Do You Know Who I Am?

"About that, she said her grandfather died so she when home" mohan answers

Lucas was stumped! Why didnt he know that his boss can lie?

"Oh so sad" meimei said not knowing what to say

"Its alright, he died of old age, its a pretty peaceful death" mohan replied

As he lied he asked for forgiveness in his heart,

Lucas, the ever faithful bodyguard could only watch silently as his boss lied against a Man had died for about ten years ago

It was true that the housekeeper's grandfather was dead, but that was years ago, the housekeeper herself, Mrs Zhou was nearing the age of being a grandmother herself as her first son's wife would be due in two months

"I won't bother you, I get going" meimei said sending the awkward atmosphere between them

She didn't know why she wanted to leave him, her mind was telling her that getting close to mohan was very dangerous

"No, I could accompany you while to give me pointers on what to shop on" mohan interjected, there was no way he'd let her slip away

Meimei mind was telling her to give excuses but her body was brutally honest, she wanted to stay

At the end of the day, Mr Gu ended up buying things he didn't need at home just to accompy his future wife

"Your wares have been paid for" the attendant said and meimei was stunned

"Why?..." She turned to mohan who had turned silent


"It won't speak well of me if I had allow you pay yourself" mohan said but inwardly, as your husband its only right I pay for your expenses

If Lucas were to hear this, he would only agree more, after all his boss had become shameless since he began chasing after his wife.

"Then allow me treat you to a meal" meimei said, she felt it would speak well of her if she didn't reciprocate his kind gesture

After all apart from business, there's nothing between them.

"Maybe some other time" mohan replied checking the time he realized time was far spent and the kids are home

Even though he wanted her for himself, he's not that unreasonable

"Fine then I owe you a meal next time" meimei, said seeing he won't compromise

With that they parted ways and left.

Mr GU, who had the chance to be alone with his wife was in good mood all day

"Are you sure he isn't seeing someone" old master GU couldn't help but ask his daughter-in-law, GU mohan mother when he saw how happy he was

"So far he's not dating a guy' magrette said after all it was no secret that apart from her and her daughter, who was his sister, he kept distance from all females

"Do you think we should investigate what he's up to" the old man was anxious

"No let it be"


"Are you sure?" Nancy asked her surbodinate

"Shiit! Find out who the woman is" Nancy yelled

She had took the pains to come to TeX mall today when she found out mohan was here, though her face was unsightly, she was wearing a mask, it won't be that bad

The moment she arrived it was over an hour mohan had been here and she was about to head in when she received a call

Who knew the moment she left, her bodyguard told her just left! And not only that a woman was following him behaving intimately with him?,

GU mohan is hers and hers alone, she wanted to find out who it was

However what she didn't know was that, Lucas had seen her and like that her presence was made known to GU mohan

"Just keep a watch her activities, also don't let her find Meimei" mohan said

"Yes sir"

Meimei had Ling reached home, and didn't know she had a love rival somewhere searching for her

Nancy, who was still boiling in anger over the news didnt loom where she was going and bumped into someone

He was carrying a disposable bag, and the moment she ran into him the bag he was carrying burst open, spilled on the new clothe nancy had worn to impress mohan and not only that, a pungent foul smell erupted

Staring at the thing on the ground, Nancy broke out in a aggrieved cry, inside the disposable bag was filled with faeces which was now on her cloth

"Why can't you watch where you are going!" The man yelled first

"I should watch where I am going? You spilled feaces on my cloth and you are yelling at me! You should apologize" Nancy shouted

"Oh I should apologize? That feaces was to be used on someone else, you bumped into me and cause it to spill do you know how had it is to get it!" The man was livid his face was vicious and Nancy shuddered

She felt she should back off but her arrogant and pampered self didnt allow her

"You bastard! Do you know who I am? How dare you talk to me like this" Nancy yelled back

She had gotten used to using her family wealth and status to bully people of a lower status that she did not know that there are some people who did not care if you are rich or powerful


"Who you are? Since you spilled it, it might as well serve it purpose on you" the man scoffed spilling the remimant of the feaces to her face mouth and whole body

"Ahh!!!" Nancy screamed causing the feaces to seep into her mouth