I'm His Fiancee

Few minutes later Meimei was done with their registration and they were ready to go to their class.

The principal continued to profusely thank her as she taken initiative to talk about her donation to the school

Inwardly she was praying they won't cause much of a trouble.

Since they had come to a conclusion, the principal, Mr Nie called over the form teacher in charge of third grade, previously in America the kids were in second grade, but their level of education was already twelfth grade.

So the two requested for skipping a grade and directly going to the third grade instead of the second, and Meimei agreed since it will save her a year troubles,why not.

"This is third grade form teacher Miss Mu lan" Mr nie introduced and meimei nodded

"Nice to meet you ma'am," Miss MU LAN stretched for an hand shake

"Same here, I'd leave my kids in your care" Meimei smiled faintly but miss mu lan only felt goosebumps behind her

"Okay ma'am" she nodded

"You can go I'd see you later" the principal said and urged the kids to follow the teacher

"Okay bye Mom" lily waved happily as they followed Miss Mu to the class


"Thank you Mrs Ling, its an honour to have you as part of our school" the principal greeted once again after escorting meimei to the car

Mr Nie was very respectful, after knowing her identity through their discussion, he knew he had to be cautious,

Mr Nie the principal, thought that since meimei had a gentle disposition then her kids should Not be troublesome. It was later he realized how wrong his thoughts were...

After sending the mother off, he went towards the third grade just to take a glance at the kids before retiring to his office

He stood by the door and observed as they attentively gave their Details to their form teacher who in turn registered them on her class register.

Having done His work there he headed for his office.it was after sitting down that he realize he had been carried away during the discussion that he didn't ask of the children father figure



His phone rang just when he was contemplating whether to call Meimei

"President GU!" Mr nie was shock at the call ID.

What many people don't know is that Gu mohan was the largest share Holder of shixia schools and also a very important decision maker of the school.

As shixia schools had been around for years and had a lot of legacy. It had to be known that if you claim to be rich but your child did not even passed through the gates of shixia schools then you are not noble enough. Therefore people fight to get their kids a spot in the school every year.

What people were only aware of was that he went to the school when he was young and was an honary chairman there.

Only few knew that he bought the shares of the school after his graduation.

You could imagine the shock and surprise the old principal had to suddenly receive GU mohan's.

It could be said that since the onset of GU mohan as the largest share Holder he had been silent and have never made any decisions

Even during the school annual gathering he only send his employees as representative except during his younger sisters graduation that his closest surbodinate Lucas came to grace the occasion

The fifty something year old principal was overly excited and answered the phone eagerly

"Hello sir good morning" he greeted excitedly and listened as Gu mohan began to state his business

Mr Nie was struck dumb after the call ended, he felt that he was Unable to digest what he had just heard.

He took a second glance at the twins file and signed heavily,

Thank goodness he showed their mother a great attitude.


At the third grade class

"Hi class this will be your new classmates, introduce yourselves" Miss Mu said facing the class after entering their information

The class of twenty three children stared at the Two kids with different expressions

Henry who was a man of few words ( he's technically a boy of few words) steps out first, with his hands in his jean trousers pocket he looked suave and cool

"My name is Henry Ling nice to meet you all" he said dryly and everyone stared blankly at him

Miss Mu was surprised by his gentle yet arrogant disposition, from a glance you could tell his family is noble, she decided to take note of him in the future

After saying his introduction, henry looked for a seat with two open spaces since his younger sister will seat with him as well

Lily, who was miss happy go lucky was totally different when introducing herself, she was wearing a all black cloth and dressed in black trousers, black top with a black hat, her dress was somewhat funny because it looked like a thing worn to a funeral but yet in a way compared to her sunny expression it gave a different feeling.

My name is Lily Ling, my Chinese name is Ling yuyao, my brother's Chinese name is Ling yuehan, I guess he forgot to add it while introducing, though we preferred been caller our English names, I am (she counts her fingers) five years old this year, I am cheerful and like to make friends, that's all, if there are other things you need to know I will tell you in the future" she did a quick bow after her introduction flashing a smile

The young boys in the class blushed shyly at her radiance and the girls eyes shone eagerly

The class teacher was speechless at her shameless introduction, but was happy at her boldness. This are the type she needed

All the girls in third grade were brought up to be shy and demure hence they usually blush during presentation except one who was the only daughter of the Kingsley corporation And there is another one, Miss mu felt relieved

After introduction lily when over to take a seat beside her brother, before leaving the house they had discussed sitting together.

"Hi, I am Lora kingsley nice to meet you" the girl sitting beside the twins suddenly said and they turned their heads to her

She was fairer than an averaged Chinese girl and had a blond hair, her eyes are blue and lips pale pink, she was wearing a flowery gown with white flats her hair was in two pigtails

After taking a good glance at the girl in front of her Lily smiled heartily and shaked had hands introduce herself as well

"I am lily nice to meet you too" henry just decided to ignore them and was focused on writing something else's

"I like you let's be friends" Lora said straightforwardly taking her seat

Mulan the class teacher saw this from her seat and smiled, she knew that they will get along well..

Just like that each lessons went on peacefully


At the same time, meimei had went back home to do some chores

Since she had decided to move back to China permanently, she decided to move the headquarter of her company to china.

She will make the one in America a branch office and a region for the other branches in other countries and open a new building for the headquarter here in China without tampering with the one Matt headed

All the documents were much and she can't do every thing with a limited time

For now she was focused on the business deal between her and Gu corporation and since the head quarter isn't ready yet she decided to work remotely from home

Mira on the other hand had went to the branch office to assist Matt since they were just entering the China market they had a lot in their hand

While others were going about in their various businesses, Nancy tang on the other hand was trying to find a way to salvage her chance with Gu mohan

That early morning instead of reporting to work at the tang corporation she dressed flashily and caked in makeup as she headed for GU corporation


At the receptionist lobby of Gu corporation

"Good morning how may I help you" the receptionist greeted upon Nancy's arrival

Smiling widely, Nancy raised her chin arrogantly "morning"

"How may I help you'

"Am here to see your president GU" Nancy said with a smile

With the etiquette training which was one of the periqusite of being a receptionst at the company they were taught not to look down and take anyone for granted

But the receptionist had worked here for a couple of years and knew that president GU doesn't entertain flashily dressed females in his office and is often directed to Secretary James instead

"Do you have an appointment?' She asked

"No, just let me up he won't say anything" Nancy lied through gritted teeth

She knew that it won't work but she wanted to take the gamble

"I am sorry we can't let you in without an appointment" the receptionist smiled apologetically

"But I want to see him, just let me In I'm his fiancée" Nancy finally lost it and raised her voice

A look of disdain appeared on the receptionist after hearing her last sentence. She tapped the table, soon two security came in and dragged Nancy out

Losing face, she cried like shrew angrily cursing violently

Like that she was thrown out of GU corporation and Banned as well


Back at shixia schools

It was lunch time and the other kids had gone to the cafeteria, the two kids bought their food from home but had other things to do

"What are you doing" lily asked as she had notice henry had been writing since they entered the class in the morning

"Writing out the plan of course" henry said

"When are we starting?" Lily asked

"First we have to check the layout of the school so that we can make use of it when we sneak out in the future" henry said and lily nodded

If anyone passed and saw the two writing and discussing they will think they were serious and reading and won't guess that they were planning out devious plans

"But we have to gather information of the GU mohan man" lily said

"Yes but we have to fool PR off plan in school so that mom Won't discover us" henry added

"But the principal or teacher all find out if we sneak out and tell our parents" Lilly said

"Not if we threaten them" henry said with a smile


"Just wait"