
"Not there yet?" Meimei asked again glancing out the car anxiously

On one hand she was really excited and anxious to know where they were going too

On the other hand she was worried after all it was already late and Mira who was staying home with the kids is so not trust worthy

"Relax, we'd be there soon" Gu mohan chuckled finding her anxious look adorable

After a few turns and bends the car finally came to an end in a few endless road

By the side was a wide playground with all necessities intact

Ling mei's eyes went wide in happiness

In both lifetimes what she didn't get to do most and missed out on was coming to the playground with her parents

That was why when she discovered her pregnancy she did not let it weigh her down but become her drive to become more stronger

Unlike how her childhood was, she wanted her children to be happy

Even if their father is unknown, she didn't want them to lack the maternal love they needed

So it has become an habit to stare longer at the poster of a playground in longing once in a while

Never in her wildest dream did she expect that he would notice

Besides wasn't this the playground that was just opened and launched a week ago by a foreigner that she was staring at when they last met?

He took every tiny details about her seriously

At this moment she felt touched and willed up with emotions

GU mohan on the other hand, seeing he had managed to touch her heart was very elated

"Lets go in okay" he said

"Okay" she answered slowly and hoarsely

Back at meimei's apartment

"Where are they?" Lily asked anxiously as she watched her brother type at a lightning speed looking serious

"Will you let me concentrate?....thank you" henry snorted and lily pouted

'So much for having a genius as brother' she mumbled

"Beep! Beep! Beep!

The locator beeped while rotating locking the prosped target

Henry then leaned and waited for the final result

"It has caught them hhhe.." Lily laughed

Henry decided to ignore his overly excited sister and enlarged the place where the red dot stopped

"Okay what do we have here?" He mumbled

"A playground?" Lily was first to react

"Seriously? They went to date on a playground? Aren't they supposed to take us there? We are the children c'mon" lily was furious feeling her candy had been taken away from her

Henry on the other hand felt his lips twitch

Who goes on a date at the playground

Compare to Lily's overdramatic reaction he was relatedly calm

He was forced to support him chase after his mother

But he feel happy seeing him go astray

In the end you can not be alone round smart

He can be a business emperor but henry felt, GU mohan is a little lacking in relationship

Gu mohan who was being pitied and dissed by his two kids was on the other hand busy getting on his wife's good side

"How did you know I like this place" Ling mei could not help buy ask

"Because I like you so much, I noticed everything about you" mohan said and meimei felt her face heat up, she blushed hard

Who knew the great president Gu is so good at saying sweet things

Seeing that he had achieve his aim for the day Gu mohan enthusiasiatically brought her to more places

At the entrance of the playground

"How sweet" looking at the interaction of the two Rong chen sighed

"Young master, that seems to be president GU and miss Ling" the butler by the side said bowing

And expected, Rong Chen's reaction changed and his face darken

As he recognized the duo

Over the past few weeks he had done thorough investigation and was shocked by what he found out

Ling mei was actually a mother of twins and that was a result of what happened five years ago

Now looking at Gu mohan who trying to win her heart he felt some indescribable emotion

Like something of his was being taken away

From the investigation he discovered the shocking connection that ling mei possessed

That was what made him approach her in the first place

Rong chen glared at GU mohan in hatred

He came back this time to get back at that GU family so he would start by snatching what he like

That is Ling mei

After sorting his thoughts he let out an eerie smile

"Let's go" he ordered