They Are Really A Pair Of Father And Son

"Henry! Lily! What are you doing here?" Meimei was scared after all she was sure they had come by themselves and Mira had no idea about it

"Mommy! We thought something happened to you" lily said as she hugged meimei's thigh

Henry who was hugging her as well used a side glance to throw gu mohan a glare

While on their way here, he had already discovered that the injured person was GU Mohan when his heart couldn't calm down

So he hacked the surveillance video of the hospital

Though he didn't let lilly know, and that made him check the DNA report on his phone so he can face the man once and for all

Seeing the 99.9999% indicating father and son relationship he was stunned and didn't know how to react

While he was in daze, lily had snatched it and had saw it as well

Now they both know that he was their father

So facing him in the ward with him laying on the bed Henrys feelings were complicated

He only glared at him first,

"We will settle this later" he mouthed at mohan

Gu mohan chuckled looking at his son's attitude

After hugging each other and relieving each others worries They separated

Knowing their mother very well the two pouted before being scolded then immediately apologize

"Mom we are sorry"

"Knowing that her kids were just buying her off from punishment she still smiled and rubbed their heads in affection

Mr GU the sick patient realizes that he had been forgotten and ignored by them

In order to make his presence known he groaned

Catching his tactics Henry frowned and glared at him

Meimei remembering her self smiled embarrasedly and faced him

"Are you okay, should I call the doctor" worried he might be feeling pains she held his arms

All this while, lily was busy checking out GU mohan

"Now I understand where henry got his attitude" lily thought

She had seen through GU mohan's act after all she had been paying attention to him and knew nothing was wrong with him and he just wanted to get their mother's attention

The pitiful patient GU, who didn't realize his actions has been seen through

"No just wanted to sit up and see the kids" he said hoarsely

Realizing she hasn't introduced them she apologize

"My bad, meet my two kids Henry and lily" she introduced

Pretending as if they were meeting for the first time

"Hi" GU mohan said smiling gently

Lily waved at him cheerily whereas Henry contence darken

"Hump! Pretender' he muttered

Oblivious to the kids attitude meimei further introduced

"Kids, this is uncle GU Mohan, he saved my life" she said not knowing how to address Gu mohan to the kids

Thus, GU Mohan earned an uncles title instead

Seeing that this had happened gu mohan relaxed a little

"He saved you?" Henry asked narrowing his eyes at mohan not wanting to believe that

His impression of Gu mohan was that of scheming man

So hearing him save her was surprising

Besides henry believed that Gu mohan didn't like their mother if so why would he abandon them, therefore, to Henry Gu mohan was irresponsible

GU mohan who didn't know that he had been tagged irresponsible by his son was delighted as meimei told the story to the kids with light in her eyes

While listening to the story, Lily's impression of Gu mohan was growing higher whereas Henry was very skeptical

Knowing that the knowledge of their father is still a secret they felt they do call him uncle GU so to show appreciation for saving meimei

"Thank you uncle GU" lily said but henry didn't

Staring at the frowning face of Henry, Gu Mohan felt that his son was his nemesis

Just like that the ward turned chatty as Lilly would ask question once in a while but Henry stayed quiet throughout

Meimei glance at the energertic lily and sighed she had wanted to discuss with mohan but the kids arrival disrupted it

It was already late and she can't send them back home so they will have to sleep over at the hospital

Seeing that Henry was not paying attention she didn't find it weird after all henry was not that chatty as lily

"Meimei i feel hungry" Gu mohan suddenly said pulling meimei away from the whirlwind of thoughts

"I will meet Lucas to get you something" she said

She can use this opportunity to tell lucas to help find where this kids could sleep over for the night

"Stay with Uncle gu I'd right back" she said facing ths kids

Giving them a peck each she left

As soon as the door closed, lily climbed up the bed and went to meet Gu mohan

Henry started speechlessly at the sister that had betrayed him

Folding his little arms and putting on a serious face he tried to look cool and domineering yet he ended up looking adorable

GU mohan only felt helpless towards this son of his

"So you are our father!" Henry stated

Knowing well that Henry had investigated GU mohan did not bother to hide it

"Hmm" he affirmed

"You have already abandoned us so why are you back again, sending a spy as nanny navigating and monitoring our mother what exactly did you want" henry said

Though henry might look strong and capable

But which kid didn't want their fathers love

He had yarned for a fathers affection since young

When they noticed it was a bad topic for their mother while younger they never mentioned it again

But it didn't mean they didn't hope for it

Realizing that Henry was getting It mixed up and now accusing

GU mohan tried to sit up

"Ohh" he groaned in pain he had forgotten that his ribs hurt too

"Sorry" lilly said patting him


Henry speechlessly watch the father and daughter duo

"I didn't abandon you guy's don't get me wrong I didn't even know you existed!" Gu mohan tried to explain

"You should have thought of it while having an affair with our mom" henry refused to believe him

"No I didn't know your mom before either it was a one night stand" realizing his words were explicit Gu mohan coughed embarrassingly

"What I meant is that it was a set up and you should know about what happened five years ago'" Gu mohan said

Knowing that he will have to convince the kids to gain their trust he started to explain what happened

Lily who was also curious listen

After knowing It. Henry now understood why he and his sister had naturally hated wanwan since first meeting

"That is not an excuse you could have found her despite her traveling abroad.....isn't the GU family network wide" Henry already convinced but didn't want to show it argued

Lily just sighed at her brothers attitude

"I am sorry" GU mohan apologize

He didn't want to further explain anymore

He knew the more he explained the more fault henry would find in him

Facing a sudden apology henry was still vex but there was no denial that his feeling about GU mohan changed. But he won't show it

"So what do you want now' henry asked because he was sure Gu mohan had a motive

"I want to reunite with my family, but I want to win your mothers heart first" GU mohan said laying his cards on the table

"Yippee, I support" Lilly was happy

"No I don't" though henry was in support of it but his answer was very contradictory

Having learned his son attitude well he decided to bribe him

"How about I promise you a guaranted tutourlage from the number 1 hacker in china" gu mohan threw the bait

"Li yan?" Henrys eyes lit up


Just like that, Gu mohan sold out his friend and henry sold out his mom

They are really a pair of father and son