Chapter Twelve: Luciana and Derex.

Chapter Twelve: Luciana and Derex.

Luciana's leg was hurt badly so she would take time to heal. Doctor Strange placed a cast on her leg and she stilfled her groan and wince.

As everyone was busy doing one thing or the other, her eyes rested on Derex; just him. She cared more of her suspicions and it bothered her to the core that even the pain on her leg did not mean anything to her.

He was now speaking to Dr. Strange and Luciana's suspicious eyes gazed on him.

The tall man then walked towards her as though he cared. He bent to touch her knee, giving a close look at it.

Her hand swifly went to his palm to prevent it and he offered her his eyes. 

"You'll heal soon, okay?" He sounded caring, it gleamed in his eyes and for a moment Luciana felt a strange emotion.

She squeezed her face for a frown. "Transform into your wolf." she said.


"Derex, why didn't you transform into your wolf?"

He gave a chuckle and turned the other way around. When he looked back at her, he noticed she was serious and replied. "It's over now. Maybe I'm not good at thinking fast."

"Everyone, Derex doesn't want to transform into his wolf! Something as easy as breathing! You let Stella go!" Many girls and a few men who were concerned about the Luna in the hospital turned her way.

She rose up in pain and softly held Derex's jaw staring into his dark eyes. 

"I swear, I didn't do it on purpose." He released a slight chuckle. "Do you think I'm involved with the crime?"

She removed her hand after staring into his eyes for answer then lowered her body to a chair. "I'm sorry." Certainly, the niggling doubt stuck. No, Luciana was so damn suspicious of him and it was too late to back out now.

She rose her body once more. "Follow me." He left in obedience. He shoved his fists into his trouser pocket and ambled behind her.

They were heading towards a children's playground where the entrance was a long snake-like slide.

He paused as he saw the slide. He had a laughter-like smile on. "It's either you want me looking funny sliding down, or… interior motives."

He chuckled.

"Mmm," she shrugged, then afterwards changed into her white wolf that was surely a sight to behold. "You could always just turn into your wolf."

His voice snapped. "There's nothing wrong with my wolf. Luciana, I am a Beta, not just any one but a Beta to the Supreme Alpha. You think my wolf is ordinary like yours? It brings terror to the eyes. It is so powerful and does not possess human traits, trust me."

"Very well." She said. "We can go back for a meeting."

His face showed he was offended but he managed a sarcastic pleasant face.

On their way out, there were two lines of female officers standing in their front. Luciana walked through the open area between them, and Derex paused in bewilderment.

"What's going on here?"

"Were sending you out of Red City for good. I am. Luna Luciana Debrev, the ruler of this town. The leader of the Red City pack."

"You can't do this."

"Yes I can."

"You said the All Alpha sent you here, then let him come himself!"

"You don't know what you're doing?"

"Do I? I let you in my pack and then you invite me for a gala hosted by my enemy, lied with the All Alpha's name and so there is everything to be suspicious of you about. All powerful Beta. I feel we don't know who you really are."

"If it's about my wolf form, I'm afraid I can't—"

"No." she interjected. "Not about your wolf form. First you barge in my town seeming like you want to overthrow me. You try solving the case of the two muders that occured yet the same night of your arrival another occured. You blame Wendy for the crime and the girl you present as innocent, Stella, runs away! Who did it detective?! Who!?"

"Very, well," he began pacing around. "I'll give you the solution to this case. I strolled into Wendy's Daytime Bar and askee a couple of questions. Belle and Stella were involved in a minor conflict; one wanted to stay in Red City and establish a fashion business while the other wanted to leave Red City to start a new life. To breathe in new air. Belle was adopted though Stella had the right to choose even if she was younger than Belle. Their parents passed and that added to Belle's depression; which Wendy confessed to herself. The drama here is that Belle threatened to take her own life on that bridge that night. She felt sad and confused, it seemed as though her childhood dream was taken away from her.

Stella was trying to snap her sister out of committing suicide, though she thought she was just bluffing. Belle was drunk that night leading her to drink self-consumed posion then she feel but it was too late for Stella to grab her hand.

I have a witness to this scene. Phiona! Could you please come?!" suddenly a girl with a butterfly masks came into the scene, it was the archer he met that day.

She removed her mask and showed respect. "It's true my Luna."

Derex smirked. "Unless you think Wendy did it."

"Fine!" Luna felt unwavering with her attitude. "You've solved the case, now you may leave!"

Derex was awe-stricken. He remained glued to one spot and was lost in astonishment. "What do you mean by that?"

"Detective, do you have any other reason to be here?"

It seemed so and sounded in his voice. "The other two cases hasn't been solved."

"Well then get to it!"

He heaved a silent sigh.

She continued. "You have from now till dawn."

His pupils distended.


Derex was restless in his room, still in Red City. He turned side-to-side disturbed but couldn't find the right position. He laid forward having an arm across his six abs drowned in thoughts.

"Who could have done these murders..?"


Sun came fast and the position the Luna and her girls styed in the same formation as yesterday. Luciana was serious and her face showed so. No one was messing with her. Not even their god!

She folded her arms as the wind twirled around. Finally, the awaited guest of honor marched towards them after the long, long silence.

"Welcome my guest." she gave a smile but it vanished as soon as it came. She had dark shade of lipstick on dressed in long hand gloves that had chinese characters on it, a dress that had black top associated with a red cape that flowed only from her waist level, then she was equally dressed in red palazzo pants.

Her look was given.

"I come with a name." Derex said.

"Then let me hear it!"

"Hawdiverbe Pier."

Cackles came about. "Could you be that serious? And who could that be?"

"If you give me time—"

"No, detective. I rest the case. I vow to protect my own and you can tell your 'All Alpha' that there will not be a war from me as long as I am not being disrespected, Beta. From this day onward, Beta Derex, you are banned from entering my town for I swear the day you do, you shall taste our wrath."

"You're making a huge mistake, Luna."

"I made it and it was you."

"Do you know the real reason I'm here?!" The Luna's expression said 'tell me' "I am only trying to protect you. Do you think the Alpha wants your town to exist."

"Come again." Her voice carried alongside care.

"Well I work for him and know how he despises this town. He plans to send an Alpha who will respect him to rule here." He chuckled. "If you think you can save your town from the upcoming war, the demerit of your actions, then you're as foolish as a goose."

Her heart sparked. Save my town? She thought. Why would the Supreme god hate my town? Who wants to outrule me? Is the man standing in my front actually a saint?

"Then I shall be ready."

"What?! Okay. The smart queen's crown may be crooked." he then smirked. "I'll miss that heated face of yours though, the iron heart that's likened to titanium. Goodbye Luna. Good bye Red City."

He confidently strode off making Luciana lost in thought.

Why my town? Her subconscious asked her,

"Did you make the right decision?"

Why is the Supreme Alpha interested in my town? What does Derex mean by he wants to destroy it? Why?

She breathed to herself, "Will he'll be loosed on Red City?"