
"I have fallen in love with you" that soft spoken horse words resounded in her heart continuously

She stood there rooted shocked and in daze as she stared at gu mohan

Mohan stared calmly at the lady in daze in front of him

The room was brought to an unprecedented silence

Reviving from her daze she shook her head thinking she had heard wrong she cleared her throat

"Its late you should probably get some rest" she said before rushing out to avoid the awkward situation as she scurried off in panic

GU mohan lying on the bed stared at the woman's retreating back and smiled

He could clearly see her embarrassed face and blush on her face

Meimei on the other hand upon getting to the room that Lucas had prepared for her and her kids

"Ahh ahh" she panted and parted her chest in panic

Placing her hands on her heart she could hear it beating erratically

"Geez what just happened?" She breathed out

Wiping the non existent sweat on her forehead

After puffing out some air she glanced at her sleeping babies and smiled gently

Maybe he was just spourting nonsense

After convincing her self like that she went over to sleep

GU mohan due tiredness and the pain from the fall he soon succumb to sleep after meimei left

The following morning As early as six meimei was already up

Waking her kids as well

"Mom why are you waking us up so early?" Lily said sleepily yawning

"Didn't you realise you have school today before coming?" Meimei asked standing with her hands on her hips as she lectured them both

Henry was rubbing his eyes with a frown on his face from being disturbed from his sleep

Lily on the other hand was pouting trying to buy her way out

"Quickly pack up, let's go home so you can go to school" meimei said going over to the toilet to wash her face

Facing the mirror the words from last night "I have fallen in love with you" flashed through her mind and her face turned red

"Gosh! Ling! Mei! Why are you thinking of this" she splashed more water on her face

Not having the courage to face GU mohan using the excuse that the kids had to go to school she ran away


After getting home she quickly dresssed the kids up and made them breakfast

And all this while baby sitter mira hadn't woken up yet

"Get your bags kids hurry up!" Meimei said seeing that they were already late

"Yawn!!! What time is it" just waking up mira asked as soon as she came out of her door trying to check her phone

"7:13!!...damn!" She cussed as her sleepy eyes shot open

That was when she realized that she was supposed to take care of the kids and the realization that meimei wasn't home

While showcasing a Mirad of emotions she didn't realize that meimei and the two sneaks were looking at her

"What a good babysitter are you?" Meimei said glancing at her

"Meimei! You are back?' Didn't she say she was going to stay over with GU mohan? Mira was shocked

"Hmm? I bet you didn't realize that this two sneaked out and came over?" Meimei said and mira finally realized while lily had an apologetic look

"No wonder the house was so quiet" she mumbled

Shit! She should have noticed

"Anyways that for later, they are late!" Meimei glared at her before dragging the kids away

Mira pouted in anger,


Just like that two days past and mohan pains had reduce but he couldn't walk yet

During the two days meimei will always come and go always avoiding sitting with him in private

Seeing all her tactics mohan will only smile

On the night of the third day in the ward, lucas was standing camly by Gu mohan's bed

Gu mohan was seated upright looking at him

"What have you gotten?" Mohan asked calmly

Lucas signed thankfully he managed to get something this time

He had been investigating for the past days and the man he caught refused to confess until he was thoroughly tortured

"Yes boss"

"So who's behind it?" Mohan asked and lucas shrudderd he could feel the goose bumps on his back hearing his cold tone .

"Nancy tang!' Lucas said and the whole room turned into eerie silence


It seems she didn't learn her lesson