Find You A Partner!!

After blocking the annoying pest, Gu mohan faced his work back squarely

Lucas just watched and school his head on behalf of Nancy

Who asked her to be so condensing and look down on someone she shouldn't have?

No one apparently

Besides even If she did suck up to him, it will still be the same result because he's interested in someone else's

GU mohan pursed at a time and stared at Lucas for a minute before facing his work back.

He had been Informed by the nanny at meimei's house that the twins will be starting school today And he wanted to take a look, but Lucas isn't aware of their existence

For the main time he wanted to keep their existence a secret.

He did not want anyone to link the two kids at him, since he was sure his enemies are much besides he wanted to win meimei's heart first

After concluding he faced his work back. Lucas could only watch as he pursed and work simultaneously


At the dreams apartment

Meimei just went up to dress up since the kids had taken the first step and was already eating at the dinning table

"Are you sure mom won't suspect?" Lily asked her brother in a hushed after seeing her mother going up the stairs

"She will if you keep being sneaky and suspicious" henry rolled his eyes

Finding their father was their ultimate goal since they were two year old,

It isn't that they can't see their mother's effort the two know that the mention of father is a taboo to their mother's ears and hence stopped asking

Though they were both smart and had high IQ and EQ they were still after all kids, no kid wouldn't want a father's love and a complete family

So, Henry after having a clue on Gu mohan, he wanted to find it out and not get his sisters hopes up but the sneaky girl had found out as well and wanted to join his investigation

Thus, the reason for their obedient behaviour in going to school since they knew they could always use the opportunity to venture out

The two kids whispering seems to have forgotten something, their mom and sister Mira were discussing when they came down, but it was their mother alone that went up, besides the door to Mira's room didn't make a sound so why is the dinning room silent?

Since they had their back facing the sitting room they had no idea Mira was behind them the whole time

They turned their tiny heads and came face to face with Mira's amused look

"Hmm? So I was wondering why you guys were especially obedient turns out you are up to something" Mira was smiling looking at the two of them

"Aunty Mira why are you here?" Lilly who felt they had been bursted decided to act innocent

"Hmm really? Then what were you two whispering about" Mira asked with a narrowed look

Henry who saw that his little sisters endurance isn't much quickly step in before she let the cat out if the bag

"We were discussing how to find you a partner, aunt Mira you are twenty- three this year" Henry said and Mira was dumbfounded

'This brats who told them am searching' Mira's mouth twitch at Henry's lecturing look

"Your mom is two years older than me you should help her not me" Mira refused to Back down

"At your age she was already a mother of two" henry retorted and Mira was speechless

Seriously!! "-"

In less than fifteen minutes meimei was done and was dressed. But upon coming down This was the awkward scene Meimei met the moment she came down

"What's going on?" She glances at them

"Mommy We're done" the two echoed

"Am going to my room" Mira and meimei glance at the two meaningfully

It seems they said something to Mira

Mira who was going to her room Was fuming in anger,thinking of the way she was going go dress up and pick handsome guys, and show those brats! Hump!!!

Beep! Beep!

Meimei's lastest rollce roys beeped as she unlocked it, it was brand new shipped in to China

She understood that there will be discrimination against her children because they have no father so she was going to the school and a Rich madam and they will think twice before bullying her kids

But she seem to have forgotten, her kids are bullies themselves.

But she made it a point to donate a building to the school in advance just in case the kids caused trouble less than two week their resumption

As she packed the entrance of shixia schools her flashy car attracted attention.

It was a well known fact that shixia international school was a school for the rich and powerful so all kind of things were seen

The school was beautiful to begin with, but meimei driving style and pink colored flashy car deserved attention

Peoples attention were on them trying yo catch a glimpse of the owner

Behold, dressed in casual jean trousers and top but at a glance you could tell it was branded and expensive, meimei resembled a celebrity in lime light, the people around gaped at her beauty

While thinking that was all, the back door open and two detailed children walked out in pair, their face a 50 percent repilca of the female adults

Spectators: they had to be a family

After they were down, the three walked hand in hand towards the headmaster's office

The headmaster from afar, 'wow this is good luck' he thought to himself looking at the three hamonious pair

Whereas, he didnt know that this was the entrance of troublesome little devils!!