What Brings You Here

The following morning the news of Nancy been arrested had spread across the whole upper class society

And because of Gu mohan's warning the Tang family can't take any action to help her

Aside that, old Master tang had sent her parents abroad since the issue

Over at the police custody Nancy kept making a fuss and demanded for her parents to come bail her out but was totally ignored by the police officers

They have had enough of pampered heiresses and decided not to mind her

Meimei on the other hand was quite satisfied after hearing what had happened and to Nancy

And since the previous day she had avoided going to visit Gu mohan at his ward

"So you are not going?" Mira asked meimei who had dressed up and was closed in office attire

"You do know that, the company has a lot to do right?" Meimei said instead ignoring her question

Deliberately avoiding the question she walked towards her car

"Seriously Ling mei! I can tell he really fancies you" mira held a teasing smile as she pesters her more


Though meimei had bashed her for letting the kids eacape under her watch they had gone back to the way they were

After that mira had use that opportunity to force out all that happened between her and Gu mohan

Falling for her trap, meimei had to endure countless taunts from mira since then

"Why didn't you give in to Matt then?" Meimei said causing mira to shut up

"Let's go" mira ears turned red in embarrassment

Meimei seeing her reaction could tell something had happened the few days she wasn't around

Thinking of what had happened mira couldn't help but blush, but at the same time kept a frown on her face

"Oh so you are avoiding the topic then" meimei laughed

"President Ling please do note that we have a meeting to attend to thank you" Mira forcefully put a professional front to get out of embarrssment


At the hospital

Its been a week and few days since the accident and Gu mohan could now sit up himself

Though he couldn't stand on his legs yet it was better

To receive fresh air he do sit on an electronic wheelchair which needed no extension assistance

As the news of his injury was kept under wraps

The board of directors of GU coloration were only told he went on emergency business trip thus he had to work from hospital

"This are the files" lucas brought what he needed

"What about the land at the auction" mohan asked

"The fangs are eyeing it but, we had made arrangements" lucas replied

"And those old men's?"

"Except for master Wu who wants to make a move others are quite. Neutral"


At shixia schools

"Mom didn't go today?' Lily asked seeing the location of meimei today wasn't the hospital but at her company

"It seems so," henry furrowed his brows

"What happened? Check the surveillance?" Lily was quite interested in the progress their father had made so far

Henry who was still conflicted pursed his lips

"Since she did not go, let's go'' he said instead

"True! Why did I not think of that" lily smacked her self in the head

"But who will take us there" lily pouted

Remembering that their driver, uncle joe is being monitored by their mother henry frowned again

"Let's go visit Mr Nie"

Without hesitation they both stood up

"Where are you going?" Miss mu asked seeing the two standing up suddenly

"Somewhere" henry said vaguely making a eye signal to her

Miss mu checked her time and saw it was the music class period

They won't go anyways

Remembering another threatening material they had on her she shut up and only nodded

The other kids just looked at the twins in awe

Meimei who was in the office didn't know her kids had turned undefeated truants in school



"Come in" thinking it was a staff Mr Nie said facing his work back

During Henrys investigation he had discovered GU mohan connection to the school and even accidentally walked in on their discussion one day

Hence, since then he had become even more unbridled

"Henry, lily?" Mr Nie felt his heart shake seeing the two of them

"Yo! Buddy! Lily greeted wanting to look like a gangster as she climbed his table but ended up looking adorable instead

"What brings you here this time?" He sighed

"We want you to take us and visit our father and you will be our chaffuer" Henry laid it down

At the end of the day he ended up at the entrance of the hospital few minutes after

Lucas was still reading the reports when the two entered

"I'll take my leave" lucas bowed and went out

Glancing at the kids and time his thoughts sparked

"Shouldn't you be in school by now?"

"We came to visit you any thing Wrong" henry retorted

Daddy's girl lily climbed the bed to go snuggle in her fathers embrace

"Really lily?" Henry was speechless

They came here for a different thing okay.

"What? I miss daddy" she pouted

"Okay fine" seeing her brothers look

"What are you here for this time? Another questioning section?" He peceked lily on her forehead

He wondered what they are up to again .

"Why is mom not here?" Henry asked .

"Oh? I thought you don't support me chasing her?" Mohan was amused by henry .

He obviously wanted a peck as well but he won't talk, GU mohan caught his look when he pecked lily just now.

'You already bribed me what else" henry shrugged

Mohan was stunned by Henry's shameless admittance

Seeing his expression

"Daddy is mom giving you a hard time?", lily asked .

"Yes," mohan answer his eyes sparkling with affection

"Then you have to be shameless to win her heart" lily said

After that lily began to tell mohan how to catch Ling mei's attention

Henry who was watching at the sideline

'Mom did you know you are been sold out by your beloved daughter'