're not even sure yet. Let her go!" Luciana gruffed.

"Are you being bias because she's your friend?"

"Wendy didn't do." She interjected.

"I didn't." the blonde pigtailed finally found her tongue.

Derex stepped back and began to narrate. "I've made my research and I can give number one reason why you're suspicious.

1: You did not mention Stella worked for you to me when I requested for info.

*Wendy's interjection*

"—You didn't ask me. So many people know she worked at the bar. Why not arrest them too?"

Reason 2: You had a good alibi..

Wendy: —which you confess yourself. I was at the club dancing!

Derex: But the time you used to come to scene was quicker than a lightening bolt.

Wendy: Wolf's speed.

Derex: We didn't see you after we left. You could have just left right as fast as you started.

Now more disgruntled, Wendy hollered, "Does this guy have any other thing to prove!?"

Derex: "The last, but definitely not the least. Reason 3: Your fingerprints were found on the victim's body." He lifted the side of his lips a little. "How? Why? When? The night the victim Belle died. Luciana was quick enough to let the doctor know he shouldn't tell me the full result, but wisely I met him again afterwards and he informed me with proof. I trust him cause I know how manipulative you can be, dear Luciana."

There was a pause there. Wendy's aggressive expression switched and for the first time, her tongue sank deep in her mouth, not defending herself immediately. She did not offer an immediate retort.

Luciana was quiet all this while. A wise one would know when to stop talking.

There was silence in-between before Wendy spoke a bit calmer now, "Stella was depressed so I gave her a little vacation and she just happened to want to spend it at my bar. I caressed her face out of care and that was why my prints are there. I did give her a drink but there was no poison in it—"

"—Wendy?" Luciana Interrupted but Wendy didn't listen.

"You've made my job all easy."

Wendy, in vexation, spat out saliva near Derex's shoes and he closed his eyes as he had no choice other than to receive it.

The next thing to be heard were metals clancking and the newly-found suspect was put under custody.

Wendy paced around the cell in annoyance. "Hope you know what you're do'in, cop?" she then paused. "And to think I was the one nice to you when you first arrived.


Luciana was asleep in her room at night. She was dressed in a big robe and her hair was poured down. Her ernomous window was always opened so she could easily see any threat in her town.

Derex yawned as he thought to visit the interrogation room. He rose up to get there, and where he did he got the shock of his life.


A loud blaring sound shooted round the area and Luciana was alert. She rushed out of her room like she was expecting this to happen.

Her face showed she was previously asleep, her hair was a bit disarrayed but when it came to her town, she didn't care of anything more.

Derex gazed at her and thought for a moment her beauty was obvious even with her ruffled hair. Even in this situation, her generous red hair glowed, protruding her beauty.

"Where's Stella?" she demanded.

Derex spoke into a devise to announce  the recent occurance. His voice boomed in the speakers loud enough for every Red City dwellers to hear.

"There's a prisoner on the loose." His voice boomed. "I repeat, there's a prisoner on the loose. Be alert!"

"Where's Stella?" Luciana marched towards him and palms clenched his shirt. She glared at him heatedly.

"I just came here, and discovered she wasn't here anymore. I have nothing to do with this, now will you let me go?"

"I'm sorry," she apologized.

A call came in on her walkie-talkie and she answered. 

The not-so clear voice informed, "Suspect Vincent Stella has been spotted."

"Cool. Lockdown every exit in town. This girl must be caught!"

Red City officers in their number, advanced towards the direction the escapee was said to follow. Derex also thought to join in the chase, but before that Luciana have him a look. Her eyes and mind focused on him.

Though, no words were said.

"Make sure you find the prisoner, okay?!" She announced as she lead group of officers in search of Stella.

Why is Stella running away?

Rain suddenly began falling dramatically and the combat boots of Red City officers splashed against puddles in the saturated ground. They were soaked under the rain, but still put in agility as their primary purpose was to catch that suspect.

"She's there!" an officer sighted and Luna went forward to check, only to see a scared girl scurrying off. 

With wolf's speed, Luciana didn't hesitate to run further in super rapid motions. As she ran using her wolf's speed, by her side was detective Derex running with her. He was also seriously running with his wolf's powers; though in human form.

"She's getting away!!"

Less a split second, fasted than a lightening bolt, miraculously Derex ran so close to Stella who was going through a small tight sewage tunnel. Luciana was pleased but still had suspicions in her heart.

It was the faster run anyone could ever record. Everyone was in awe because, Derex was too fast. It was marvellous to the sight, though no one blurted a word. They were all too conceetrated on catching the girl who was still fleeing from this town.

Luna had thoughts all trapped in her mind higgily-piggily. She was focused on running and she did so in a purely aggressive manner. Her clothes and red hair were drenched.

She tried calculating what may've transpired, Derex was the only one in her head and seeing his unbelievable wolf's speed—he is the one try'in to catch the suspects.

"Dammit!" She rolled on the ground as she sustained injuries, tripping over a rock. She moaned loudly, and her voice mixed with the continuous splattering sound of the rain.

Right in her very before, she saw Derex in her view and eyes parted. "What're you doing here? The girl's going!"

Derex continued the chase and Luciana gnashed her teeth in pain as she continued, though she hurt her ankle. "It's up to you! Make sure she dosen't escape!"

He made his way into the sewage tunnel, but the odd thing was that the place was tight so the wisest thing anyone would think of was to morph into your wolf form.

Luna had already done that, Stella did when entering but Derex didn't. He prefers struggling despite his human form being hurt continuously.

In the narrow passage, Luna was also in and sighted her prey. She possessed a smug on her face and her view was like a magnificent show. No one knew how, but the place was falling apart. The place unleashed a bad smell oozing from the water but no one cared less.

Stella was in her front, in a reachable position according to her but her weak legs couldn't let her. Though she winced and struggled, she could equally hear Stella's fox-looking wolf whimper.

She glanced back only to see Derex still struggling in his wolf form. "Derex! Transform into your wolf!" she bellowed. It was like her words turned back void.

A piece of large metal abruptly collapsed on her once more and her groaning cut up in her mouth. She winced accordingly yet tried to sifle the groan. The metal was so large and rested on her leg. She was now immobile.

There were two pathways in the tunnel they were in. Stella was passing through the left pathway and due to the pain, Luciana couldn't follow. The metal was big and a freaking sound could be heard as though another greater one would collapse on her.

Luciana's heart drummed and for the first time, she cried for help. "Derex! Cone help me then catch her speedily." she thought he could make it as she had witnessed his incredible wolf's speed, but the plot twist was that he just ignored her help labelling chasing Stalla was more important.

Luciana's eyes dilated in surprise. She was hurt inside as if the person who wanted to help her previously had now turned against her. She felt really sad.

Derex still pushed through in his human form and Luciana's eyes witnessed the metal shake about to drop one her.

There was no escaping this, it was inevitable unless saviour Derex had a change of heart and turned back to assist her.

"Derex please… help me!" she yelled in a desperate tone.

Dead. Silence.

With a heavy thud the place wrecked on Luciana and she winced in sadness because it seemingly cut her legs off.

Aaaaaah!!! She cried as it broke her bone.

She was a bit pleased to see Derex now in her front.

Derex stated, "She escaped."

After everything?

 Luciana's eyes separated in suspicion. He then helped remove the pieces from her body. She watched him help her and she was certain in her spirit that this man couldn't be trusted as he still helped her struggling still in his human form.