Seems Like She Went To See Daddy

"Slut!" Mo chuwan who was still standing afar cursed in anger

Meimei was coaxed into the car and the subordinates could only watch as their boss forgot about work and left them hanging

Mo chuwan who was part of the people unconsciously angered by the unsuspecting couple could only huff and puff before turning to go

"So where was the thing you forgot?" Gu mohan asked his brows tinged with excitement

He knew it was an excuse to avoid the embarrassing moment yet he couldn't help but want to tease Ling mei

"Oh that.....I....forgot;" meimei stutterd embarrassed after all she had nothing she wanted to pick but made an excuse after realizing her behavior

"Mm? So why are you here" he asked as he made a new turn out if the neighborhood completely from her address

"Oh! That;" Ling mei then remember she came for his signature

She opened her bag and brought out the documents

"Our cooperation documents needs your signature" she said her face flushed and burning red not daring to meet his eyes..

"Oh okay I will do that.....the opening ceremony is near?" He asked.

"'s on three days" she replied


"Where are you....this isn't..." Meimei was stumped upon realizing this was not the way to her house

"Hmm!?" Gu mohan raised his brows


"Where are you taking me?" She asked

"You will find out when we get there" Gu mohan said sounding mysterious

While the two were having a joy ride, well it wasn't so over at the Mo family mansion


Clang! Clang!

Various trashy sounds were heard as mo chuwan broke things in anger

"Young miss, please don't" the butler was so angry he could cry

He had always knew that the little miss of his family was willful


But he didn't know she was this crazy when angry

"Are you tired of living?" She roared in anger

Its been over an hour since they got Back home and this had been what she's been doing

"I apologize miss" he hurriedly said

"Where is the information I asked you to get" she asked after calming down a bit

"Because it's was a rush that information I could gather is limited.....' He said as he passed the file to her

She collected it rudely and opened it

"Ling mei?" Her lips curled up to a smile

No one can take what is hers even if the that thing likes something else ..

It can only be hers alone

At darlings estate

"Aunt Mira" little lily called

"Huh?" Mira raise her head confused

"Didn't you say mommy will be back latest by night?" Lilly asked

"Well that was what I thought as well" mira muttered


* she will be back soon" mira collected her thoughts and replied

Lilly glanced at her meaningfully and left

"What did you find out" henry asks his little sister

"Seems like she went to see daddy" lily said stroking her chin

"Obviously" Henry rolled his eyes, that's the only person. Who could make her lose track of time

It was only a pity she had not realized her feelings

"But where are they? would be a good thing to spy on their first date" lily lamented

"That's true...Wait let me get my computer" Henry said