He Has Another Woman?

At the Gu coporation,

GU mohan was just discharged and had to resume immediately to work the following day to complete the works that couldn't be brought back to the hospital

That morning he had rushed all he had to do early so he could wait for ling mei's arrivial

The opening ceremony of vanguard's new headquarters was less than 72 hours to go and he had tasked her to bring it to office instead. Of directly signing it at the hospital

Whereas Ling mei who he was waiting for was currently tirling her pen in hesistaton back at her office

She eventually left aunt zhou's house earlier than planned When she couldn't stand aunt Zhou's constant tease

After taking care of her kids she set out to work on the remaining things needed for the opening of the company

"What's with the workaholic attitude" Mira raised her brows as she watched how devoted meimei suddenly turned

Meimei on the other hand ignored her comment after all she knew what she was trying to do

From her discussion with aunt Zhou she discover that her heart flutters at the the thought of GU mohan

Feeling she might have unknowingly fallen for him she felt shaken and buried herself in work to avoid the thought

Journeying back to the current time, Ling Mei glance at the file in her front and then at her office she sighed

'You have signed for the umpteenth time today mei aren't you going to go get GU mohan's signature? The opening is tomorrow!" Mira rolled her eyes as she enters the office

That was the second time Mira had come to the office and had met meimei In the same position with an unfinished paper work in front

"Just mind your business" meimei said not wanting to talk about it

"Whatever, this is Rong Chen's file. After the opening the collaboration can go on hopefully" mira said

"Okay drop it, I'll go through it"

"You better do" mira eyed her before leaving..

"Get it off" she muttered facing her documents and quickly signed all that needed to be signed

She took a sip of her coffee and picked up the file Mira just bought scanned through it and sighed the necessary places

After she was done she packed her things not forgetting to pick the file she was to give GU mohan as well

"Few minutes past four???" Meimei sighed she did not know she took that much time

At that time, Mo chuwan was busy admiring the hustling and bustling capital as the cab drove to GU corporation

Her eyes shone in excitement and she smiled heartily

"We are here miss" the driver said coming to a halt

"Oh thanks....keep the change" she said closing the door

"Thanks" the cab driver was happy"

At the same time, Ling me I arrived five minutes later packing at the packing lot

GU mohan on the other hand was impatient having not seen meimei arrive was prepared to go wait for her

The moment he got to the lobby, Mo chu wan arrived as well

Thinking that he came specially to welcome her knowing she has come her mood improved

"I know brother mohan loves me the best" she muttered silently before running towards him like a puppy reuniting with it owner after a Ling period of separation

"Brother mohan!" She cried happily and hugged the unsuspecting GU mohan

At the moment of their hug, the door open as Ling mei entered

Their eyes met and meimei's face paled

"He has another woman?"