Just Tell Him His Children Are Waiting

Lucas who was preparing to deal with Nancy was stunned by what happened

Well people with bad attitude always meet bad luck.

Seeing that, Lucas left after all, heavens had dealth with her, all he did was report back to Gu Mohan

After seeing the obvious changes in GU mohan, the whole family decided to play a part by giving him tips

Unlike other wealthy family who fought for power in the country, the GU family is quite harmonious, well except for the second branch family which had moved overseas for years.

"Child tell me honestly are you dating someone?" Old master GU finally couldn't contain his curiosity and asked mohan after a week

"No yet,she hasn't agreed yet" 'because i haven't asked her out yet' GU mohan answered buy said the last part in his heart

"Good good" the old man patted his shoulders feeling happy

After GU mohan went to work that day he told GU mohan's mother and sister and further intensified their sidelong tips

But still the old man was still restless, which you can blame him, after all GU mohan had always had a cold personality since young and did not have good relation with girls

Which caused everyone to worry about his future.

He also called his son overseas, bragging

"You are getting a daughter in law soon"

"Really, is she pretty? Have you met her?" Gu han was delighted

Upon hearing have you met her? Old master GU hung up, after all he hadn't

GU han was speechless seeing how his father hung up on him

GU Han had a sunny and cheerful personality yet ruthless when it came to business but his romantic life was never boring

Before he met his wife, he was a well known playboy in capital, which was why he had always been puzzled over his son's personality

Well it seems he had to round up, so he could attend his sons wedding.


It had been more than a month now, meimei sighed in anger again upon meeting GU mohan.

Since they had met at the mall the last Time, ever since then she would always 'coincidentally' meet him all the time

Even at vanguard branch office, whenever she went for a report

He always had something to do everywhere she went almost everyday

Being in good mood this morning she had brought her kids to school and was about going when she 'bumped' into him again

"Hey president GU, what a pleasant surprise" she greeted with a fake smile seething in anger in her heart

"Morning, Ling mei" GU mohan greeted as well, he had skipped the formality and started addressing her informally

"Your child school here?" Mohan asked looking surprised

"Yes" meimei answered though she had kept her children existence in secret she knew its was no stress for mohan to know ..

"That's great, I brought my niece to school as well" mohan said with a smile

Since he knew his kids are investigating him he did not want to meet them and wanted them to find him first hence he did not appear when they just came

Lucas the ever ready spectator sighed in his heart.

They had come right after Ling mei so he had seen the two kids, though he was standing from afar he could see the resemblance between the kids and his boss

Since his boss didn't say anything he'd just pretend to be blind

His boss who had resorted to being shameless to the core had gone to the kingsley mansion and shown a kind gesture to bring Lora to school, just to bump into meimei

Lora Kingsley is the daughter of GU mohan' friend Ray

On a normal day, he won't even bother with her now he wanted to take her to school?

Ray was stumped, but he shut up when he discovered its because of the sister in law Abel said he was courting

But why will he need a kid as a decoy?

"Oh! Where is she" meimei asked bring Lucas back to earth

"She just left" mohan said

"Okay, then I'll get going" meimei said

"Right! Can I get a ride with you my car stopped" GU mohan lied shamelessly

Lucas stared at his boss in shock

"Fine" meimei smiled but was sneering in her heart,

Shameless man!

" but what about him" meimei asked and Lucas shrudderd feeling death glare laced on him

"He's waiting for the repair man" mohan answered

...."yes miss" Lucas replied accepting the fact that his boss had jilted him

Lucas: Sob sob, its really pathetic. He cried as he watched him go


At the Jiang family,

Mrs Jiang had a bad expression, Jiang yu was by the side looking amused while yeqian was acting like an hand pecked husband.

Its been two months since wanwan's pregnancy yet to Mrs Jiang it was all shame

"Mom why are you stressing this, everyone's physic is different" yeqian argued

The meeting was comprising the Jiang family alone and wanwan wasn't around,

Since she had been adopted to the Ling family she was interning at the Ling corporation.

Though she had not gone to work since the inception of her fake pregnancy, she had to when she noticed Mrs Jiang was beginning to suspect her

Since the day she had drugged yeqian to sleep with her after she lied about her pregnancy, yeqian had been careful, he didnt want her to have a miscarriage

And what she was afraid of was coming true

"You keep saying its her physic, yet she's still the same for the past two months, she is not growing fat nor is there any bump in her stomach, I gave birth to four kids and you still think I have no experience?" Mrs Jiang was livid

"Fine I'd take her for a check up tomorrow" yeqian relented since he knew his mom will keep harping on the matter

"I'd follow you" Mrs Jiang said

"Dad are you not going to say anything?"

"I trust your mothers judgment" Mr Jiang said

"Fine" yeqian could only agree

Jiang yu was just looking at them all without leaving a comment


Back at Jiang yeqian's villa

"Yeqian, am home" wanwan greeted upon coming in

"Wan wan" he went to embrace her

"How's work?"


"You know you shouldn't stress yourself, you are pregnant!" Yeqian said

"Hmm I know but you know the family business had been going down since meimei's return" wan wan said

"Okay, but you will go late tomorrow"

"Why?" She raised her brows

"Because you will be going for a check up and moms going with us" he said and wanwan's skipped a beat

'Shiit she's suspecting' she cried in her heart

"Okay" she said stifly

With that she went to her room, looking at the calendar,

"Its three days from now" she muttered

She will just have to keep up with the pretence.

She smiled as she cooked up a scheme.


"We are going today?" Lily asked


"Aunty mu" lily called

"We are sneaking out officially today, remember to cover for us" lily said

Mu LAN the class teacher was speechless

Like that they did the Same for the Principal.

After a Month they didnt do anything he thought they had given up the thought he didn't know they are still on it

At the entrance of GU corporation the two entered like business men

"Good morning" the greeted but the receptionist was puzzled

"Down here" henry said with gritted teeth

Because Of their height the receptionist did not see them, so she was puzzled

It was really embarrassing

"How can we help you? Are you lost?" the receptionist asked though puzzled as to why two kids will be at the entrance

"We are here to see GU mohan!" Henry said and the receptionist was shock

"GU mohan" he dared call him by his name

"Just tell him his children are waiting for him downstairs" henry said stunning the receptionist again

"But we don't know if he's our father" lily whisper

"Just calm down" henry said pulling Lilly with him to go sit down

The receptionist : 🤨