Brother mohan i am back!

Gu mohan lips curled in a smile when he saw her escape after dinner

From her reactions he can see that he had started to gain a foot hold in her heart

But meimei escaped anyways, after Leaving Gu mohan's house she headed straight for aunt Zhou's house

After recuperating at the hospital and was discharged

Meimei got her apartment at Tian Bay a low key rich estate which was forty five minutes drive from her house

Except for the time of the accident she had always find time to go visit her once in a while

And after two weeks of not seeing her she decided to go meet her today

"Shit! I didn't come with my car!" She sounded expansiated and she patted her forehead

Because she had been dragged along by Go mohan while leaving the hospital she went in his car and her car was still parked at the parking lot of the hospital

She figured out that she had to go by cab

"Ling mei?" A familiar voice called out behind her as she was still in a dilemma at the road side

"Rong.....oh Mr Rong chen!" She said while stretching out her hand for a shake

"What are you doing here?" Rong chen asked

He had come to visit a family friend in the estate when he noticed her standing

Having investigated her before he knew that her apartment was miles away from here so he didn't think she has any business dealing here

After meeting her the two times, he concluded that he was interested in her, though he wasn't sure of his feelings

But like any other arrogant young master of a rich family, he believes what he likes he has to get, hence his nice behavior towards her

Where as the Rong family chaffuer who walked passed them to the car parked five feet ahead was surprise

He knew that their family young master had a arrogant and unbridled personality and gave no rooms for girls

And he could see her was the one who took an initive to greet her, if not for the old man's constant nagging he won't have come out to take over the Company when there return to china

"I came to see a friend" meimei replied vaguely

"Your car?" He asked looking round.

"At the peoples hospital, came urgently and had to leave it" she said but she was cursing Gu mohan inwardly

"Why dont I drop you I happen to be passing by that side" rong chen said smiling amicably

"That....I..." She wanted to reject it after all they had only met twice and had a business collaboration as well

"I insists" he added

Having no choice meimei considered it and followed him

Gu mohan on the other hand was fuming mad at home

Because he was worried about her had asked lucas to follow behind her and report to him about it

"She left?"

"Yes boss? I saw her enter young master Rong's car" he said and Lucas could feel the room temperature ran low

"She entered Rong chen's car?" Gu mohan asked obviously angry

"Good! Very good! You can go" he said

He stood up and went over to the window side staring at the outside world

He felt angry, that she entered Rong chen car, though he shouldn't after all he had no title in her life yet

But he was the father of their children and her husband to be....okay he felt angry and jealous she entered another person's car instead of taking a cab after leaving him

Meimei who had no idea someone was angry at her had reach the hospital successfully and thanked Rong chen before going to take her car

Rong chen on the other had stayed behind and watched her drive off before ordering the chaffeuer to drive

"Young master" Rong chen driver called


"You seem interested in her" the driver said sounding confident and wasn't asking a question

Rong chen smiled but did not reply

Shui, the driver took it as an affirmation apartment from being his driver he was also rong chen's friends and had grew up with him since young so he could see and understand him well

"Let's go" Rong chen said instead


Meimei on the other hand had arrive at aunt Zhou's house

Ding! Dong!

"Coming" aunt Zhou's old but energetic voice was heard

Aunt zhou left what she was doing in that kitchen and walked to the door.

"Meimei!" She was surprised to see her so she exclaimed


"Come in, come in" she dragged her inside in excitement

Meimei smiled as she looked at aunt Zhou's happy face

"Sorry I couldn't come see you for some time now" meimei apologize as she felt guilty after all apart from renting a house for her there's no one to keep the middle ages aunt Zhou company

"Oh no its okay, you have to work I know that, you can't always accompany this old lady all the time" aunt Zhou shrugged and she served her a glass of water

"Aunt don't bother okay, this is my house too" meimei said seeing how aunt Zhou was doing

"No let me do it" aunt Zhou gave no room for her

Seeing her energetic self she knew that she had gotten better and was back to her old self

"I was making some dumplings before you came down,do you you want?" aunt Zhou asked as she walked to the kitchen

"Okay" she nodded

Few minutes later she came back with tray of food and placed them on the dinning

"Thank you" meimei said picking the set of chopsticks on the table

"You are welcome,, eat eat before it gets cold" aunt Zhou said enthusiastically

"Have you thought of what you will do to keep your self busy" meimei asked and she do the dishes and aunt Zhou leaned at the counter

Knowing she was thinking of her aunt Zhou smiled and was glad how thoughtful she is

. "ERM I felt I should open a fruit stall" she said

"Fruit stall? That's good"

They discussed varieties of things before bouncing back to meimei on the issue of relationships


"Ma" she responded looking at her

"I know what Jiang yeqian did back then hurt you,have you considered moving on to another relationship?" Aunt Zhou asked sounding worried

Hearing talks about relationship Gu mohan's face flashed through her mind

And his words echoes in her mind "I have fallen in love with you' causing her ro blush

Seeing her reaction aunt Zhou was curious

"There's someone already" she asld

"No" meimei replied sharply and changed the subject

Knowing she was avoiding the topic aunt Zhou smiled


Two days later vanguard head quarters opening was launched and Ling mei was once again brought to the lime light

At the same time at Beijing international airport

"Yeah yeah....I have arrived safely don't nag anymore hump!"Mo chuwan said before hanging up angrily

Mo yan pouted his lips and glanced at his phone


"Ahh so fresh smells like home" mo chu wan exclaims as she gazed around the airport

She went to pick her luggage and hailed for a taxi


"GU corporation! " she said

She opened the door and got him

Smiling happily

'Brother mohan i am back!'