I Have Fallen In Love With You

After they had come to a concensus the both parties was satisfied

Therefore henry took his seat and began to play with his phone while lily stayed on the bed and admired Gu mohan's feature

'Mom really had a eye of picking a man' lily thought and she asked silly question

Henry's eyes shone watching the scene before him yet he pretended to be indifferent

This was the scene Meimei met the moment she came in

One child was calm and composed playing with his phone while the other was disturbing the patient..

"I am back" she said her voice sounded soft and Gu mohan who was lying down swallowed hard

No matter what the person you have a crush on does it will always seem seductive

That was the exact case for Gu mohan as he could only suppress his urges

Coming closer the sweet smell of delicious food could already be perceived and Lily who was a second focused on her new discovered father she turned and face meimei drooling

Meimei, upon coming closer could sense something from this three which she could not pin point

Pushing her thoughts away she brought out GU mohans food and placed it on the table beside his bed and brought out the one for the kids

Lily seeing that she brought out three take outs instead of four could not help but ask

"Mom why is it only three aren't you going to eat?" She asked

Mohan who has been paying attention too frowned thinking she didn't by herself a food

Meimei could only shake her head seeing her daughters gluttonous stare

She must be thinking this is for her and her brother

"The time is past nine when you got here did you think I won't know you have eaten before coming?" Meimei raised her brows as she asked

Lily blushed embarrassed because she knew she had been caught red handed

Before she could save herself meimei added

"This three take outs is for all of us, one for your uncle GU one for me and one for you two" meimei stated

"Mom! I don't want to share" lily whined as a self acclaimed foodie one thing she doesn't share is her food now she has to

Besides the aroma of the food seems so tantalizing she already stuck her tongue out before its opened

Henry who had pretended to be invisible the whole time stood to come collect the food .

"Hey! You eat less give me the food" lily said holding her hips facing her brother

"You are a girl you shouldn't eat too much or else you will be fat!" Henry retorted

Henry had a whips of the smell and knew the food was delicious even if he was full he would still have a taste

"So what? What is bad about being fat! At least its better than yours you will be ugly if you eat too much" lily rebuted

Meimei and gu mohan watched speechlessly as the two argued baselessly.

"Okay that's it stop arguing and eat!" Meimei yells

"Fine" lily grumbles as she sat beside her brother

"Maybe I should give her out of mine" mohan didn't like the thought of his daughter feeling hungry

"Don't" meimei glared at him angrily

Mohan was stunned her angry face was adorable

Still angry at the kids meimei had glared at him and when she realized it she felt embarrassed

"Sorry about that" she apologized for snapping at him after all he saved her life now she owe him

"It's alright" mohan said staring at her eyes

All he wants for her smile to continue to bloom and never end

He couldn't imagine how he'd feel if she was in pain

For a little bit of pain and comfort it's worth it

"Eat your food" meimei said opening the takeouts and bringing out his curly

"Ahhj" mohan groaned in pain

Alarming meimei and the two kids fighting over food

"I broke my arms too why don't you feed me" mohan said smiling sheepishly

Meimei not knowing she had fallen to a trap helped him sit up and began to feed him

Henry upon looking up had know his father was paying the attention seeking games about since they have agreed he let him go

"Lily also saw this but faced her food back 'its good for mom and dad to bond' she thought

Like that except for the sounds of munching the whole ward was silent making lucas who was guarding the door feel as if they had slept

It was after Gu mohan had finished eating did they discover that this two who were fighting for food had already slept off after eating

Meimei's mouth twitched

Packing up she dumped the used take outs into the bin and came back to take the kids

With Gu mohan's influence they had been able to reserve a place for the kids and her to sleep tonight .

Though she wasn't going to sleep yet she went to carry the kids over

"I'll be back, wanna bring them to sleep" meimei said carrying the out

"Okay" mohan replied his eyes filed with unconcealed gentleness

The moment she left it was replaced with coldness and unrestrained murderous air

Recalling the report Lucas had given him concerning this accident his murderous aura intensified

According to lucas the accident was premeditated and was aimed at meimei

If he hadn't saved her, she might have been in a different situation right now

While still in thought lucas walked In

"Any news?" Mohan asked coldly

"Yes boss the man who dropped the iron had been locked on to" lucas replied

He was feeling nervous, how could he not know their future boss's wife was almost killed

"Where is he?"

"We caught him while trying to run out of the country, he is in our custody" lucas replied.

"Good torture him till you get to the mastermind!" Gu mohan said and Lucas nodded and left

After he left the room return to its silence

Meimei returned and stared at the handsome man lying on bed and sighed

"You are Back?" Gu mohan said


"Thanks once again" meimei said after a period of silence

"You don't have to thank me" mohan said

"Why?" Meimei suddenly asked

"Huh?' Mohan raise his brows

"Why did you save me what if you had died?" Meimei felt that he was too self less

"Don't you get it?"

"I have fallen in love with you and I am chasing you" mohan said and meimei was rooted to the ground

The only words ringing in her ears were

"I have fallen in love with you"