It Was A Slip Of Hand

"Damn you Gu mohan!" Meimei screamed

On her phone was a text message from Gu mohan.

"How do I look?" Attached with a half naked picture exposing his firm and broad chest

Though she had once mistakenly fantasized about his naked body

It was more amazing than she thought

But she didn't know he will send such an explicit picture showing is v lines and all

"Stupid mohan! How am i going to sleep in peace tonight" meimei felt so aggravated that she almost cried ...

There was no way she will sleep without those pictures flashing by

GU mohan on the other side that had achieved his aims slept peacefully with a smile on his face

He read online somewhere and felt it should be effective

Through out that night, all meimei had was wet dreams of GU mohan

By the time she woke up she couldn't help but curse mohan severely

But in the end GU mohan's aim was achieved

Remembering aunt Zhou who was in the hospital she scrambled up

After all she had promise to be there in time of her discharge and she also had to be at the GU corporation to the signing of the collaboration and it ends

She didn't forget to prepare because they will be attending the construction site to take a look at the work on going

She walked to that bathroom to freshen up

Henry and lilly had woken up early and had dressed, since that time they had visited GU mohan he had been restless

Uncle joe had received the results of the DNA test and given him the previous day

But for some reason he was afraid to see, he felt he'd be disappointed if GU mohan wasn't their father and at the same time felt GU mohan isn't good enough

For a little kid like him it was a very contradicting feeling and he felt stuffed

"Brother When are we going to check the results?" Lilly asked lowly as they sat down at the dinning and Nanny mary served them

"Today after the first class" he said

"Okay" Lilly hummed happily, she felt if gu mohan isn't their father he'd be managed as a step father

Whereas henry had a different opinion.

"Aunt mira, why are you up so early today" lily blinked looking at the already dressed Mira walking to the table

"Did the sun rise from the west?" Henry asked as he search his bag to bring out his phone to search if anything abnormal happened recently

Mira was speechless by the kids exaggeration, she is not a late riser but an early one

Just that she have to work at home before going to work at times thus she's either just coming from her room still in pajamas when they are ready for school

She didn't know they will make such a big deal out it.

"No gadget while eating" meimei voice was heard causing henry to pause his actions

"Good morning mom" the two chorused as she approched them

"Morning" she patted their heads and gave lily a peck

"Will you be dropping us off today?" Henry asked

"Hmm" meimei nodded as she sat down as well

Mira who had been wiped out of the harmonious picture coughs and sat down as well

The Nanny went to bring their breakfast

Seeing the dressed Mira meimei was stunned...

"Why did you dress up so early?" Meimei asked

"You too? C'mon mei I am always early" she pouted

It seems she has to start going to work early else everyone in the house will take her for a slacker

Not wanting to be talked about again she digged in as soon as her food was placed in her front

Soon they were all done with their breakfast and was outside

As Mira was heading straight to the company she took her car while the kids followed meimei

In less than thirty minutes the kids were already at the entrance of the school waving to meimei as she drive off the hospital

Mr nie the principal saw this and wanted to cry,

Though the kids threatened him, they didn't sneak out of school very much which in turn didn't cause him more trouble yet he did not dare punish them .

Seeing them already approaching him, he took a detour as he did not want to be Henry's first prey that morning.


The hospital wasn't far to the kids school so meimei got there in few minutes

"Aunt! Good morning" she greeted as she hugged her affectionately

"Meimei, morning child" aunt Zhou greeted with a smile

Her face was much better and complexion lighter

"How are you" meimei asked

"I am better thanks to you" she smiled as she sat well

The door opened and the doctor walked in

"Miss Ling" the doctor bowed and greeted her

"Morning doctor, thanks for your help how's her health" she asked him

"Mrs Zhou is better she needs rest and someone to take care of her" doctor said


After the doctor had left she turned to aunt Zhou

"Where did you live?" She asked

Just like the other day her face changed

"I don't have house, I was chased out that morning I met you" aunt Zhou said slowly

Meimei felt her heart ache

Checking her time, she saw I was fast spent and was worried

She went out to make some calls and came back in

"Aunt, my people will come and help you once the discharge procedure are done with, and you will move to a new house I got you"meimei said and tears streamed out of Mrs zhou eyes

"Thank you"

"It's alright" meimei said before leaving

As she watch her leave an undescribable expression flashed her eyes as she sighed


At the GU corporation

Standing in front of GU mohan, the flash of that picture he sent last night was bright in her mind and her face turned red....

"President GU what is the meaning of this' she showed the people

Seeing her angry and flushed face, gu mohan was Happy and smiled

'Great she saw it" he thought

Puting up pretense he raised his brows. "I am sorry, it was a slip of hand" he said without remorse

Lucas was speechless, this was a picture his boss took meticulously yet he tagged it as a slip of hand

His boss shamelessness is getting out of bound

Meimei felt her lips twitch by his response.....

'With such a caption you still refuse you did it on purpose, what slip of hand! Liar' she screamed in her mind

Not to find anymore troubles she relented

"Okay fine"

"Can we go on with the signing then?" Mohan asked

"Okay" she replies as they got to work

Few minutes later they were done and shook hands

GU mohan used the opportunity to rub her hands softly as meimei gaped at him

GU mohan gave a 'isn't obvious i am trying to woo you'

Meimei could only turn her face away in embarrassment

They made their way out to go to the site

After various arguments she was eventually made to follow mohan's car



Sounds of construction could be heard everywhere as they walked in

The project supervisor showed them around as he explains it to them


A sound of something falling was heard

GU mohan who was walking ahead turned back and saw the iron ring falling from the sky scrapper building heading towards meimei's direction

He panic

Seeing it almost reached her GU mohan shouted


meimei who was oblivious Suddenly shook as a figure dashed in her front pushing her away

Then a huge THUD!! was heard and a painful groan

"GU mohan!" Meimei shouted