
In a blink of an eye, two Weeks went by like a flash

Gu mohan's leg had healed up And no longer needed a wheelchair

He could already stand erect and was quickly discharged

Meimei, on the other hand apart from putting a tight rein on the two kids

She was mainly focused on the opening of her company

The only cause of delay was Gu mohan, now he was healed they could proceed

Apart from a few times, ever since Gu mohan started to tease her she didn't go visit him in the hospital that much

"He's being discharged today, aren't you going to go?" Mira folded her arms under her big bosom as she stared at meimei who was pretending to be serious furiously typing away

"I never said I was not going,okay let me finish this" meimei retorted trying to hide her embarrasment

Mira's questioning made her face flushed as she remembered the scene from the day before

Because of their collaboration and the opening ceremony of Vanguard Head quarters even though she wanted to avoid Gu mohan she had to go see him

And Gu mohan who was serious about getting his wife, didn't miss the opportunity to tease her and shamelessly flirt dirty with her

Yesterday caught her unawares as he had kissed her unecpectedly just because she licked her lips!

She can't even lick her lips now in peace

When she questioned his brazen act

All he did was leaned towards her and placed his lips on her ears and said hoarsely "I feel like bedding you right this instant!"

Her face was so red that she fled in embarrassment and even forgot most vital documents she needed there

If not for those documents she wouldn't have planned going to visit the shameless man

So what! If he was being discharged! He's tad too shameless

"Oh earth on to thee Ling mei!" Mira clapped seeing that she had gone into daze and her face flushed to the maximum

"What are you thinking that's so exciting that made you blush this hard" Mira laughed walking closer

"Why are you still here?" Realizing that she had embarrassed herself in front of Mira she pretended to be angry to cover her embarrament

"I'm going already" Mira said turning to leave before Meimei gives her an additional job..

Once Mira gets out she breathed a signed of relief even though she was still thinking about Gu mohan ...


At the hospital.....

"To think you will land yourself here for the past few weeks" Li Yan said glancing at Gu mohan who was lying on the bed non chalantly

"It's worth it" Gu mohan said simply

Li yan stared speechlessly at Gu mohan, the hospital gown didn't conceal his noble aura a bit

While lying on the sick bed he looked dignified and handsome instead .


Li yan felt his friends mind had been possessed.

"Just what in the hell happen during my leave from the capital" he exclaimed

'Thousands of things did happen' Lucas who was listening to their conversation mumbled

"What did you say" Li yan glance at him

"Nothing" lucas shook his head

"If I had not come to the hospital to check on someone I won't have discover this right? You won't even bother telling me huh?" Li yan asked

. "hmm"

"Damn you idiot!" Li yan slapped his thigh


After meimei was done with work in the office she packed her things and headed to the hospital

"So you are finally willing to come Huh?" Seeing her enter a doting smile appeared on Gu mohan's stonic face

Facing Gu mohan's heated face Ling mei blushed and looked away

"I came for the documents I forgot" she looked away avoiding to meet his eyes as she talked

"I thought you ran away? Huh?...Little runaway kitten" Gu mohan said as he stood up and walked over to her

"Don't come...over....I just came for the documents and congrats on getting discharged" meimei stutters as she tried to evade the flirty man approaching her

"Hmm being ungrateful eh? Shouldn't you be accompanying me right now, after all i am here because of you" Gu mohan said playing the guilt card as he leaned towards her ears

Ling mei shiver feeling his hot breath by her ears

The culprit, Gu mohan caught her reaction and smirked, after all her ears is her most sensitive spot

Hearing his words Ling mei cussed angrily with in and was annoyed but couldn't refute after all he's right about it

If it weren't for his timely savings she might has been a mash of meat, but now he's shamelessly using it to black mail her

"But the documents..." She refused to relent

"You can pick it but you are excorting me home" Gu mohan said

"About the opening?" She quickly interjected after all the opening had been brought forward and scheduled to three days later since he was better now

"We will discuss over lunch" mohan answered and meimei felt her mouth twitch

'Idiot! Who said anything about having lunch with you!" Meimei could only cry within but kept a fawning smile outwardly

Like that president Gu ensure that meimei accompany him for lunch and he even had desert on her lips at the end of the day

Ling meimei on the other hand ended up running away again